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If you are bewildered as to how I did this, there team had a medic whore who kept reviving the guy I killed. Do not fret, he got what he deserved soon after, as you can see clearly from the screenshot.

Last edited by Citizen One (18 years, 12 months ago)
that laugh in chat makes it priceless. thats awesome.
im getting flash backs of a voodoo and tv missile vs full blackhawk storey from back in the day....
Muahahahaha! >:)ThomasMorgan wrote:
that laugh in chat makes it priceless. thats awesome.
This is not my most, but it was certainly fun. Dropped down from above on several guys taking a flag on Iron Gator. I went prone and started knifing. Got one guy twice since there was a medic around the corner.

My best (forgot to get a screenie) was on Warlord. I dropped an AT mine right under the tank in the midst of a big battle at the Palace Security Point. I ran away and 3 seconds later I see:
=]kd== the_anemone [AT Mine] Guy#1
=]kd== the_anemone [AT Mine] Guy#2
=]kd== the_anemone [AT Mine] Guy#3
=]kd== the_anemone [AT Mine] Guy#4
=]kd== the_anemone [Teamkills] Teammate#1
It was worth the TK in that situation. Guess they all wanted in the newly spawned tank.

My best (forgot to get a screenie) was on Warlord. I dropped an AT mine right under the tank in the midst of a big battle at the Palace Security Point. I ran away and 3 seconds later I see:
=]kd== the_anemone [AT Mine] Guy#1
=]kd== the_anemone [AT Mine] Guy#2
=]kd== the_anemone [AT Mine] Guy#3
=]kd== the_anemone [AT Mine] Guy#4
=]kd== the_anemone [Teamkills] Teammate#1
It was worth the TK in that situation. Guess they all wanted in the newly spawned tank.
was impressed the first time i looked at that screenie, but then had a good chuckle once i noticed the laugh!tF-voodoochild wrote:
Muahahahaha! >ThomasMorgan wrote:
that laugh in chat makes it priceless. thats awesome.
always puts a smile on my face ina game when someone can laugh at their or someone elses deaths!
Here is another screen shot I took from that melee. Notice I killed fat3lvis once, but he was revived, thus I was able to knife him again.Citizen One wrote:
I find this hard to belive. The fact the scoreboard was in complete black was a convenient way for you to edit it in paint.

Now I know you were whoring, because when you take a screenshot, the game laggs for at least 2 seconds, more than enough time for him to kill you.terrafirma wrote:
Here is another screen shot I took from that melee. Notice I killed fat3lvis once, but he was revived, thus I was able to knife him again.Citizen One wrote:
I find this hard to belive. The fact the scoreboard was in complete black was a convenient way for you to edit it in paint.
wtf? my game doesn't lag at all when i take a screenshot.Citizen One wrote:
Now I know you were whoring, because when you take a screenshot, the game laggs for at least 2 seconds, more than enough time for him to kill you.terrafirma wrote:
Here is another screen shot I took from that melee. Notice I killed fat3lvis once, but he was revived, thus I was able to knife him again.Citizen One wrote:
I find this hard to belive. The fact the scoreboard was in complete black was a convenient way for you to edit it in paint.
Pft whatever, I once got 60 kills with a pistol without reloading.
i never thought i'd say this...
but go be pessimistic somewhere else. i don't doubt for a second that he got 3-4 knife kills in that short of a span. when people try to cap that flag, they always hide in the corners by that generator thing...all you have to do is drop c4, toss a grenade, or jump down and stab away for easy kills.
but go be pessimistic somewhere else. i don't doubt for a second that he got 3-4 knife kills in that short of a span. when people try to cap that flag, they always hide in the corners by that generator thing...all you have to do is drop c4, toss a grenade, or jump down and stab away for easy kills.
They must have been noobd to alow such easy deaths then.ThomasMorgan wrote:
i never thought i'd say this...
but go be pessimistic somewhere else. i don't doubt for a second that he got 3-4 knife kills in that short of a span. when people try to cap that flag, they always hide in the corners by that generator thing...all you have to do is drop c4, toss a grenade, or jump down and stab away for easy kills.
What is NOR982? Is that AA? I'm assuming you shot down a chopper?
Its the chinese pump-shotty.
u guys have obviously not seen the anenome in action i still fear his shockpaddling skills when i was on my 101 kill spree he was the one that killed me the most with the damn shock paddles
You must be a noob if you cant get knife kills like that.Citizen One wrote:
They must have been noobd to alow such easy deaths then.ThomasMorgan wrote:
i never thought i'd say this...
but go be pessimistic somewhere else. i don't doubt for a second that he got 3-4 knife kills in that short of a span. when people try to cap that flag, they always hide in the corners by that generator thing...all you have to do is drop c4, toss a grenade, or jump down and stab away for easy kills.
I've knived the groups of guys lots of times. And I have 2 gigs of ram, so screenshots are instant with no lag.
Quit witch hunting

This Is A Perfect Example Of Why You Shouldnt Have 2 Tanks Driving Together On Wake. Too Many Ways To Sneak Around. . Wish I didnt Accidently Blow Myself Up. .
Battlelog: DaReJa
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- Show me your Most-Kills-In-3-Second-Screenshot