lowing wrote:
FatherTed wrote:
Right, why socialism is lovely.
When my mum was little, she lived on a council estate in inner manchester. Her dad had died in a refinery accident when she was little, and her mum was practically unqualified - she came from a time when it was difficult for women to get any sort of decent job. As a result, they lived in what would be defined as poverty, And as such without outside help from the Government, there was no way in hell she would be able to afford University. As it was our communist government loaned my mum all the money she needed to attend a decent university, and get a 1st in Business. As a result she now turns out about £90k p/a in a very well placed (irony inbound) Government position. NONE of this would have been doable without Government support, and as such the tax payers support.
Now for my fathers side. He was born and grew up in Northern Ireland. As you may have heard, NI was not a nice place to grow up back then. He came from a family of 7, and they all lived in a farmhouse with 3 rooms. His dad died when my dad was about 16, leaving him, his 5 brothers and their sister to attend the farm. This left little time for study, and as a result my dad failed every compulsory qualification. Now you could argue 'Well he should have tried harder'. HOW THE FUCK could he, when he was putting in 16-18hr shifts on the farm, to help bring in food for the family. Thankfully, the government payed him for reeducation courses, and eventually he went on to get a 2.1 in Business at a university in England. As a result, he now brings in 60k p/a in a high role in a well known British food group in a area managing position.
Now, my parents tried their utmost to bring themselves up from poverty, but WITHOUT GOVERNMENT assistance, paid for by those well off, IT WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN POSSIBLE.
So you dare and try and tell me socialism is flawed and wrong, and giving to the poor is unworthy.
I dare you.
Socialism is flawed and wrong
your mother. The govt. gave her a LOAN. not a hand out, we also have govt. loans. It is not the loan that pulled your mother out of poverty. It was your mothers desire t oget educated and pull HER SELF out of poverty. Your mother CHOSE to go to school and not live a life of poverty. This story alone proves people live by their choices and not by their bad "luck".
your father. He worked to put food on a table, hardly a hand out, he helped himself first. He also, like your mother, chose to further his education. It was not the govt. that bailed him out. He bailed himself out by taking advantage of current programs that offer assistence for those seeking it.
My whole premise is, we have these same programs available, there is a significant number of people that choose NOT to help themselves and take advantage of them. THey would rather vote for Obama who, in their eyes will take more from the earners and give it to them. They would rather live off of govt. than their own hard work.
Socialism is flawed and wrong
I do object GIVING to the poor who choose to stay poor over working their way out of it. I do not object helping those that are helping themselves
You do realize your parents had ambition, work ethic and desire, don't you? THey chose NOT to stay poor. Sounds like it wasn't "luck" rather ambition, desire, and work ethic that dug your parents out of the hole. Thanks for proving my point.