I see.bogo24dk wrote:
Are you talking about IDF ?M.O.A.B wrote:
Every country and every army will put safety of its own before others. Also I would not have respect for a group who hides behind women and children, uses women and children as suicide bombers and uses hospitals, schools and apartments as firebases.bogo24dk wrote:
As a soldier you have a duty to do everything not to kill civilians. So if killing or capture a hamas member means that inserting a group of elite soldiers would spare civilian life's. Then that's what you do. Unless of course you have no respect for the other side and you value your soldiers more. Which it would make not only a coward but also a fascist. Resulting to state terror like the latest action in Gaza and saying that the people who died are just a unfortunate act of war. It's a cowards way to justify terror.
Need i remind you that Gaza is under occupation and under Geneva law the occupier must ensure the safety of the civilians. Which in this case it's not.
The recent combat in Gaza was a justifed response to Hamas firing rockets into Israel with the intent of harming civilians and soliders. There was no distinction between, it was indiscriminate fire. Israel both used messages to warn Palesitnians and also used precision guided munitions and surveillance, active methods to reduce casualties. If the Palestinians refused to heed warnings, then blame can not be imposed solely on Israel. The GC also I believe states that any civilian casualties that result from attacks on places used by a combative group are the fault of the group that used the site for military purposes. There's a reason why actual armies have bases and depots rather than using civilian buildings.
Gaza is also not occupied, the Israeli's pulled out their settlements and military forces in 2005, therefore responsibility of safety of the civilians lies more with Hamas.
Cause in gaza if you hold a child or a woman the Idf would not stop hesitate killing you. Or did you forget you glorious speech how it is right to kill civilians.
Hamas Rockets started to rain down after a embargo which made 1.5 mill people lifes a hell. And need i remind you that Gaza isn't free or west bank. When you look up 1.5 mill people and you threat them like subhumans. You don't have the right to complain about small rockets falling down on a field. When daily children where dieing in hospitals cause of the embargo.
But either you chosse to ignore things which would make you a bigot :
big·ot n. One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.
No, you absolutely do not have to be tolerant of other people's cultures and religions. You have every right to be a bigot.
In fact, I would defend your right to be a bigot and very gladly let everyone else know that you are one.
Or you don't have a clue about the Israeli Palestinian conflict.
A) Never said civilian casualties were good, said they happen and are a part of warfare.
B) If my neighbour, no matter what his position, starting lobbing a couple of rockets over my property, I'm going to do something regardless of his situation. You're economic situation, the condition of your country, does not give you a free pass to launch unguided rockets toward cities.
C) So because I view Hamas' method of warfare, using children as bombers and fighters, women and children as shields, non-military buildings as bases, caches and fighting positions and firing rockets with the intent of killing whoever they can (civilian and military), as being severely wrong I'm a bigot? Nice.
If you want to know the answer to the reasons of the embargo, look no further than Hamas. Its there because they are.