+1|7091|Charlotte NC
Ok I would like to say a few words on Jet Etiquette(IE Jetiquette)

1) Learn to share.Who ever gets to the jet first at the start of the round gets it,but when you die do not expect to get right back into a jet if there is someone already there.Allow them to have a go even if they are of lower Rank.
Take turns with people and let them know your intentions to share. It makes the game a lot more enjoyable for all.

2) Do not stand in front of someones jet and then punish if you are at the Hangar too late.You could help your team by going and doing something constructive like mounting an AA or protecting commander assetts.

3) If you are a gunner in the Bomber join the Pilots squad so that you can speak to him and use the camera angles to see if there is someone on his back.Also Spot ground target for him and alert him to incoming missiles.

4) If you are a Fighter pilot and see that your Bomber is coming under attack stop what you are doing immediately and go help the bobmer.The Bomber is a far more Devastating ground attack vehicle and having it in the air can cost the enemy several tickets and lost vehicles.

5)If you are a bomber concentrate on the ground targets.You are not Maverick and TOP GUN was just a Movie so stop trying to dogfight with fighter jets which can out run and out fly you.If you must go after the enemy Bomber.Personally i leave choppers and planes up to fighter pilots and i go after ground units(unless they are a sitting duck which is rarely).

6) If you are on the ground and get team killed by a Freindly jet..DO NOT PUNISH. I say again..DO NOT PUNISH. You are very difficult to see and often are not seen until the bombs are sent hurtling like a bat out of hell towards you.Be forgiving.Its just a game and you are part of a team.Everyone makes mistakes.Besides one day someone may forgive you and you will be very grateful.

7) Know your role, you are air SUPPORT. Help you team by clearing out neutral flags and bombing the hell out of enemy flags before your squad gets there.Pilots should not be Squad leaders unless they are oin a squad of one or two and they need a gunner to spawn on them.

I hope this helps if i think of anything else ill let you fellas know.Feel free to add anything to this topic.Feedback or criticsm(constructive) is always helpful.

Pew Pew!
+216|7161|San Francisco

So far so good, some of it is a bit unrealistic to expect in public servers, but still very optimistic!
+0|7098|PA, USA
I agree with all of that, except for the first rule. I think that whoever gets it gets to fly it. "Turns" are nonexistent in a game like this, and a couple people trying to bring them in won't succeed.
Pew Pew!
+216|7161|San Francisco

Strayfire wrote:

I agree with all of that, except for the first rule. I think that whoever gets it gets to fly it. "Turns" are nonexistent in a game like this, and a couple people trying to bring them in won't succeed.
If you crash or get taken out of the sky then you are done with the plane unless noone is waiting around for it. Simple rule of whoever gets there first gets the plane is a very easy rule to abide by, and makes sense.
I'd like to say all of they above is common sence.  But judging by some of the fools i've seen play... I'm not so sure.  However, your first point, is a stupid one.

My PC, is not the fastest ever, so I don't get to fly?

Also, your first point is very contradictory to the whole "sharing" side of your argument.
Heres another one:

If you are the retard that runs into a friendly jet ( say, you slam into him after trying to shoot over his shoulder to get the enemy jet hes chasing )

IF somehow, the poor bastard you ran into gets a teamkill because of your stupidity and refusal to pay attention and read your radar,

+11|7118|San Marcos, CA
If you see another friendly plane chasing a bad guy in front of you, don't get trigger happy and try to get a missle kill on the bad guy....odds are good you'll end up with team vehicle damage or team kills, and your chances of a TK collision are higher that way too, because the guy chasing isn't looking to see where YOU are when he maneuvers.  Your best bet is to BREAK OFF and go kill something else.

And the same applies if a bad guy is chasing a good guy...use your guns, use your missile TONE to scare them off the good guy, but be very very very careful with the missles themselves.

I've lost track of how many times I've been shot down by friendly pilots.  Most frustrating of all, my personal best 42-0 kill streak on Kubra (in an F-18, no less) was ended by an idiot in an F-15 who thought he'd help me dogfight a MiG-29.  He shot ME down, and seconds later the near-dead MiG that I was in the process of killing shot HIM down.
+2|7109|Eastern PA

Locarno wrote:

My PC, is not the fastest ever, so I don't get to fly?
Your PC's speed is largely irrelevant - your connection speed and latency have far more to do with any on-line performance issues.

Be that as it may, if you are affected by those issues, you're certainly not helping anyone on your team (or yourself, for that matter) by trying to fly with laggy control and iffy targeting . . . Better confine your flight training to Single Player, and leave the aircraft to those that can better utilize them "in game".

I'm more than willing to give a pilot the benefit of the doubt for a TK under most circumstances - at least initially -  but I have absolutely no problem punishing the morons that just crap all their bombs on friendly troops capping a CP, and then reload and do it all over again. They deserve to get hammered for the TK's in return for their lack of judgement and poor flying skills. The fact is: Don't attempt "Close Air Support" if it's beyond your abilities.

And as a personal rule: If a pilot is reasonably prompt with a "Sorry" after an incident (and assuming he's not otherwise engaged in a dogfight), I'll always forgive a TK - precisely because he demonstrates that while he may have made an error, he has the situational awareness to acknowledge the fact; He's not just some clueless idiot flying around and pretending he's got "1337 skillz" . . .

Last edited by T1mbrW0lf (2005-10-08 15:17:37)

+1|7091|Charlotte NC
Actually my point of sharing is not contradictory.If you die and then go back to the jet and that noone is there obviously its yours.However if you got back and someone is waiting there. Dont take it from them let them fly and wait till they come back.

Maybe its optimistic but man its hard to get a good jet crew going.
Thanks for the replys.

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