This was on Dutch news yesterday, but unfortunately I was not able to find an English link.
Anyway, the Shah's heir is assembling a comitee of friends as well as opposition to rouse the Iranian people into rebellion against the mutual enemy: the Ayatollah regime.
I think it would be wonderfull to pull it off, seriously. For one Iran is a reasonably developped state and to have it on our side rather than be the Hamas funding anti Israel state would be a benefit. Secondly Muslim extermists around the world would be deprived of their Islamic Utopia fro reference, which could decrease their numbers.
I won't elaborate any further for the moment as I will be having supper, but I wanted to put this up before so you can all have a go in the meantime
Anyway, the Shah's heir is assembling a comitee of friends as well as opposition to rouse the Iranian people into rebellion against the mutual enemy: the Ayatollah regime.
I think it would be wonderfull to pull it off, seriously. For one Iran is a reasonably developped state and to have it on our side rather than be the Hamas funding anti Israel state would be a benefit. Secondly Muslim extermists around the world would be deprived of their Islamic Utopia fro reference, which could decrease their numbers.
I won't elaborate any further for the moment as I will be having supper, but I wanted to put this up before so you can all have a go in the meantime