There is.
+1,380|6842|Devon, England
Right. Well, Tuesday is my first lesson. Two weeks after that is my Theory, then if I pass that, 6-7 weeks later is my final exam thing.

I wanna drive as fast as possible, you see.

I have been reading up and learning all sorts of Highway code stuff, etc. so I think the theory won't be so bad, but I've never driven a car before in my life.

I have a feeling if I put my all into it I can do it, though. I will be getting as many lessons as I can in the times to do all the stuff I need to learn from an instructor, but my main question is:

Has anyone ever used any driving programs on the PC to help them learn, practise stuff? I think the hazard perception thing might be the hardest part of my theory, and then I have a whole load of time to practise actual driving properly after that.

But I wanna put as much time into this as I can spare, so any PC programs people have used or books or games (I have this DS Game that's pretty good for on-the-go learning), what are they?



Last edited by jsnipy (2009-02-01 06:57:53)

+3,611|6772|London, England
For your theory test, buy the DSA theory test software (or download it if you can find it) - It's good for the theory test, just loads of questions and they're exactly like the one's you'll receive in the real thing etc..
+778|5854|London, UK
Don't die x
There is.
+1,380|6842|Devon, England

Kptk92 wrote:

Don't die x
I'm no chav.
Vroom Vroom

Mekstizzle wrote:

For your theory test, buy the DSA theory test software (or download it if you can find it) - It's good for the theory test, just loads of questions and they're exactly like the one's you'll receive in the real thing etc..
When I did my theory it was really just commonsense, most of them. The others I just guessed.  Use commonsense and you'll pass.

Also a good idea is to look on your dmv website for pre-tests.  That's what I did, and scored over 90% each time by using commonsense.
+778|5854|London, UK

FFLink13 wrote:

I wanna drive as fast as possible, you see.

Kptk92 wrote:

Don't die x
Or do you mean you want to drive as fast as possible to get all of the tests out of the way?? Whatever, just

Kptk92 wrote:

Don't die x
Missing, Presumed Dead

Good luck tbh. I learnt for a year, and 5 years since passing: no accidents.

I passed theory first time with the theory book of all the used questions and a hazard perception CD, but even that was nothing like the actual test. From my experience, 9 weeks is too short a time (considering you have never driven before...), but hey, we are all different

As for "on-screen practise", I assume you mean simulators? I've no idea about those, but nothing can substitute getting outside, in your car, and on the actual roads. Simulators cannot account for idiots, people who don't indicate, realism (with regards to speed, etc), clutch control, braking, and all the rest of it. Its also restricted, as you wont be moving your head/eyes to check blind spots...etc.
Driving a car with peddles and a steering wheel is a whole lot different to WASD. Id recommend getting a cheap car and going driving with a parent if you want that much practise: I did it in my Escort
Northern numpty
+194|6598|Boulder, CO
It all depends on the person and your teacher as to how many lessons you need, I need alot as I get no practice outside of my driving lessons but i have a great teacher. That reminds me *books theory test*. Ty for reminding me lol.
Previously known as CC-Marley
GTA IV or Vice is quite good to practice. Traffic lights, highways,

Mekstizzle wrote:

For your theory test, buy the DSA theory test software (or download it if you can find it) - It's good for the theory test, just loads of questions and they're exactly like the one's you'll receive in the real thing etc..
Yeah, or any other 3rd party one, tbh. They're all pretty good (my driving instructor gave me a selection to use).

Hazard Perception is more about knowing how to do it, rather than your actual ability to spot hazards. Practise, and it will be easy.


I do not recommend trying to learn anything about driving from simulation. I reckon it'd be pointless.
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5853|College Park, MD
Driving isn't hard
Say wat!?
took me about 5 months after my 17th before i passed. would of been sooner but I got failed for not looking enough on a 3 point turn, apparently your head spinning around looking everywhere isn't enough.

fast as possible?  why?

i passed the first time.  driving around in a circle and backing straight in is just too easy.
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
+25|6803|Denmark/Minnesota (depends)
tbh nothing can really prepare you for real world driving (like 100%) unless you have driven an actual car. what i would recommend if you want some practice in handling etc. is to get a ps2 and Gran Turismo (3 or 4) and use that for learning handling, cornering etc. since it's very close to real life. it might not be using a wheel and pedels, but the cars still perform like real life and that will give you an idea on how to take corners and similar (on the road too, not just racing )

and good luck.

Hurricane2k9 wrote:

Driving isn't hard
+3,611|6772|London, England
I'd imagine getting a license is much easier in the USA than here, how do you guys even learn/have tests anyway?

driving around in a circle and backing straight in is just too easy.
lol, if that's your driving test, no shit I could've done that when I was 8

Mekstizzle wrote:

driving around in a circle and backing straight in is just too easy.
lol, if that's your driving test, no shit I could've done that when I was 8
nah that's not supposed to be the real test, but i guess i seemed like a cool kid.    i would have passed it anyway.  supposedly you're supposed to back in to the right, go on the highway, etc. but i guess the guy just could see how awesome a driver i was right off the bat. 
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5853|College Park, MD

Mekstizzle wrote:

I'd imagine getting a license is much easier in the USA than here, how do you guys even learn/have tests anyway?
In Maryland, you can get a learner's permit at 15 years and 9 months. You have to take a short theory test (it's fucking easy, just get 17 out of 20 questions right) and then you get your permit in the mail a couple of days later. This permit lets you drive legally with an adult in the front passenger seat who is at least 21 and has had his license for 3 years or more.

After 60 hours of driving (10 of them at night), and 30 hours of driving school you can take the restricted license test at age 16 and 3 months. This involves both a theory test and a driving test on a closed course with cones lulz. If you pass you get a restricted license. I think a year after you get upgraded to your full license.

What's fucking stupid is that I've been driving constantly since September, and I just realized I need these 30 hours of driving school. Even though I already know how to fucking drive. I really wish I was 18 because then I think you only have to take 10 hours of driving school (which are all about drunk driving and such).
+3,611|6772|London, England
So those 60 hours of driving is just with someone you know? You could just lie about that and say "yeah I've done it" - so the main thing is the 30 hours at the school and then the theory and then the test itself is on a closed course with cones? haha....and all that at the age of 16.

What's the difference between a restricted licence and a full one?

I just realized I need these 30 hours of driving school
Should've got the official hours out the way first rather than the unofficial/easy to lie about hours...


Edit: Also, is this manual/stick shift or automatic?

Last edited by Mekstizzle (2009-02-01 09:08:00)

Northern numpty
+194|6598|Boulder, CO
Wow, this is making me feel better about have 27 hours of driving under my belt (family are all to busy to take me driving) and my instudctors put me on 5/9 for most things (though on his checkbox system stage 8 is test standard). Still cost me £520 so far

Also what the hell is the point of learning to drive only automatics, it just makes no sense.

Last edited by Noobeater (2009-02-01 09:19:04)

U shud proabbly f off u fat prik
+3,097|6641|Gogledd Cymru

I started at the end of June last year, went on holiday for two weeks in July, passed test mid August, it's certainly do-able, I'd never driven before either btw.

The theory test isn't a test, more a scheme to figure out if you're mentally retarded or not. Hazard perception can be tricky, ask your instructor if he/she has a program for it, if not I recommend buying the official DSA hazard perception one, it makes it much easier and it's pretty much the same as the exam.
I got Mug 222 at Gritty's!!!!
+216|6791|Your moms bedroom

phishman420 wrote:

Hurricane2k9 wrote:

Driving isn't hard
In California, you can get your permit at 15 years and 6 months and you take the permit test which is 50 questions and you can miss up to 10 to pass, then you do your driving lessons and yada yada and after 6 months you can go take your driving test for your license, now i've had my license for a year and im 17

Connecticut - you get your permit at 16 years old.  the permit test has two parts: one for vision, the other is a "theory" test as you guys call it.  we call it a knowledge test.  anyway it has 25 questions, once you get 20 right you pass.  next comes driving lessons - either through the school or from your parents.  you need 40 hours ( i think?  the rules have changed since i got my license).  if you go with the school you can apply for your license 4 months after you got your permit.  if you go with your parents, it's 6 months.  now the license test requires only that you take the actual driving.  since i got my permit and license right before and after the rules changed, i had to take the knowledge test AGAIN.
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"

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