Hurricane2k9 wrote:

Poseidon wrote:

I always hated that about Facebook.

Apparentely, so did he.
Seriously. Why do people bother getting Facebook if they aren't gonna use it properly? None of this bullshit "Married to *random best friend here*", I want to know if you're in a relationship or not so then I know whether or not to bother asking you out.

Or the 'Favorite X' stuff. Don't be shy, I want to know a bit about you.

And of course not having your profile picture available. If there are multiple people with your name in my city, it helps to know which one to friend by seeing your profile picture. Oh, right, you still believe that bullshit about there being 50,000 stalkers/pedos on the internet at any given moment, ready to strike when you least expect it.
You sound like an internet stalker tbqf.  I thought you were an introvert who didn't talk to girls?  Your balls finally dropped, eh young Marty?
No, not anymore, and yep