Horseman 77
Correct me if I am wrong but wasn't Russia able to produce a Prop driven bomber The B29?
( A bomber the USA used in WWII ) by copying one they had seized ? They were able to produce it ( copy it ) at about the same time we started using the B52 Strato Fortress. Now I hear they are working on a Flush toilet. It will be light years ahead of any flush toilet the west has produced.

They also have their first Marshmellow in the works.
+38|6979|Phila, PA

wtf.panda wrote:

Kolhozik wrote:

wtf.panda wrote:

Correct me if I'm wrong here, but didn't Russia have to pull out of Afgan. after like a 10 year war or somthing withouth ANY results?

And didn't American forces totally wipe out the resistance there in a month or maybe two?

Nuff said and Russians.
I wonder how many American forces would be wiped out without your air support?? All that you would wipe out is you ass.
The USSR lost that war because US was helping those fuckers, who eventualy fucked the US in the ass on (not to bring it up, but i guess i'll just have to) 9-11. No offence to the families of the victims, my friend died in the fucking WTC. <RIP Bro>.
And what are the results after the GRINGOs been in Afgan??? You killed a bunch of innocent people and still did get that fuckin bin Laden motherfucker. And still after the Bush anounced the victory, WHY DO AMERICAN SOLDIERS STILL DIE IN IRAQ/AFGAN?????????????????????????????????????????????
Why are Russian's even considered when one of their own just admitted to losing to the U.S?

At least i have balls to admit it, or maybe its because i read books and do research before i talk shit. Now how about you admit that US got fucked in Nam cause USSR was supporting VC????? Or in US history books its doesnt say anything about that???????? TTYL

Horseman 77 wrote:

Russian Equipment sucks. They managed to copy a B29 they stole and were able to produce it at about the same time the USA produced the B52 wich is so effective its still being employed with sucsess.

When US Navy SEALS visited the Russian Equivalent in a joint traning venture they said it was like being in a museum the shit was all old and much was German WWII issue.

The Black Eagle is a peice of shit T80 retro fitted with reactive armor.  Reactive armor is a quick fix Up grade if your system is old and you want to squeeze a couple more years out of it. The USA puts it on old M60 Tanks it dosn't want to junk yet. Any Real tanker ( Abrams Challenger II ) would be licking his chops to face of with that repackaged piece of Crap they call the Black Eagle. (its even a stupid name, it dosn't fly ).

the speed is classified ! ?  give me a break. Its the same chassies as the T72 How fast Do you think it goes?
with a better engine maybe to mph faster .

Russia's main bomber was a prop plane. They were 20 years behind. Their practicaly a third World country.
They cant even pave roads or produce tiolet paper.
They should stick to producing Vodka and Mail order Brides.

Almost all NYC strippers are Russian ? whats up with that ?

Yo Jackass, I would like to know where you got the info on Russian technology? Third World Country? You must  be dumber then anyone thinks. Also I would like to know which of the Navy Seals you have spoken to that said that it was like visiting a Museum? If you know so much about the training of US SEALS please enlighten us which weaponry were they using from WWII or better yet provide an article or some source of facts where you got your pile of shit. Black Eagle? Have to agree with you on that one. That tank is no match for Challenger or Abrams. THAT IS BECAUSE IT WAS NEVER MADE TO COMPETE AGAINST THEM BUT RATHER MADE STRICTLY FOR COVERT OPERETIONS. Oh yeah I completely forgot, what is the name of the Russian plane they copied from your stollen B-29? Answer those questions for me and provide adequate prove and then we will have a discussion, otherwise STFU and go read some history and army books.

Oh yeah another thing. You say Russia stole this or that. Just so you know American B2 Spirit bomber has been stolen from and early version of a German Prototype of Luftwaffe airforce after USSR and US devided Berlin. If you really smart you won't need to look at the link if not then here you go:;jse … 20Ho%20229
So do not talk about stealing. Also if US is such a great country and Russia is a piece of shit, how come US uses most of the European/Russian weapons in its US ARMED FORCES training and combat arsenals?

OMFG I need to make another edit regarding tanks.  Russia has always made tanks by number not by single strength. If you look at WWII. Germans had hands down the best arsenal of tanks any country could have at that time. USSR however had only one type of tank which was a T-34/72. It took two of them to take out a German Heavy Tiger, but the sheer number of T-34 were so overwelming that no German Tank division could handle it. USSR swept through Soviet and European lands with such speed behind those tanks after Stalingrad that by the time Germans found a way to destroy them it was too late. There were two reasons why these Medium Tanks were so successfull. 1 being huge number (as it was very cheap to create and fairly easy to maintain) and 2. They used first ever "Triangular Armor" meaning that their turrets vere triangle shaped. So the shells hitting that armor head on would bounce off. However they could be destroyed very easily from the rear and top of the turret (with Flack Traks if you managed to hit it with one), or an obvious way-hit the tracks. BTW USSR used the same technique as Germans did while attacking France (no offence to any French here). It was called Blietzkreig Warfare (Lighting War) where a large number of tanks backed by infantry drives right through the enemy. Russia never left one part of that style which is build as many numbers as possible. They did switch to the explossive/reactive armor (whichever way you want to name it)which I do have to agree with some of you is worse that the armor on Abrams or Challenger II tanks. However most of you (inluding me) who argue about tanks here do not know the real pluses and minuses of these tanks. Only what you heard or read in simulation (which is bullshit for both of them). I stand by my decision that you cannot judge a these tanks until you them in combat against eath other with properly trained crew. Only then the decision can be made.

Last edited by Sinyukov (2006-03-20 21:35:49)


wtf.panda wrote:

ilyandor wrote:

Challanger 2??? LOL...the Black Eagle will eat it for breakfast!

-no matter what us BF2 geeks say, Russian technology is the best...
Correct me if I'm wrong here, but didn't Russia have to pull out of Afgan. after like a 10 year war or somthing withouth ANY results?

And didn't American forces totally wipe out the resistance there in a month or maybe two?

Nuff said and Russians.
Dude Russian war in Afghan is the same Political Defeat as Americans in Vietnam. The only difference is Russians admit their loss while Americans try to find every excuse possible to make themselves look like winners.

(For Jackasses who think the world revolves around them this is the time to start flaming with your pointless comments, however to those smart, knowlegable Americans this should be a topic for a decent discussion with lots of facts gathered for READING rather then GUESSING).


J.Matrix wrote:

Ahh the Black Eagle debate, great.

Okay, the first version of the BE seen was basically the same dimensions as the T-80U (based from that chasis). The next time it was seen they added an extra road wheel, stretching it a little. 

Horseman77 was a little rough in his handling of the Russians, but his facts do stand up.  When you don't design a new tank chasis you're limiting yourself from the beginning.  You can put all the extra armor you want on there, it'll just be a more satisfying kill for the pilot who kills with with a Hellfire or any unguided/guided bomb.

The Black Eagle really isn't anything to write home about, guys.  Yes, it's well protected, there are also rumors about the main gun ("currently" 125mm) being upgraded to 150-155mm.  All very nice, but it really doesn't matter.  No tank is invulnerable to modern infantry anti-tank weapons.  Okay, 1000mm of armor on the font plus ERA?  Great.  Too bad a hit in the tracks will disable it and another hit in the ass will kill it. 

The Challenger II L-30 gun (the only rifled 120mm gun in NATO, I believe) is the most accurate, combined with ammunition used, it's also the most deadly.

See, I can spout that off and you can come back and say "Yeah well the BE's armor will defeat any round." Okay, great.  Let's all wait for the great NATO vs. Russia war.  Oh that's right - it's not going to happen.
Even if it did, Russia isn't BUYING the BE, the T-90 and T-95 represent the next generation.

I really don't want to get into a flame war here, let's have a serious discussion.  My country is better than your country got old in the 5th grade, so leave it out.
Great post.

You are sadly one of the few knowlegable Americans that you can have a serious discussion with.

Congradulations on posting the only relevant thread in this topic.
+38|6979|Phila, PA

Horseman 77 wrote:

Correct me if I am wrong but wasn't Russia able to produce a Prop driven bomber The B29?
( A bomber the USA used in WWII ) by copying one they had seized ?
You are right about the B29, three American B-29 bombers flying against Japan had landed in Siberia and were seized by the Soviets. In mid 1945 the three American B-29 bombers were delivered to Moscow. One plane was transferred to the Flight-test institute in Zhukovski to train pilots for preparing flight training manuals, the second plane was disassambled to study its' design and the third was left as a yardstick. However, the Soviets decided not to attempto to copy the American engine, and instead equipped the bomber with the Soviet ASH-73TK engine designed by A.D. Shvetsov. This engine retained the B-29's original turbocompressor and the magnet and heat-resistant bearings. The Soviet bomber also carried improved gun turrets of Soviet design. The Bull is a midwing, four-engine, medium bomber with two bomb bays centrally located in the fuselage, extending fore and aft of the wing. Defensive armament consists of four turrets located in upper forward, lower forward, lower rear, and tail positions. The first B-4 bomber was finished in the spring of 1947 and carried out its' first flight on 19 May 1947. Flight tests continued through 1949. Full-scale production of the aircraft, under the designation Tu-4. began in 1947 at the plant Nr. 22 in Kazan and at plant Nr. 18 in Kuibyshev. In 1948, an additional construction plant in Moscow, Nr. 23, was adapted to build the TU-4. Production in Moscow began in 1950 and when total production of the TU-4 finally finished in 1952, a total of 847 bombers had been produced [according to Russian sources -- according to Western estimates, a maximum of about 1,300 were deployed by 1954].

Horseman 77 wrote:

They were able to produce it ( copy it ) at about the same time we started using the B52 Strato Fortress.
Actually they had a Tu-16 (Badger) before B52 Stratofortress was used.

The first prototype of the "88" aircraft received the designation Tu-16 and carried out the first flight on 27 April 1952. During flight tests, the aircraft exceeded the expected speed but lagged in range due to insufficient engine performance. As a result, the second prototype had a reduced weight though less speed at small and medium altitudes. In April 1953 it actually exceeded the expected range.

In December 1952, series production was initiated. In 1953 series production of the TU-16 began at the plant Nr. 22 in Kazan and in 1954, also at the plant Nr.1 in Kuibyshev and at the plant Nr. 64 in Voronezh. During production, the aircraft were outfitted with a modified AM-3 engine - the PD-3MT. While the bombers were already operational, the AM-3 and PD-3M engines were replaced by PD-3M-500 engines with improved characteristics. When production of the TU-16 finally stopped in 1963, a total of 1509 aircraft had been built.

Deployment of the first TU-16 bombers started in 1954. They replaced the TU-4, operating in theaters close to Soviet territory.

The B-52A first flew in 1954, and the B model entered service in 1955. A total of 744 B-52s were built with the last, a B-52H, delivered in October 1962. Only the H model is still in the Air Force inventory and is assigned to Air Combat Command and the Air Force Reserves.

The first of 102 B-52H's was delivered to Strategic Air Command in May 1961. The H model can carry up to 20 air launched cruise missiles. In addition, it can carry the conventional cruise missile that was launched in several contingencies during the 1990s, starting with Operation Desert Storm and culminating with Operation Allied Force.
You with the face!
The name of the Russian copy of the B-29 is the TU-4 (
If you think about it, the AK-47 and its derivatives can be traced back to the end of WWII. (although, I think, that was not Horseman's intent.)
+38|6979|Phila, PA

RAIMIUS wrote:

The name of the Russian copy of the B-29 is the TU-4 (
If you think about it, the AK-47 and its derivatives can be traced back to the end of WWII. (although, I think, that was not Horseman's intent.)
Elaborate on AK47 comment

RAIMIUS wrote:

The name of the Russian copy of the B-29 is the TU-4 (
If you think about it, the AK-47 and its derivatives can be traced back to the end of WWII. (although, I think, that was not Horseman's intent.)
Alright great post and read. Will agree with you on that one. However the rest of Horsmen's pile of crap is bull and I am still waiting on those facts.

Also what did you mean about an AK-47? Please elaborate.

Good job man, way to put a decent comment into this obviously pointless thread. TTYL

Last edited by Sinyukov (2006-03-20 21:24:48)


I remember TU aircraft from flight simulators. Stumbling upon one gave me the same feeling as having a cookie jar to myself at the age of six.
+38|6979|Phila, PA

Sinyukov wrote:

RAIMIUS wrote:

The name of the Russian copy of the B-29 is the TU-4 (
If you think about it, the AK-47 and its derivatives can be traced back to the end of WWII. (although, I think, that was not Horseman's intent.)
Alright great post and read. Will agree with you on that one. However the rest of Horsmen's pile of crap is bull and I am still waiting on those facts.

Also what did you mean about an AK-47? Please elaborate.

Good job man, way to put a decent comment into this obviously pointless thread. TTYL
Horseman 77

Sinyukov wrote:

Horseman 77 wrote:

Russian Equipment sucks. They managed to copy a B29 they stole and were able to produce it at about the same time the USA produced the B52 wich is so effective its still being employed with success.

When US Navy SEALS visited the Russian Equivalent in a joint training venture they said it was like being in a museum the shit was all old and much was German WWII issue.

The Black Eagle is a peice of shit T80 retro fitted with reactive armor.  Reactive armor is a quick fix Up grade if your system is old and you want to squeeze a couple more years out of it. The USA puts it on old M60 Tanks it dosn't want to junk yet. Any Real tanker ( Abrams Challenger II ) would be licking his chops to face of with that repackaged piece of Crap they call the Black Eagle. (its even a stupid name, it dosn't fly ).

the speed is classified ! ?  give me a break. Its the same chassis as the T72 How fast Do you think it goes?
with a better engine maybe to mph faster .

Russia's main bomber was a prop plane. They were 20 years behind. Their practically a third World country.
They cant even pave roads or produce toilet paper.
They should stick to producing Vodka and Mail order Brides.

Almost all NYC strippers are Russian ? whats up with that ?

Sinyukov wrote:

Yo Jamakass, I be would like  know to where you got  info on Russian technology? Third World Country? You must  be dunber then anyone tinks ya ! . Also would like to know which of the Navy Seals you have spoken to that said that it was like visiting a Museum?   ANY   If you know so much about the training of US SEALS please enlighten us which weaponry were they using from WWII or you be like hey Guy what you no now ya ?

Horseman 77 wrote:

German Aqua lungs from WWII were still better than anything you can manufacture to this day " although i have it on good authority Russia is just weeks away from its first marshmallows
or better yet provide an article or some source of facts where you got your pile of shit. Black Eagle? Have to agree with you on that one. That tank is no match for Challenger or Abrams. THAT IS BECAUSE IT WAS NEVER MADE TO COMPETE AGAINST THEM BUT RATHER MADE STRICTLY FOR COVERT OPERETIONS.  ( a covert tank lol )Oh yeah I completely forgot, what is the name of the Russian plane they copied from your stollen B-29? Answer those questions for me and provide adequate prove and then we will have a discussion, otherwise STFU and go read some history and army books.?

Horseman 77 wrote:

Everything I stated is common knowledge in the Free world  so maybe you better put away your old Pravda issues and get some Real info.
Oh yeah another thing. You say Russia stole this or that. Just so you know American B2 Spirit bomber has been stolen from and early version of a German Prototype of Luftwaffe airforce after USSR and US devided Berlin. If you really smart you won't need to look at the link if not then here you go:;jse … 20Ho%20229
So not do  talk about stealing.

Horseman 77 wrote:

We didn't have to "STEAL " anything from Germany after WWII. Just like any smart or successful people in Your own country, they were dying to get into The USA and would give us anything to Get in or Graces, How many people ever tried to Escape INTO The USSR ? don't make me laugh Clown boy, HE He he !

I wasn't going to say this but " safe place for tuff talk, I bet that was no accident "

Sinyukov wrote:

" Russia is a piece of shit, how come US uses most of the European/Russian weapons in its US ARMED FORCES training and combat arsenals "
So they have a lot of practice blowing all your crap up like they did in Iraq, that's why.

Last edited by Horseman 77 (2006-03-20 21:33:02)


Russians were stat padding in Afghanistan, and got banned from the country because of it.
Horseman 77

RAIMIUS wrote:

The name of the Russian copy of the B-29 is the TU-4 (
If you think about it, the AK-47 and its derivatives can be traced back to the end of WWII. (although, I think, that was not Horseman's intent.)
Actually and AK is an M1 Garand action Turned upside down with the STG43 Cartridge & design. ( I shit you not ) All riveted together so Ivan wouldnt drop the little parts in the mud, and Chromed cuase you know he'd never clean it, tsk tsk.

Horseman 77 wrote:

Sinyukov wrote:

Horseman 77 wrote:

Russian Equipment sucks. They managed to copy a B29 they stole and were able to produce it at about the same time the USA produced the B52 wich is so effective its still being employed with success.

When US Navy SEALS visited the Russian Equivalent in a joint training venture they said it was like being in a museum the shit was all old and much was German WWII issue.

The Black Eagle is a peice of shit T80 retro fitted with reactive armor.  Reactive armor is a quick fix Up grade if your system is old and you want to squeeze a couple more years out of it. The USA puts it on old M60 Tanks it dosn't want to junk yet. Any Real tanker ( Abrams Challenger II ) would be licking his chops to face of with that repackaged piece of Crap they call the Black Eagle. (its even a stupid name, it dosn't fly ).

the speed is classified ! ?  give me a break. Its the same chassis as the T72 How fast Do you think it goes?
with a better engine maybe to mph faster .

Russia's main bomber was a prop plane. They were 20 years behind. Their practically a third World country.
They cant even pave roads or produce toilet paper.
They should stick to producing Vodka and Mail order Brides.

Almost all NYC strippers are Russian ? whats up with that ?

Sinyukov wrote:

Yo Jamakass, I be would like  know to where you got  info on Russian technology? Third World Country? You must  be dunber then anyone tinks ya ! . Also would like to know which of the Navy Seals you have spoken to that said that it was like visiting a Museum?   ANY   If you know so much about the training of US SEALS please enlighten us which weaponry were they using from WWII or you be like hey Guy what you no now ya ?

Horseman 77 wrote:

German Aqua lungs from WWII were still better than anything you can manufacture to this day " although i have it on good authority Russia is just weeks away from its first marshmallows
or better yet provide an article or some source of facts where you got your pile of shit. Black Eagle? Have to agree with you on that one. That tank is no match for Challenger or Abrams. THAT IS BECAUSE IT WAS NEVER MADE TO COMPETE AGAINST THEM BUT RATHER MADE STRICTLY FOR COVERT OPERETIONS.  ( a covert tank lol )Oh yeah I completely forgot, what is the name of the Russian plane they copied from your stollen B-29? Answer those questions for me and provide adequate prove and then we will have a discussion, otherwise STFU and go read some history and army books.?

Horseman 77 wrote:

Everything I stated is common knowledge in the Free world  so maybe you better put away your old Pravda issues and get some Real info.
Oh yeah another thing. You say Russia stole this or that. Just so you know American B2 Spirit bomber has been stolen from and early version of a German Prototype of Luftwaffe airforce after USSR and US devided Berlin. If you really smart you won't need to look at the link if not then here you go:;jse … 20Ho%20229
So not do  talk about stealing.

Horseman 77 wrote:

We didn't have to "STEAL " anything from Germany after WWII. Just like any smart or successful people in Your own country, they were dying to get into The USA and would give us anything to Get in or Graces, How many people ever tried to Escape INTO The USSR ? don't make me laugh Clown boy, HE He he !

I wasn't going to say this but " safe place for tuff talk, I bet that was no accident "

Sinyukov wrote:

" Russia is a piece of shit, how come US uses most of the European/Russian weapons in its US ARMED FORCES training and combat arsenals "
So they have a lot of practice blowing all your crap up like they did in Iraq, that's why.
This is the type of post I would expect from and Moron like you. No facts whatsoever but just complete horseshit from the beginning to end (Well....with the name like yours it should be very easy to obtain). This proves that you are either some 15 year old kid who just wants attention by flaming people who actually are smarter then or you are on of those High School dropout morons that don't even know what a book looks like. All your "facts" are not backed up by anything except your stupidity.  Post some factual articles to back up your claims if you want to have a decent discussion and stop making America look bad by your stupidity. If you have no backup to post either find something or like I said STFU. (And if it is common knowledge It shouldn't be that hard to find should it?)

P.S. By trying to fuck up my post by putting mistakes in it, you have proved to be a complete idiot.

Last edited by Sinyukov (2006-03-20 21:51:16)


Horseman 77 wrote:

RAIMIUS wrote:

The name of the Russian copy of the B-29 is the TU-4 (
If you think about it, the AK-47 and its derivatives can be traced back to the end of WWII. (although, I think, that was not Horseman's intent.)
Actually and AK is an M1 Garand action Turned upside down with the STG43 Cartridge & design. ( I shit you not ) All riveted together so Ivan wouldnt drop the little parts in the mud, and Chromed cuase you know he'd never clean it, tsk tsk.
Dude just go post somewhere else because you are just plain stupid.

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Russians were stat padding in Afghanistan, and got banned from the country because of it.
Well, same can be said about America in Vietnam.

But it was funny though

Sinyukov wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Russians were stat padding in Afghanistan, and got banned from the country because of it.
Well, same can be said about America in Vietnam.

But it was funny though
Yeah, but did Russia get the Indonesian warmwater port it wanted so bad?

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Sinyukov wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Russians were stat padding in Afghanistan, and got banned from the country because of it.
Well, same can be said about America in Vietnam.

But it was funny though
Yeah, but did Russia get the Indonesian warmwater port it wanted so bad?
WOW, I have to admit this is the one thing that I have no I idea what you're talking about. Please elighten me.
Horseman 77

Sinyukov wrote:

Horseman 77 wrote:

RAIMIUS wrote:

The name of the Russian copy of the B-29 is the TU-4 (
If you think about it, the AK-47 and its derivatives can be traced back to the end of WWII. (although, I think, that was not Horseman's intent.)
Actually and AK is an M1 Garand action Turned upside down with the STG43 Cartridge & design. ( I shit you not ) All riveted together so Ivan wouldnt drop the little parts in the mud, and Chromed cuase you know he'd never clean it, tsk tsk.
Dude just go post somewhere else because you are just plain stupid.
sorry its a fact. The m1 action Pre dates the AK so does the STG43 which is its virtuale twin. Take an M1 Bolt and operating Rod and compare them "where they meet and how they function. Kalishnokov even says he studied the M1 in his book. The shape, design, cartridge  and human engineering are spot on copies of the STG43. All Soviet designs used exstensive chroming. Bores Etc. and The Bayonetts were usually hinged on Soviet weapons.

So dont mouth of just becuase you know your safe doing it here. Even if it is the only place you can,
Horseman 77

Sinyukov wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Sinyukov wrote:

Well, same can be said about America in Vietnam.

But it was funny though
Yeah, but did Russia get the Indonesian warmwater port it wanted so bad?
WOW, I have to admit this is the one thing that I have no I idea what you're talking about. Please elighten me.
Try 12778 thing you missed since the wall fell.

Horseman 77 wrote:

Sinyukov wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Yeah, but did Russia get the Indonesian warmwater port it wanted so bad?
WOW, I have to admit this is the one thing that I have no I idea what you're talking about. Please elighten me.
Try 12778 thing you missed since the wall fell.
You still talking? I am still waiting on those facts.
Horseman 77
common knowledge is the term, and you need it. for instance Did people routinely try and escape from the USSR?  Is there wire and  mine fields around the USA keeping us in.?  Does everyone try and come here ? Did anyone ever Try and  " get Into " the soviet Union?

your Still waiting for " Beta max " too I'll bet

Horseman 77 wrote:

common knowledge is the term, and you need it. for instance Did people routinely try and escape from the USSR?  Is there wire and  mine fields around the USA keeping us in.?  Does everyone try and come here ? Did anyone ever Try and  " get Into " the soviet Union?

your Still waiting for " Beta max " too I'll bet
Well if its common knowledge then show me the facts. It shouldn't be to hard to find them. And yes a lot of people even from US live and study in Former USSR. Also where exactly did you find mine fields around USSR?

Sinyukov wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Sinyukov wrote:

Well, same can be said about America in Vietnam.

But it was funny though
Yeah, but did Russia get the Indonesian warmwater port it wanted so bad?
WOW, I have to admit this is the one thing that I have no I idea what you're talking about. Please elighten me.
Must I post links for everybody? Insert words "russia warm water port vietnam" into a Google search, or just visit your nearest public library. Even better!

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-03-20 22:13:58)

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