All you engeneers know how tricky mines can be. Putting them on a road and just waiting for someone to drive over them hardly ever works; even the dumbest people can spot them. Trying to sneak up on an active tank usually gets you exploded. But for those few times you get close enough to use them, you still have troube. The problem? They decided to make the mines flop around on the ground for a few seconds before stopping and becoming active. While this may be a "woah cool look at those awsome mine physics", it often ends up being "hey look that tank just ran over my mine but it didnt blow up becuase it was still moving" or "look how my mines jitter uncontrollably when i put it on top of that tank", usually followed by a "shucks, i just got ran over by that tank". Its also bad when you see that loaded buggy coming strait at you: you put your mine down, but the buggy runs right over the mine, and you, without blowing up. While this is kinda realistic, it really hinders the power of mines. I mean, C4 isint covered in KrazyGlue, and Claymores dont have cameras on them, yet c4 sticks to any surface and will detonate from any range, and Claymores explode when you're 5 feet in front of them. If you made a claymore that sensitive, it would blow up even when someone walked behind it.
The whole concept of having them roll on the ground makes no sense, considering no other weapon is this realistic. Even if your mine ends up stopped upside down, it will still explode. I think they should just remove this completely.
The whole concept of having them roll on the ground makes no sense, considering no other weapon is this realistic. Even if your mine ends up stopped upside down, it will still explode. I think they should just remove this completely.
Last edited by Col-Khadafi (2005-10-09 16:52:18)