Mekstizzle wrote:
Wasn't the Bible written by a bunch of Greeks a long long time after the whole Jesus shenanigans happened.
Nope, the OT/Torah existed for thousands of years before the aleged time of Jesus. The Gospels, I think you are reffering to are often accused of being manufacturered a long time after the supposed events.
Mekstizzle wrote:
Also, then it was changed and changed again like a bitch by the Romans and various other European powers to suit their own ideas and to further consolidate control over people.
I think you have to understand the time. In an oral society, it wasnt uncommon for jewish rabies to commit the entire torah to memory. As such, if you went around preeching a false account of what it said, you would be quickly corrected by others who where aware of your mistake. Just go into a pub and quote the wrong scores for last nights football matches and see how long it takes for something to correct you (doesnt count if there drunk
The manuscripts that we have, are actually fairly consistent, I believe the errors translate into one word being wrong every three pages (atleast in the NT), so regardless of whether or not it happened, what the text says, is fairly accurate to what was intended. The OT hebrew, is what causes the problems, partiuclarly translating to english. KJV of the bible is probably the biggest achilies heel to christianity, its too old.
I believe the bibles intent is to try and convey how man can enter a relationship with his creator. The OT is fairly alegorical in it's teachings, but the NT, attempts to give a biographical account of the time during christs ministry. As such I believe your supposed to take the NT, seriously (atleast, if you are a believer), the OT, not so much.