
DeadboyUSMC wrote:

Let it go hippies, Bush will be gone in a few more years.
+32|6865|Wherever the F**k i feel like
I got kick for calling the venezualan president (*cough*dictator*cough*) a commie
Liberal, eh? 

Kicked from server....lol

Now, can we get a ban for this guy from this forum? 

Afterall, that's what liberals do, ban everything they don't like.
[Ahazi] Kaika
The Suicidal Soldier
When asked specific questions about issues, I am honestly a moderate liberal, but I strongly support what I do.  And I strongly dissaprove of the current administration.  Lie after deceit after deception, and I'm sick of it.

Kudos to you rizen

armin wrote:

you should definetly report this to bf2rankedservers.com
Why? What a dumb reason to be a rat. Just let it go, and build up your stats somewhere else.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-03-21 20:19:58)


[Ahazi] Kaika wrote:

When asked specific questions about issues, I am honestly a moderate liberal, but I strongly support what I do.  And I strongly dissaprove of the current administration.  Lie after deceit after deception, and I'm sick of it.

Kudos to you rizen
Oh its not just the current admin, its politicians as a whole right now. The more you look at our "leaders" on both sides of the isle in all houses, its a freakin cluster fuck.
Man it would suck if they were smart enugh to figure out what G.O.P stands for
+105|6784|Lexington, KY

d4rkph03n1x wrote:

Right to freedom and expression of speech? #x Amendment? I don't know which one it is exactly, but sue! .
It is number 1 for future reference.

I see nothing wrong with the admin kicking you.  The wording is a little goofy.  He should have said he kicked you and your squad because the server does not allow you to express your political stand, or that your squad name may offend some people.  I would expect the same thing if I had a anti-religious name for my squad, or racist name for my squad.  Yes it is funny that you got kicked.  I chuckled myself when I read the post.
+41|6888|200m out and smiling at you.
haha best part about that was there wasn't anything about being offensive or anything on their server rules....

[Ahazi] Kaika
The Suicidal Soldier

belikeron wrote:

[Ahazi] Kaika wrote:

When asked specific questions about issues, I am honestly a moderate liberal, but I strongly support what I do.  And I strongly dissaprove of the current administration.  Lie after deceit after deception, and I'm sick of it.

Kudos to you rizen
Oh its not just the current admin, its politicians as a whole right now. The more you look at our "leaders" on both sides of the isle in all houses, its a freakin cluster fuck.
Very true

Tushers wrote:

i amd a conservitive but i would of laugth at ur ass and told every one about it, no offense. thats good stuff
Whoa...  Don't now where to start here.  Suffice it to say that my liberal friends and I got a good laugh from this post. 
The irony is that since Spearhead only said he was anti-bush; folks on both sides then take the envelope and push it past the line of appropriate conduct.  Anyhow, I hope an admin shuts down further posts to this thread. If you want to debate politics find an online designated forum for it, but enough with the insolent bigotry, alright? 

Anyhow, please stop harassing Spearhead or any other member (regardless of orientation) in the threads.  I'm sure each of you has valid reason to believe what you do and perhaps even to express it, but this is not the place for such discussions. 

FYI: GOP is Grand Old Party.
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/in_depth/ame … 651284.stm
+41|6888|200m out and smiling at you.
lol, i thought i tried to stop the political flaming already, i was just telling everyone so they could have a nice chuckle, not rip eachother's heads off.
+5|6767|United States of America

-fe.lep- wrote:

Learn to count jackass!
How did he know you were a liberal? Maybe you just don't like pubic hair.

Torin wrote:

How did he know you were a liberal? Maybe you just don't like pubic hair.
Amen to that. Well, maybe a little. nicely maintained lawn ain't so bad. When a girl has vines growing, then it becomes a bit much.

Anyhow, funny story. I'd pose as a liberal (registered independent), just to get kicked.

Torin wrote:

How did he know you were a liberal? Maybe you just don't like pubic hair.
Its public hair =p

belikeron wrote:

Torin wrote:

How did he know you were a liberal? Maybe you just don't like pubic hair.
Its public hair =p
Not all of us are nudists.

Horseman 77 wrote:

Instant Cure for Liberals, work your way into the 50% Tax bracket.  Done.
This isn't Canada, the highest tax bracket in the US is 35%.

belikeron wrote:

Horseman 77 wrote:

Instant Cure for Liberals, work your way into the 50% Tax bracket.  Done.
Shit, with all the taxes added up 90% of America is knocking on th 50% door already.

J.Matrix wrote:

Horseman 77 wrote:

Instant Cure for Liberals, work your way into the 50% Tax bracket.  Done.
This isn't Canada, the highest tax bracket in the US is 35%.

belikeron wrote:

Horseman 77 wrote:

Instant Cure for Liberals, work your way into the 50% Tax bracket.  Done.
Shit, with all the taxes added up 90% of America is knocking on th 50% door already.
Add up all the taxes, Income Tax, Sells Tax, State Income Tax, School Tax, Property Tax, the list goes on, and I bet for most people it is closing in on or above 50% of thier income.
+32|6865|Wherever the F**k i feel like
Hey i dont care werethere ur lib or not in a game iots how u play
Yeah, you have your first amendment rights, but other people also have to right to not listen to what you have to say. As for you saying there was nothing offensive about it...you are an idiot. Of course you dont see anything offensive about it! It is your opinion. The point is, there is a proper time and place for political commentary. Are you so fixated on hating the man in charge of the government that you have to extend it into every facet of your life? Jesus, it is a video game. I HATE John Kerry, but I never put any such bumper stickers on my car. I like to keep my politics to myself unless I am having a TWO WAY conversation about them. You have entered an environment in which your political statement has a disruptive effect. It takes the focus off of what everyone else is there to do: play a game. The only way someone can respond to what you have said with your squad name and clan name is to type it out and possibly start a very bad thing. I agree that the reason given by the admin was not a good one. In fact, If I were to say anything to him, Id say he was dumb to say "too liberal".

As for there being a correct forum for such commentary and discourse, this is a perfect example. Look at what happened to Michael Moore when he gave his academy award acceptance speech. He started to get on his political soap box and was BOOED OFF THE STAGE! BY HOLLYWOOD! HOLLYWOOD! They, as a general rule, are VERY liberal. It was the wrong time and place much like what you have chosen to do. Frankly, I think anyone who chooses to inject a flacid political commentary of hate without giving those that may disagree with them no avenue of addressing the way it makes them feel is chickenshit. Like bumper stickers. I am a conservative, but I almost hate calling myself one because there is so much about the party that I dont agree with. Frankly, I only see this kind of pro-active negativism from liberals. Well, maybe not ONLY, but the majority of it is from idiot college students who have no idea about how the real world works. Conservatives can indeed be this way. Frankly though, I am sick and tired of people who call themselves liberals taking the moral highground. I have noticed, not just on this forum, that any time a poliltical issue comes up, there is often a flood of liberal viewpoints and blanket statements with no substance to them often impugning the honor, sexual orientation, and hard work of some very good people. Sorry about the rant but it just pisses me off when people take license to marginalize the opinions of others. Just because it is what you believe, it doesnt make you right or a better person.

I think the admin was perfectly justified in kicking you. He should have kicked your whole clan. BF2 servers are not the proper forum for this kind of small minded, hate induced, ignorant clap trap. You were forcing political commentary on people who are not interested in it.

Last edited by Shennanigans (2006-03-22 19:03:55)

+41|6888|200m out and smiling at you.
lol, wow i think that was the most passionate statement to me and my friends so far....

you do know that we made our clan as a joke.... i thought i explained most everything about the background. as for the in-game junk. personally i dont really care mainly because it was a game, i mean really it's a GAME. lol
justified in kicking me? i really don't care if he was or not. mainly because i could care less if i was kicked or not. honestly it's just being kicked from a GAME server... i thought people would just have a nice laugh over it, not have a massive flame fest bringing their flamethrowers and all.
Re: Shennanigans

sheesh dude, chill...

Last edited by Drexor69 (2006-03-22 20:40:47)

+41|6888|200m out and smiling at you.
like i say, guys we need to seal off the room light a bowl and start fish bowling the room.

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