So what is your solution for the poor an unabled lowing? ... let them just starv to death?lowing wrote:
The poor spend money? How so, the poor, by definition, have no money.Scorpion0x17 wrote:
And who gives the businesses the money to pay their employees, lowing?lowing wrote:
I thought you were gunna get serious?
As the letter points out. It isn't the poor that drives the economic engine. It is the achievers, the builders. Giving money to the poor does nothing for the economy. Giving it to those that will build businesses that provide jobs, is what drives our economy.
As the Reapster says - giving money to the poor works because they SPEND IT - they spend it on the products that are produced by the companies that, and this is the only correct thing you've stated all thread, do indeed drive the economy.
NO CUSTOMERS (or only 'potential customers' with no money)=NO INCOME=NO COMPANY
I love how you want to "GIVE" the poor money. Any chance you support people actually EARNING money? Who do you suppose are the big "GIVERS" to the poor, and where do these "GIVERS" EARN their money to just GIVE away to the poor? Do ya think these giver might want a say in what happens to the money they earn? MAybe these earners might want to keep it for themselves or put it to a better use like re-investment into what they have build. Just guessing
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