Cybargs wrote:
Mitch wrote:
Cybargs wrote:
Obama isn't a socialists compared to othershit. He's a corporatist.
You can call piss wine but its still piss.
He's influencing people to let the government take care of them.
As Rush said, he has amazing speaking talent, if only he would use that to encourage people to better themselves. Encourage them to start businesses, remind them that equal opportunity is not equal outcome.
Yet he spends more money then every single president before him, combined, within the first... month? of his administration.
It's not about a working country. It's about control.
Any economist in America can tell you when you lower taxes it stimulates economic growth. Obama is not stupid, he knows what he's doing will not breed self-confidence, -self-reliance.
It WILL breed government dependence.
This is what I don't get about Americans like you mitch, what in the world is so bad about socialism. You may claim that people will start becoming lazy and depend on the government. Generally, in countries that are socialist have a much much lower unemployment rating and a closer gap between the rich and the poor, a much more equal distribution of wealth. If someone is going from cradle to grave being lazy, it is generally frowned upon and they will eventually have no value in society. Just because there is welfare doesn't mean everyone is going to become lazy. People are self motivated to be sucessful, unless it is much more different in America
Personal responsibility
Self confidence
Self improvement
These are all things America was built on.
Money is a privilage, NOT A RIGHT.
Wealth is a privilage, NOT A RIGHT.
You should not be born into this country and expect free shit.
You work, the harder you work, the more you think, the better your chances of a higher outcome.
Do you think Shaniqua in the ghetto wants to be the next Ford? Exxon? Microsoft? Of coarse not. Because it's much easier to have the government pay you for your mistakes and lazyness.
Wealth is earned with hard work, intellegence, creativity, and luck.
People sit and complain "oh bill gates doesnt need all that money, the government should take it from him"
Are you kidding? He earned every cent of his money and nobody has the right to tell him he has too much money.
Its jealousy, its lazyness.
Instead of promising people free shit, why doesn't obama encourage people to better themselves? oh yeah, because socialists like government dependence
also, if you want socialism, be my guest to leave america and go to a socialist country.
however this country was based around everything that socialism is not.
Last edited by Mitch (2009-03-08 10:43:04)