what a faggot.
You orrible caaaaaaan't
Oh god I've just had my first whitey today .
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

He could lose millions in sponsorship deals. loltard
Grow up, or die

-CARNIFEX-[LOC] wrote:

It's funny how a freakshow like Britney Spears can make bad decisions for years and, while people joke about it, nothing SERIOUS really ever comes from it.  Or any number of crazy-ass celebrities that get DUI's, possesion charges, etc. but never spend a day in jail.

But someone like Michael Phelps could really have their career impacted by a picture of them hitting a bong.  It's pathetic.

I know Obama has admitted to smoking in his past, and it was never made into a huge issue during the months prior to the election.  I hope that in my lifetime people will pull their heads from their asses and re-evaluate just how dangerous marijuana really is.

If it was legal/decriminalized: it would be cheaper, forcing the big-time dealers to switch to something else more profitable; because it would be cheaper, people could afford to not smoke it, instead ingesting it in various other means, pretty much negating any of the negative health effects;  it would free up an enormous amount of resources from the decrease in the number of incarcerated individuals; and on and on and on...

Seriously, I don't know how one can objectively look at the pros and cons of dope vs the pros and cons of alcohol, or cigarettes, and say that it is ultimately any worse.
This. Honestly? How can you assholes sit behind your computer screen, scratching your vaginal warts, criticizing someone who has worked his ass off since he was 8-10 and is one of the most historically significant people in sports because he hit up a bong at a college party, while hes college age, etc? Yet when your favorite actor/actress/baseball player/etc does something you think its cool and write it off. Seriously? Really now? Yea, fuck off hypocritical couch mongers.

EDIT: Actually I apologize and retract my statement. If you have won multiple gold metals and haven't gone to a single part and done a single thing wrong then I apologize. Otherwise, see above statement.

Besides the reports who released this are probable just pissed it wasn't them that produced a swimmer like that.

Last edited by xBlackPantherx (2009-02-01 16:42:42)

+319|6435|Southern California

DesertFox- wrote:

Why is he around all those losers? I'd party with multiple-gold medal-winning friends if I were him.
because its fun?

"He looked just as natural with a bong in his hands as he does swimming in the pool. He was the gold medal winner of bong hits."
fucking amazing quote.

Fight on Moral Crusaders fight on.

He's done more with his life then 99% of the people who will push for him to lose his sponsorships. I think if anything, he's earned those bong hits.

It'll be a sad day for humanity if a person who earned everything he's fought for in his life loses it because a bunch of moralist decide they not only want to control their own lives but everyone else's and decide what someone can and cannot put into their own body.
The very model of a modern major general
+795|6728|United States of America

VicktorVauhn wrote:

DesertFox- wrote:

Why is he around all those losers? I'd party with multiple-gold medal-winning friends if I were him.
because its fun?
I must be crazy then, because drinking and drugs are the stupidest things ever to me. When I'm at a party, I see how pathetic people under the influence are. I won't go into the whole speech about this, though. That's DST material.

DesertFox- wrote:

I must be crazy then, because drinking and drugs are the stupidest things ever to me.
I don't understand the point of it so I think it's stupid!

DesertFox wrote:

When I'm at a party, I see how pathetic people under the influence are.
People who aren't like me or find other things fun like I do are pathetic!
The very model of a modern major general
+795|6728|United States of America

uevjHEYFFQ wrote:

DesertFox- wrote:

I must be crazy then, because drinking and drugs are the stupidest things ever to me.
I don't understand the point of it so I think it's stupid!

DesertFox wrote:

When I'm at a party, I see how pathetic people under the influence are.
People who aren't like me or find other things fun like I do are pathetic!
And your point of view is "I do it, so it can't possibly be bad"

It's more like "I've had a logical discussion with myself that arrived at the conclusion not to partake in such an activity" and "Addiction is unsettling to witness"
+319|6435|Southern California
Dude, the guy is an 8 time Olympic gold medalist. He has set a goal and dedicated his life to archiving it at the highest level. He has proven him self to have more drive and more talent then anyone in the world in a multitude of events.
He is an amazing success, and managed all that while smoking weed. Maybe its not the worst thing you can do?

You talk about how pathetic "these people" (people like Michael Phelps) are...

What have you done that is less pathetic? You are putting down a guy who is several magnitudes more successful then you as being pathetic.
Whats pathetic is some kid calling someone who has proven himself the best in the world pathetic because he doesn't agree with his life choices.

DesertFox- wrote:

uevjHEYFFQ wrote:

DesertFox- wrote:

I must be crazy then, because drinking and drugs are the stupidest things ever to me.
I don't understand the point of it so I think it's stupid!

DesertFox wrote:

When I'm at a party, I see how pathetic people under the influence are.
People who aren't like me or find other things fun like I do are pathetic!
And your point of view is "I do it, so it can't possibly be bad"

It's more like "I've had a logical discussion with myself that arrived at the conclusion not to partake in such an activity" and "Addiction is unsettling to witness"
No, my view is that "I don't have any problem with what adults do with their bodies as long as it doesn't affect me."

Saying you don't wish to partake in a activity because it's unsettling to witness, is different from calling the people who partake in it, pathetic and stupid.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6581|Long Island, New York
-resists linking to ED's "moralfag" article-

Last edited by Poseidon (2009-02-01 19:29:43)

The very model of a modern major general
+795|6728|United States of America

VicktorVauhn wrote:

Dude, the guy is an 8 time Olympic gold medalist. He has set a goal and dedicated his life to archiving it at the highest level. He has proven him self to have more drive and more talent then anyone in the world in a multitude of events.
He is an amazing success, and managed all that while smoking weed. Maybe its not the worst thing you can do?

You talk about how pathetic "these people" (people like Michael Phelps) are...

What have you done that is less pathetic? You are putting down a guy who is several magnitudes more successful then you as being pathetic.
Whats pathetic is some kid calling someone who has proven himself the best in the world pathetic because he doesn't agree with his life choices.
I wasn't talking about Phelps.

Also, I said how I didn't want to hijack Phishys topic in EE.
+319|6435|Southern California

DesertFox- wrote:

VicktorVauhn wrote:

Dude, the guy is an 8 time Olympic gold medalist. He has set a goal and dedicated his life to archiving it at the highest level. He has proven him self to have more drive and more talent then anyone in the world in a multitude of events.
He is an amazing success, and managed all that while smoking weed. Maybe its not the worst thing you can do?

You talk about how pathetic "these people" (people like Michael Phelps) are...

What have you done that is less pathetic? You are putting down a guy who is several magnitudes more successful then you as being pathetic.
Whats pathetic is some kid calling someone who has proven himself the best in the world pathetic because he doesn't agree with his life choices.
I wasn't talking about Phelps.

Also, I said how I didn't want to hijack Phishys topic in EE.
Well, phelps is apparently "one of those people" There are just as many loser sober people.... All kinds of people smoke pot and drink, successful and not.
If you gonna put people down just because they want to smoke or drink your putting down all of those people, many of who are smarter and more successful they you will ever be.
The very model of a modern major general
+795|6728|United States of America

VicktorVauhn wrote:

DesertFox- wrote:

VicktorVauhn wrote:

Dude, the guy is an 8 time Olympic gold medalist. He has set a goal and dedicated his life to archiving it at the highest level. He has proven him self to have more drive and more talent then anyone in the world in a multitude of events.
He is an amazing success, and managed all that while smoking weed. Maybe its not the worst thing you can do?

You talk about how pathetic "these people" (people like Michael Phelps) are...

What have you done that is less pathetic? You are putting down a guy who is several magnitudes more successful then you as being pathetic.
Whats pathetic is some kid calling someone who has proven himself the best in the world pathetic because he doesn't agree with his life choices.
I wasn't talking about Phelps.

Also, I said how I didn't want to hijack Phishys topic in EE.
Well, phelps is apparently "one of those people" There are just as many loser sober people.... All kinds of people smoke pot and drink, successful and not.
If you gonna put people down just because they want to smoke or drink your putting down all of those people, many of who are smarter and more successful they you will ever be.
FFS, just throw out insults.

First of all, I used neither any noun to refer to the entire group of drug users, nor did I use "these people" or "one of those people". I said "When I am at a party..." meaning people who are at said party (although apparently Phelps could possibly, in theory, have attended one of them)
+319|6435|Southern California
Didn't throw out any insults. But I am pretty sure you are not the most successful or the smartest person ever. That't not an insult, neither am I.

But all those people you are looking down at... You don't know them. You see that they are a party drinking and assume they are "pathetic". Phelps is just one example, and one of the more extreme cases.

You have no idea what those people you are judging do outside of that party, what have you done with your life that makes you any less pathetic?

Quick everyone lets start judging everyone based on what they do at a party during their off time.
+1,452|6437|The Gem Saloon
my, what defensive potheads we have here.

its illegal, and he fucked up.

like aussiereaper already pointed out, he could be out of a LOT of money.

yep, what he does in his off time is his business. maybe next time he wont let people take pictures of him doing ILLEGAL drugs

Parker wrote:

my, what defensive potheads we have here.

its illegal, and he fucked up.

like aussiereaper already pointed out, he could be out of a LOT of money.

yep, what he does in his off time is his business. maybe next time he wont let people take pictures of him doing ILLEGAL drugs
Defensive, sure I'll give you that one but I'm certainly not a pothead. I haven't smoked since July. That's if you're referring to me also in the potheads part.

I'm just saying that it's stupid punishing somebody successful for what they do on their off time that doesn't affect anyone else. I also don't think anyone has the right to tell anyone else what they could or could not put into their own bodies.
+1,452|6437|The Gem Saloon

uevjHEYFFQ wrote:

I'm just saying that it's stupid punishing somebody successful for what they do on their off time

uevjHEYFFQ wrote:

that doesn't affect anyone else.
he is sponsored by COMPANIES that do not want to be represented by people that use ILLEGAL drugs ON FILM.

uevjHEYFFQ wrote:

I also don't think anyone has the right to tell anyone else what they could or could not put into their own bodies.
i dont give a shit what he does to his body, or anyone else for that matter.

my point is that letting someone take a picture of him using drugs was a VERY bad decision on his part.

and it might cost him a lot of money.
+319|6435|Southern California

Parker wrote:

my, what defensive potheads we have here.

its illegal, and he fucked up.

like aussiereaper already pointed out, he could be out of a LOT of money.

yep, what he does in his off time is his business. maybe next time he wont let people take pictures of him doing ILLEGAL drugs
Well, how ridiculous is it to have someone talk about how pathetic people who are intoxicated are in a thread about how one of the most successful swimmers ever smoke weed?
Say ANYTHING that ridiculous on a forum, and people who disagree will likely give you a page or two of shit for it.

Honestly I say fuck it. He may lose a few million, but its not like that means he is down to $0. He already is doing pretty damn well. Training at an Olympic level must SUCK, no matter how dedicated or into it you are. Now that he has proven himself world champion a record amount of times, and already made a few million fuck a few sponsors, its gotta be nice to just be a normal person and enjoy life.
Yes, I said enjoy life by smoking some weed... or doing what ever else you find fun. If you already have millions I say it is worth taking a little bit of a financial hit to live the way you want to live.
+1,452|6437|The Gem Saloon

VicktorVauhn wrote:

Well, how ridiculous is it to have someone talk about how pathetic people who are intoxicated are in a thread about how one of the most successful swimmers ever smoke weed?
so he doesnt like people that smoke pot.

get over it.

VicktorVauhn wrote:

Say ANYTHING that ridiculous on a forum, and people who disagree will likely give you a page or two of shit for it.

VicktorVauhn wrote:

Honestly I say fuck it.
thats the spirit!

VicktorVauhn wrote:

He may lose a few million, but its not like that means he is down to $0. He already is doing pretty damn well.
and lets hope he doesnt make the same mistake again.

VicktorVauhn wrote:

Training at an Olympic level must SUCK, no matter how dedicated or into it you are. Now that he has proven himself world champion a record amount of times, and already made a few million fuck a few sponsors, its gotta be nice to just be a normal person and enjoy life.
a COMPLETE justification to go do drugs on film.

VicktorVauhn wrote:

Yes, I said enjoy life by smoking some weed... or doing what ever else you find fun. If you already have millions I say it is worth taking a little bit of a financial hit to live the way you want to live.
whatever works for you.

for me, its; money>weed....always.

Parker wrote:

uevjHEYFFQ wrote:

I'm just saying that it's stupid punishing somebody successful for what they do on their off time

uevjHEYFFQ wrote:

that doesn't affect anyone else.
he is sponsored by COMPANIES that do not want to be represented by people that use ILLEGAL drugs ON FILM.

uevjHEYFFQ wrote:

I also don't think anyone has the right to tell anyone else what they could or could not put into their own bodies.
i dont give a shit what he does to his body, or anyone else for that matter.

my point is that letting someone take a picture of him using drugs was a VERY bad decision on his part.

and it might cost him a lot of money.
Fuck. Well .500 is fine enough for a thread.

It just boils down to me, I don't like people who take the highly moral position to gain heavenly credits.
+319|6435|Southern California

Parker wrote:

VicktorVauhn wrote:

Training at an Olympic level must SUCK, no matter how dedicated or into it you are. Now that he has proven himself world champion a record amount of times, and already made a few million fuck a few sponsors, its gotta be nice to just be a normal person and enjoy life.
a COMPLETE justification to go do drugs on film.
He didn't "do drugs on film" he smoked some weed at a party, and with out him knowing some one got a picture. You make it sound like he shot a film about how much he loves weed

Parker wrote:

VicktorVauhn wrote:

Yes, I said enjoy life by smoking some weed... or doing what ever else you find fun. If you already have millions I say it is worth taking a little bit of a financial hit to live the way you want to live.
whatever works for you.
Yes, what ever works for the person... So stop making judgments and acting like your better.

Parker wrote:

for me, its; money>weed....always.
At the point where you already have a few million and are set for life, I would rather do what I enjoy rather then living a way I don't want to just for more money.

Saying you would rather avoid things you enjoy just for the pursuit of more money when you already have millions is a bit sad. But hey, what ever works for you.
Should have ducked
+394|6530|Ham Lake, MN (Fucking Cold)
The sad thing is is this was top news on the local TV stations. Who fucking cares.

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