+1|6687|west coast
some loser puts C4 on my tank and says that I have to leave it to him or he would teamkill me ?????

what a disgusting "TEAM" player

wishiwascole is the name of this freak
how do I report this loser?
he must be some child with issues
when Hell is full...
+184|6756|austria mama?
Usque Ad Finem
Was ist Loos?
how is this guy still a lance corp at 8000+points?
just a question
+37|6701|Montréal, Canada

that is exactly what these noobs look like in front of their computer when they feel like whinin and bitching while no one cares about it.
when Hell is full...
word... :>
Usque Ad Finem

LOL, shit happens home boyyyyyyyy

brainfish122 wrote:

some loser puts C4 on my tank and says that I have to leave it to him or he would teamkill me ?????

what a disgusting "TEAM" player

wishiwascole is the name of this freak
how do I report this loser?
he must be some child with issues
I dont know why do you have to offend people if they are frustrated about something, or call them whiners, crybabies etc....

To brainfish122:
If the guy does that then you should tk him (you are in a tank, it should be easy...). That -4 or -6 or whatever points doesent matter IMO.
You cant report this guy (well maybe you can but no one would give a damn about it.)
You will meet many many guys like this, so you better get used to it and adapt to them...
here u go

live and adapt my friend, u need to go get some education... ever heard of charles darwin?
soup fly mod

let him kill you if he wants, respawn and take the fucker out...again...and again...and again.  its called tk rage.
when Hell is full...
very good idea.... omg
Usque Ad Finem

brainfish122 wrote:

some loser puts C4 on my tank and says that I have to leave it to him or he would teamkill me ?????

what a disgusting "TEAM" player

wishiwascole is the name of this freak
how do I report this loser?
he must be some child with issues
He would have had to kill me for the tank. Over and over.  Hes a turd.

(HUN)Rudebwoy wrote:

brainfish122 wrote:

some loser puts C4 on my tank and says that I have to leave it to him or he would teamkill me ?????

what a disgusting "TEAM" player

wishiwascole is the name of this freak
how do I report this loser?
he must be some child with issues
I dont know why do you have to offend people if they are frustrated about something, or call them whiners, crybabies etc....

To brainfish122:
If the guy does that then you should tk him (you are in a tank, it should be easy...). That -4 or -6 or whatever points doesent matter IMO.
You cant report this guy (well maybe you can but no one would give a damn about it.)
You will meet many many guys like this, so you better get used to it and adapt to them...
Listen to the man...he speaks the truth.  I was playing karkand yesterday as USMC.  In a short while we had a great winning streak going, but it wasn't long till the complaints started.  Mainly from two people, one guy had the tag of [FEAR] before his actual name and the other was DVM Death something...I don't quite remember.

You name it they said it, "you guys are spawn camping," "you guys are hacking," "you guys are breathing too much air," "the earth is not round it's flat," "Jo Mama," "satan holds a special place for all you spawn campers," "we only have 40 years worth of global oil reserves left," "I know the pope and I'll ask him to ask god to kill all of you" e.t.c, e.t.c.  And between writing such quotable quotes, they were distracted by a shiny object and proceeded to type that out also....

[FEAR]:  DVM did you see that shiny object?

DVM:  Yeah man...that was totally rad!!

[FEAR]:  Ooooooo....shiny.

DVM:  You said it [FEAR]...Oooooo....shiny.

(To be fair...I took some artistic liberty with the last couple of quotes, but I wouldn't put it past these two)

Anyways, these two "brilliant" minds decide to switch teams for the next round, after which they grab the tank and APC and started team killing.  I've been witness to some stupidity in my time, but this was one of those rare occasions where I came across a tandom complementing each others very unique brand of mental retardation.

I was laughing my ass of at these two idiots.  While quite a few on our team were annoyed (rightfully so) most of us just didn't bother spawning again or we simlply switched sides.  Where was the admin you ask, we were wondering the same thing.  After an entire round of team killing they switched back to MEC's and said "we whooped your ass, you guys suck."  The worrying thing is, I think they seriously meant it.  They were speaking as if it was a legitimate win.

All this was on the 24/7 straferight karkand server.  This isn't a knock on the server, it's a good place with good people playing on it most of the time.  Point will find twats like these two everywhere.  Sad as it is, you might want to get used to it, that or simply adopt a very budhist mindset before you click that login tab.

Last edited by Herackles (2006-03-21 09:40:23)

Best picture.....

should've just shot him in the teeth with a tank shell then so couldn't set his C4 off
Dropped on request

wooly-back-jack wrote:

should've just shot him in the teeth with a tank shell then so couldn't set his C4 off
Exactly. And then afterwards you should have taunted his mother or something.
+1,153|6676|Washington, DC

What I do is let them keep TKing me. If the server has TK punish, they're gone in a few. If it doesn't, it usually kicks for negative score.
+4|6785|Miami, FL
Listen, this is how you deal with these guys:

Find a server that is administered correctly, namely someone is performing the function, or at least determine when an admin is typically on a server you enjoy playing. Then you buddy up to him. I've found my "admin friends" are always willing to listen to me and gladly boot punks. These guys know me. They know how I play and they know I'm fair.

The best server I've found for this is bfsupreme. Those BFS guys are really on the ball. Very mature people who really enjoy the game and the way it's meant to be played.
Spanish Sniper-Wh0re
+199|6789|Malaga, España
if some teammates threaten me to teamkill me with c4 on my tank i shoot the fucker down before he blows me up ,

i see it as this
-6 for the teamkill + punish
my 10 minute tank rage supplies me with 28 points

profit 22 points
Dun tell me you actually got out of the tank from his threat? ... if he blows you up, simply punish the motherfucker ..... simple as that ....

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