Mitch wrote:
As i sit here at my computer, i too contract a little bit of the 'harden up' mindset. But when im out in certain locations doing certain things that trigger anxiety, suddenly harden up doesn't help very much.
I went to the mall yesterday with my girl and waited in a crowded line for an hour to get her a build-a-bear.
Nothing bad happened.
The more i realize nothing bad happens, the easier it will get i hope.
Strange how certain places trigger it and certain places dont.
But the end point is no places cause what I'm always worried about.
you make a very good point, and what i've come to realize is i also fear a random medical problem happening... Just walking at the mall and ahh something is happening what do i do... do i call 911? is it an emergency... am i in trouble?? or is it just a random chest pain that will go away in 10 seconds.
Do you still have the possibility of having the attacks?
I also agree that SOME people use the "getting help" thing as a fad, to sound deep, or to get sympathy. I on the other hand, wouldn't go telling the world as its none of their business. And there are plenty of people who dont use it as a fad.
And i dont believe in taking drugs just because its someones opinion that i need them.
Yes Mitch, I still have the possibility of attacks. There is really nothing I can do about them. I could have surgery again or go back on medicine but I have chosen to just keep going and doing what I have to do. The bottom line is that I have to just deal with it and I can't sit around waiting for the next time it happens. Basically, it may never happen again or it may happen as I sit here writing but that is what life is about. Life is too short to worry about "ifs".
I know exactly how you feel and what you are worried about and my best advice is to not waste time worrying about "if" something is going to happen because honestly it is about control. You want to control the situation, you want to feel comfortable and if you don't then you feel that you don't have control over the situation or how to get out of it. Am I right? Now, when I get into situations that are uncomfortable to me or when I am not feeling good with my heart condition I always remind myself of better things. I think about my daughter, I think about people who have a lot more to worry about than myself. Just think of the world and how many people are suffering far worse than you and I could ever imagine.
Seriously, think about the people in China who lost everything in the earthquakes, family, home, everything and they must move on. Be lucky that you have a computer, internet, a mall to go to, friends and family around you during the day and during holidays. All I can say is that you are young (I am assuming), you have a whole lifetime ahead of you and in many ways you have it better than most people in the world. Just know that sometimes, just take a breath, think about how good things are and can be and feel good that you have this life.
Just remember that many, many people are living life in far worse condition than you or me. Just remember that if those people can get through it and make it then you can too. My mother just finished her fight with breast cancer and she also gave me motivation to not worry so much. If she can make it through that, and it was very difficult for her, than you and I can surely deal with crowds or any "if" that comes up. I hope this helps.....just try to be positive, take a deep breath and for a moment think that you are pretty lucky afterall.