Paging Obama.
I simply do not understand the silence and lack of involvement by the feds regarding this issue. If the past actions of the government is any indicator of what's to come I suspect this will be allowed to develop into a full blown crisis and it will be used as an excuse to curtail our liberties while the drug lords live like kings.
I simply do not understand the silence and lack of involvement by the feds regarding this issue. If the past actions of the government is any indicator of what's to come I suspect this will be allowed to develop into a full blown crisis and it will be used as an excuse to curtail our liberties while the drug lords live like kings. … tels_N.htmRival drug cartels, the same violent groups warring in Mexico for control of routes to lucrative U.S. markets, have established Atlanta as the principal distribution center for the entire eastern U.S., according to the Justice Department's National Drug Intelligence Center.
In fiscal year 2008, federal drug authorities seized more drug-related cash in Atlanta — about $70 million — than any other region in the country, Drug Enforcement Administration records show.