Fission Mailed

You know how most people are perfectly happy with Apple standard-issue earbuds, white plastic molded around a crappy audio experience? A Stanford professor's informal annual study shows that youngins like the "sizzle sounds" of MP3s.

Each year, Stanford Professor of Music Jonathan Berger does an informal test of his students by playing a bunch of different music in a bunch of different formats. Over email, here's how he told me performs the informal study:

Students were asked to judge the quality of a variety of compression methods randomly mixed with uncompressed 44.1 KHz audio. The music examples included both orchestral, jazz and rock music. When I first did this I was expecting to hear preferences for uncompressed audio and expecting to see MP3 (at 128, 160 and 192 bit rates) well below other methods (including a proprietary wavelet-based approach and AAC). To my surprise, in the rock examples the MP3 at 128 was preferred. I repeated the experiment over 6 years and found the preference for MP3 - particularly in music with high energy (cymbal crashes, brass hits, etc) rising over time.

In other words, younger people haven't just grown more tolerant of thin, soulless MP3 renditions of their favorite music, they actually like them. Shitty MP3s, even. O'Relly Radar quotes Professor Berger as saying that it's the "sizzle sounds" that people are loving because it's what they're comfortable with. So, yes Virginia, iPods really have killed music. People aren't just ignorant of high quality audio, they actually hate it. Gee, thanks for contributing to the downfall of civilization, Apple. Music is dead, everyone, carry on.

Do you think audio quality preference will continue to decline? Or do you think there will be a turning point when people will once again become interested in lossless audio formats?
Real Хорошо
+826|6671|Adelaide, South Australia

tbh, if people start enjoying music quality that's worse than it is now, they'll invent a way to put it into live shows. And it is on that day, that music will die.

I refuse to listen to anything under 192kbps (some exceptions may apply)
Voices are calling...
+136|6083|Somewhere out in Space
Horrible horrible horrible ipod earphones, if only my expensive earbuds didnt break ONE MONTH AFTER THE EXTENDED WARRANTY EXPIRES.

I still refuse to touch those waste of storage space FLAC's though.

Last edited by N00bkilla55404 (2009-03-10 21:01:37)

+319|6544|Southern California
Ever heard older people say they like the warm crackle of a record? People like familiarity.

More importantly.... who cares?
Audiophilia is snobbery. I like my favorite movie for the funny jokes, for the likable characters, for the creative and entertaining plot... Not for how vibrant the main characters sweater vest looks on my 47 inch plasma screen.
Don't get me wrong, all that can be nice... but its superficial.
Same goes for music. The feeling, the mood, the creativity isn't dependent on the quality of the recording. Sure a good live performance adds to the experience, and quality sound does replicate that... But even 128 is pretty fucking clear. OK not lifelike but enough that you get the point.

Besides, look at what the majority of people are listening to. There is not a ton of depth to be preserved. Not to mention the fact that even 168 is enough that you can heard the difference between set of headphones in the $100 range... and most people are never gonna spend that much on headphones.

BUT stock ipod headphones are ungodly shit.

i miss holding a tape recorder up to the radio...
Voices are calling...
+136|6083|Somewhere out in Space
Fo shizzle i crack dat sno ho
Flamesuit essential

All tracks on my iphone are 128 kbps AAC, but all my computer files are lossless (for all the difference it makes with an onboard sound card).
Mass Media Casualty

I can't stand the shitty little Apple Ear Buds.

usmarine wrote:

i miss holding a tape recorder up to the radio...
Ditto. I remember waiting up late for the 91ZM "Hot 9 at 9" to record my favorite songs. My tape recorder could play radio and record on tapes at the same time though.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
With the increasing ipod memory, eventually I can see the sound quality craze coming back.  Eventually, people will realize they can't fill 60GB of space on their ipod, and to get the most out of it, they will increase the quality of sound.  I don't really see what you are complaining about though.  Mp3s are better than cassette tapes ever were.
Shifty's Home Number: 02 9662 8432

I can't stand shit music quality, it's like watching a DVD recorded on a handheld camera in the theatre.
Most of the music I *acquire* is 192 or higher anyways, as opposed to the crap they shovel on LimeWire...that's probably the reason most of these kids like low quality anyways, because that's all they've heard. 

I know too many people who think they're a badass because they use LimeWire, it's ridiculous IMO.

generational thing, its all relative and will be repeated in the future (assuming we are all not dead)
Looking for my Scooper
In-ear earphones are FTW, best sound experience with earphones for me so far... And why the hell do these reports talk about iPods only anyway? It's not like they're the only MP3-players used on the planet...
+5,233|6681|Global Command

usmarine wrote:

i miss holding a tape recorder up to the radio...
I remember doing that. I also had a battery powered 8 track cassette.

I don't care for the hiss, but having a thousand songs in my Ipod rulz.
You with the face!
I like better sound quality, but I'm not super-selective (except for some classical music).

I'll take the Bose QC2, thank you.

Last edited by RAIMIUS (2009-03-10 23:19:03)

+129|6868|Austin, TX/San Antonio, TX
I personally can't stand mp3s if I have an alternative.  It honestly sounds like half of the music is missing cause it's so thin.
Blademaster's bottom bitch
+387|6372|Phoenix, AZ
There is still a big market for nice headphones, I get compliments on my Bose headphones when people hear the music, and in my school Ear candies are the most popular head phone, I see few people with iPod standard headphones... If they do have them they dont take care of them, and they usually have a shitty ipod with a few hundred songs (Indicating that they dont care about its condition, and dont listen to it often enough to put more music on it)

It is my strong belief that Hip Hop like, "Lil-Wayne" and "Tek n9ne" is destroying music
I don't come here a lot anymore.

Like the loudness war wasn't bad enough. I now hate the music industry even more.
The idea of any hi-fi system is to reproduce the source material as faithfully as possible, and to deliberately add distortion to everything you hear (due to amplifier deficiencies) because it sounds 'nice' is simply not high fidelity. If that is what you want to hear then there is no problem with that, but by adding so much additional material (by way of harmonics and intermodulation) you have a tailored sound system, not a hi-fi. - Rod Elliot, ESP
Why Ipod? I had a Creative Zen and after a month it broke while it was on my table. I put the headphones on and suddenly the audiojack was broken. Sony walkman the new one, same thing. My friends Zune: every single bass destroys the song.
my ipod and iphone; no fucking problem and great audio quality

I think we should be more concerned with the quality of the actual music, rather than the quality of its digital representation.

mtb0minime wrote:

I think we should be more concerned with the quality of the actual music, rather than the quality of its digital representation.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6837|United States of America
I don't have a whole lot of experience with "high-quality" sound systems (mostly because expensive tbh) but to me the whole quality argument is like the Blu-Ray and HDTV craze. I can enjoy watching the film or TV show on VHS style quality--I don't give a damn that you can see every blade of grass on a sports field or that the lines are ever so slightly sharper. It all seems rather snobbish, as previously stated.
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6817|NT, like Mick Dundee

Will take high quality over crap, but wont go out of my way to get a $800 pair of headphones. It's about balance.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
Roger Lesboules
Ah ben tabarnak!
+316|6729|Abitibi-Temiscamingue. Québec!

Deadmonkiefart wrote:

With the increasing ipod memory, eventually I can see the sound quality craze coming back.  Eventually, people will realize they can't fill 60GB of space on their ipod, and to get the most out of it, they will increase the quality of sound.  I don't really see what you are complaining about though.  Mp3s are better than cassette tapes ever were.
Scuze meh, but casette are awesome, there is a feeling with them you wont ever get from a mp3....Ahhh, i sorta miss the casette, and like Usmarine said, i can remember the time i would tape the song played at the radio
Well obviousley the answer to the whole debate is: convenience.

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