+10|6927| Going Feral
Hi, guys and gals! 

This community has a variety of people who play a variety of styles when they play BF2, so I wanted to get your input on something that is nagging me lately.

I think most of us agree that certain maps are just not very popular, and that certain maps are VERY popular.  I believe that running a plain old rotation of EACH map being run twice and switching sides for each round kind of sucks.

I want us to create a rotation of maps that will consistently attract lots of players - lots of good and classy players!!  My gut instincts tell me that we should put in the urban maps like Karkand, Sharqi, and Mashtuur.  I also think we should put in maps where they have air power, but maps that don't necessarily lead to a complete and total air-rape-fest.

There's lots of options for me to consider, but I'd appreciate intelligent feedback from this community.  Most of you guys and gals have fairly level heads and I think my clan and I would benefit from your feedback.

Thank you for your well-thought-out responses!

Last edited by luckybaer (2006-03-20 10:23:44)

I would suggest definately running Karkand alot. Great wall is a lot of fun when youre on a good team, However nether maps suit flyboys since there is no aircraft!!

I would also suggest putting in one of the other euroforce maps so u get some good armour and air battles.

I can also say that 2 rounds per map seems to be good because some players computers may not be as good as others so they like more play- less loading. (not a problem for me since I got 2.5gb ram lol)

But its mainly up to u.
Karkand > Sharqi > Wake

3-5 rounds per map size 64 maps, your server will be rocking in no time.
The Photographer.
+81|6858|Central Valley,California
You could do Dragon Valley (lots of people like this map), Karkand, Sharqi, Dalian Plant, Mashturr, and Wake. Thats a rotation of 3 PLA and 3 MEC maps. Actually if you do that, I'll play on your server all the time.

Fuzzball_the_Shooter wrote:

You could do Dragon Valley (lots of people like this map), Karkand, Sharqi, Dalian Plant, Mashturr, and Wake. Thats a rotation of 3 PLA and 3 MEC maps. Actually if you do that, I'll play on your server all the time.
I just wanted to say that i play vanilla only on 64 player maps, but SF mostly on 32 player maps. As a slave to my habits, I may never play on a 16 player map.

Every map should be played at least twice because some people, me for example , need quite a lot time to load a map. I can't play the first round from the very start which makes it quite hard to get a ride. Four rounds a map may be too much.

If there is autobalance, the teams should be switched between rounds.

In addition to the urban maps a popular map to my knowledge is Dragon Valley. Fu She Pass and Kubra Dam are the only maps I hate enough that I won't connect to a server currently on those maps, but I do play them if I come across them somewhere in the rotation. I have no experience of EF.

I leave a server only for (connection problems or lack of time not included):
- Unbalanced teams and people not willing to even the teams.
- Same map we just played gets enough votes to be played again.
- It is not possible to create squads.
- It is not possible to vote for mutiny.
- Admins are not up to the task.

I hope the input from the community will help you make a good server.
Connoisseur of Fine Wine
Strike at Kirkwood
HA! listen to these guys. Look at anybodies states. what are the 3 most played maps?

Karkand > Sharqi > Oman

Alot of people dont like Wake, because honestly, it *is* kinda in favor of the chinese. Lots of flying too, and alot of people dont like jets.

Most people have more time on any *one* of these three maps than all other maps put together.
Connoisseur of Fine Wine
Wake favors USMC. USMC captures airfield, china loses.
+10|6927| Going Feral
I hate Oman.  I find that I get raped more by air on that map than on any other...


I have a fine line to walk, though.  My clan has a couple of airwhore types - you know, the ones that get into the bomber on Clean Sweep?  We have a guy that is pretty much a chopper guy only, too - I think Sharqi and Dragon Valley would probably make him happy.

I actually like Fu She pass!  LOL.

The ones I'd like to see played less often are:

Kubra Dam
Gulf of Oman
Operation Clean Sweep
Daqing Oilfields

Hey, what's wrong with Zatar Wetlands?  Is that considered an air-whore map?  I don't play it that much anymore. 

I kinda like Songhua, because it becomes an APC love fest - I gotta get my armor hours somehow!  LOL
24/7 Clean Sweep!!!

luckybaer wrote:

Hi, guys and gals! 

I want us to create a rotation of maps that will consistently attract lots of players - lots of good and classy players!!
But if you're going to be an asshole and not give me my 24/7 Clean Sweep, it would be nice if someone ran a rotation of the lesser played maps. Everyone runs Kark 'n Shark. You should cater to a different crowd. Try any of these combos:

The Photographer.
+81|6858|Central Valley,California
A 24/7 Clean Sweep would make your server very popular, mainly because it's what the community has asked for. Every plane whore loves Clean Sweep.
Clean Sweep is just a fun map to fly. Wake is the ultimate plane whore's wet dream. Is there anything better than capturing the PLA airfield and pounding the North Village over and over in the motherfuckin' F-18?
Pope Picard II

If you increase the number of rounds per map more people will come. 24/7 servers are also popular, because when people have a hankering for a specific map, they want to join and play it, and not reload every two rounds.  Searching for 24/7 is also fast and easy, and you know your not going to join a sharqi, or karkand, or wake server and then have the map change on you after one measley round. Map cycle servers are much harder to support, mostly because the round changes too often, and people aren't sure if they like your servers map cycle when they join (they don't know it yet), so they may or may not come back.

All in all, if you want max population on your server, large map, 24/7 XXXXXX server name, 15 rounds before reloading, and choose a good 24/7 map.

If you want a reasonable population, but a map cycle, at least increase the number of rounds to 3, and choose maps that people will stay around for. If you choose Songhua Stalemate in your map cycle for example, while it is a fun map, only people looking specifically for that map will join while your server is on that map, which is not very many. So your server population will decline radically for unpopular maps, and refill for more popular maps that people are searching for.

As for retention of players, if you have bad or abusive admins, people will not stick around. If your admins only kick team-killers, padders and glitchers, and don't interfere with the running of the server, people will be happy. Players want admins around, but if you do too much on your server, people will all become whiney nagging bitches.

It is best to keep the admining to a minimum and people just learn to live with spawn camping and the occasionaly idiot etc. What happens when you enforce things like spawn camping, is it gives a lot of bad admins too many excuses to kick people and ban people for personal reasons. E.g. oh noes that guy shot me too much I'm going to kick him for spawn killing when really he shot me fair and square and I am just bitter. Then the whole server becomes a whine fest saying xyz is stealing our tank and spawn killing, and yhz is team killing for the chopper, and nnn is shooting everyone in the legs, and ttt is driving away without picking anyone up, and with all the whining admins start making poor decisions about who to kick, who to ban, and other people say to themselves, wow these admins have a short fuse I'm outta here and they won't come back.

As bad as the non-admin, non-clan servers can be (spawn killing), most pubs are still better if they have low admins and no clans, than a server with rules, clans, and clan-admins. People specifically search for these servers the most. Most people avoid joining servers with players all of the same clan tag, because you know if you are doing well, they will start bitching about cheats, spawn killing, or other excuses to ban you. If you are doing poorly, they will talk shit all day to you. Hence, nobody wants to join.

EDIT: I forgot to mention, don't include rules such as no spawn-camping the essex, or no spawn-camping uncap bases, unless you have admins on at all hours, ALWAYS. The most frusterating thing about servers with rules is having no way to enforce them as a public player, and having no admins around. Hence, while you may play on a server with rules a lot of the time, and you never break the rules. Tards always join the server and break the rules at every opportunity. No admins around to deal with it, it becomes an unfair scenario. If you do it back to them, you risk getting banned should an admin actually show up. So people won't return to a server like that.

The better solution is no rules, and low number of admins, and people will know what they are up against.

Last edited by [CANADA]_Zenmaster (2006-03-20 11:09:36)

+10|6927| Going Feral
If I had my way, we'd do 2 rounds with everyone switching at the end of each round.  This would be the rotation (Keep in mind, 2 rounds per map with everyone switching at the end of the round.  If you are MEC on Karkand at the start, you'll get to be USMC next):

Dalian Plan (jets:  Yes)
Dragon Valley (jets:  Yes)
Wake Island (jets:  Yes)
Great Wall (I know nothing about the EF maps)
Taraba Quarry (I know nothing about the EF maps)
Operation Smoke Screen (I know nothing about the EF maps)

Rinse.  Repeat.

Eventually, we'll all get a take on the new Euro Feces maps and include only the ones that are popular and allow for all kinds of players to enjoy - grunts, helos, armor, and even jets (if they are on the map).

I know you can't please everyone, but I THINK those maps would be acceptable for most but the hardest core air-whore.
+0|6766|Mitchell, ON
IMO, anything.... but PLEASE more than 2 STUPID ROUNDS PER MAP!!! i HATE loading! i dont get it why most SF maps got only 2 rounds per map. I only play at servers that has at least 3 like tomclancy or moongamers. I like playing in a map witout loading and reloading maps.... plus its a pain to finally be able to meet and create a good squad and come up with a good planning, then BAM the map changes..... strategy went out the window.......

my plea to all of you server owners out there: please change the default 2rounds/map into something more. preferably 5 or more.

thank you.
+10|6927| Going Feral
Hmmm... I didn't realize that having more rounds per map than 2 was something that was desired. 

That's cool, but do you think that will chase people away from the server that don't like a particular map?

I just want to come up with some good suggestions for our committee so we can start having a full server again!
The probability of a certain map being played when people are joining doesn't depend on the amount of rounds. Only on the amount of maps in the cycle. When people see a nice map being played with desired number of rounds they are likely to join.
24/7 dalian plant - your server will be full forever. dalian plant is every chopper whores dream.
+89|6867|Sheffield, England

where is ure server based???

Last edited by elite (2006-03-20 16:40:06)

+10|6927| Going Feral
Right now it is in Seattle, WA, but we'll probably look to move it to either Chicago or Dallas.  Chicago and Dallas are a happy medium where I think we'll have good pings for most everyone in the states and the couple of guys we have from the Netherlands.
+105|6785|Lexington, KY

Fuzzball_the_Shooter wrote:

You could do Dragon Valley (lots of people like this map), Karkand, Sharqi, Dalian Plant, Mashturr, and Wake. Thats a rotation of 3 PLA and 3 MEC maps. Actually if you do that, I'll play on your server all the time.
Try the Filthy 13 server.

My clan usally rotates through all of the regular BF2 maps except Kubra because the server has issues with this map.  We were once ranked #2 according to ServerSpy.  I have played with the clan since late Dec 05, and have not seen the server drop below 65.  According to Game Monitor the server is 80.  Also, it seems that maps with a lot of urban maps rank higher, IMO.

Edit the lowest I have seen our server.

Last edited by dubbs (2006-03-20 18:54:59)

Dropped on request
I like Dalian Plant, Zatar Wetlands, Dragon Valley, Karkand, Sharqi and Fushe Pass the most. Especially Fushe, Dalian, and Zatar just because there aren't many servers that play them out there. Don't know why, those are fun maps. Oh, and Songhua sucks. Thats the only bf2 map I hate.

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