Yesterday an illegal alien activist was re-elected mayor of Los Angeles with a turnout of about 16%.
I can tell you from personal experience that this state is on the edge of a cliff. I know a lot of people, and everybody I know, almost without exception is done with credit for a decade because of charge offs, repos and tax liens. The politicians seem to think they can just keep and taking and taking, and I blame voter apathy largely on a activist court that routinely tosses out voters wishes.
There is a swirling vortex that is consuming savings, investments, equity and dreams.
The next generation of kids coming out of public schools is 75% hispanic with a 50% dropout rate. Nasty, bad stuff is coming down on us all as these kids grow up angry, demanding a future that they will be hard pressed to make for themselves, and the state will be too broke to provide.
No solutions are forth coming from the elected leaders who care only about securing their own futures at the expense of everybody else.
Prisons are set to release 10% of their populations because the health care has been deemed substandard by activist judges. These men will come out to a dead job market. Manufactoring has largely fled, shipping companies are down 45% and laying everybody off, construction will not recover for at least five years, if then...
When the doubling of the car tax kicks in the state will fill parking lots with impounded cars nobody can afford to get out . As companies fold and people lose their homes they get a 10-99 statement from the mortgage companies showing the banks loss as a profit by the foreclosed home owner and then the IRS ass fucks them with wage garnishments, forcing people into the underground economy. My son goes to a charter school that is excellent, that kids have to apply to get into, where the parents are all involved, but apparently part of O's change is to dispand these charter schools and send my kids into the toxic stew of non english speaking kids who grow up hating whitey.
I've had it. This place is doomed.
I can tell you from personal experience that this state is on the edge of a cliff. I know a lot of people, and everybody I know, almost without exception is done with credit for a decade because of charge offs, repos and tax liens. The politicians seem to think they can just keep and taking and taking, and I blame voter apathy largely on a activist court that routinely tosses out voters wishes.
There is a swirling vortex that is consuming savings, investments, equity and dreams.
The next generation of kids coming out of public schools is 75% hispanic with a 50% dropout rate. Nasty, bad stuff is coming down on us all as these kids grow up angry, demanding a future that they will be hard pressed to make for themselves, and the state will be too broke to provide.
No solutions are forth coming from the elected leaders who care only about securing their own futures at the expense of everybody else.
Prisons are set to release 10% of their populations because the health care has been deemed substandard by activist judges. These men will come out to a dead job market. Manufactoring has largely fled, shipping companies are down 45% and laying everybody off, construction will not recover for at least five years, if then...
When the doubling of the car tax kicks in the state will fill parking lots with impounded cars nobody can afford to get out . As companies fold and people lose their homes they get a 10-99 statement from the mortgage companies showing the banks loss as a profit by the foreclosed home owner and then the IRS ass fucks them with wage garnishments, forcing people into the underground economy. My son goes to a charter school that is excellent, that kids have to apply to get into, where the parents are all involved, but apparently part of O's change is to dispand these charter schools and send my kids into the toxic stew of non english speaking kids who grow up hating whitey.
I've had it. This place is doomed.