+20|6852|Chch, New Zealand
I've serched this, doesn't seam to be mentioned, though i could be wrong.

Do you think you should be able to carry more people on tanks? You have the driver and the gunner on top, but it would be nice to have a few places where other troops could sit on top, sort of like how the second person sites on the mobile AA.

In every war movie you see troops riding on tanks, so in bf2 i think it would be good, casue if you are a squad leader tank whore (like i am slowly becoming) it would be good to have spaces for your squad to be on the tank.

You would be more exposed sitting on the sides or where ever than the gunner.

Your thoughts/ comments...

Personaly I think the driver should only drive and shoot the 120, and have 2 gunners one on the 50 cal and one on the 30 cal.

I think people pileing on tanks would be a cool addition. The new fouth generation RPG armor, people! =p
Death StatPadder
+228|6922|Human Meat Shield
Yeah, its called an APC.
+20|6852|Chch, New Zealand

imdead wrote:

Yeah, its called an APC.
Its not what i mean, apc side people have guns, and are defened by armour is, Im meaning people in the open, being able to have almost 360 vision.
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6775|Little Bentcock
yah, i totally agree
I'm moving to Brazil
good point i agree 2
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6842|Tampa Bay Florida
Like Halo 1?  Where you could carry (I think it was 2 extra people)  ya, that'd be so freakin awesome.  But make it only have 2 or 3 extra slots, because anymore than that would turn it into a freakin jackpot for whoever kills it.
+3,135|6891|The Hague, Netherlands

i think you should be able to carry more people with the humvee and vodnik, i mean there is nobody in the passanger side
+17|6947|Dayton, Ohio
oh come on are you kidding me?  you really want to be able to carry more people on a damn tank.  man tanks are already difficult to take out.  imagine two engineers, or an engi and a support.  sorry but i think it's a stupid idea. 

if you want your squad to be able to spawn on you then don't drive a tank.

Spearhead wrote:

Like Halo 1?  Where you could carry (I think it was 2 extra people)  ya, that'd be so freakin awesome.  But make it only have 2 or 3 extra slots, because anymore than that would turn it into a freakin jackpot for whoever kills it.
2 or 3 extra people?  who's going to kill a tank with two or three engineers on the wrench nonstop?  the only thing that could take out a tank would be aircraft.

Last edited by WormGuts (2006-03-18 09:07:33)


WormGuts wrote:

oh come on are you kidding me?  you really want to be able to carry more people on a damn tank.  man tanks are already difficult to take out.  imagine two engineers, or an engi and a support.  sorry but i think it's a stupid idea. 

if you want your squad to be able to spawn on you then don't drive a tank.

Spearhead wrote:

Like Halo 1?  Where you could carry (I think it was 2 extra people)  ya, that'd be so freakin awesome.  But make it only have 2 or 3 extra slots, because anymore than that would turn it into a freakin jackpot for whoever kills it.
2 or 3 extra people?  who's going to kill a tank with two or three engineers on the wrench nonstop?  the only thing that could take out a tank would be aircraft.
c4?a squad cud take out a tank, shoot d ppl off the sides then rocket it
I think its a gd idea m8, anythink that gets ppl workin as a squad gets my vote
It would appreciate the extra kills for destroying an armor. The ppl on the tank would be fairly easy targets because it is difficult to aim from a moving vehichle.

Tanks should logically be able to carry infantry into battle in Pattonesque fashion, but you have to take balance into consideration. The amount of wrenching and mine dropping going on would be just silly.
+20|6852|Chch, New Zealand

WormGuts wrote:

oh come on are you kidding me?  you really want to be able to carry more people on a damn tank.  man tanks are already difficult to take out.  imagine two engineers, or an engi and a support.  sorry but i think it's a stupid idea. 

if you want your squad to be able to spawn on you then don't drive a tank.

2 or 3 extra people?  who's going to kill a tank with two or three engineers on the wrench nonstop?  the only thing that could take out a tank would be aircraft.
Well the people on the sides would be completely open so it would be very easy to take them out, easyier than taking out the top gunner.

The mounted tow should be able to take it out.

But yeah i didn't think about the engineers repairin it. But like i said before they would be in the open, so if an anti-tank fired at it, they would most likely get the egineer on the side, and casue some damage on the tank.

And tanks arn't that hard to take out, you just have to know what you are doing, and to be sneaky and have patience

Edit = Spelling

Last edited by NZDeathBoy (2006-03-18 19:08:11)

Raiders of the Lost Bear

Patience my friend.
In maps like Oman, it would be fun to dig-in a tank in the sand, with one press of the button.
Whisky Tango Foxtrot?
+201|6832|Broadlands, VA
But you can already do all of this.  First, get the driver to STOP.  Not "Go Slow" but full stop.  For tanks, run twords the tank from the front, as you reach the tank JUMP forward.  You can now run around on the tank, crouch or go prone.  Or, you can knife the gunner!!  Saw a guy do that once.

Last edited by Kaosdad008 (2006-03-21 12:56:52)

+20|6852|Chch, New Zealand

Kaosdad008 wrote:

But you can already do all of this.  First, get the driver to STOP.  Not "Go Slow" but full stop.  For tanks, run twords the tank from the front, as you reach the tank JUMP forward.  You can now run around on the tank, crouch or go prone.  Or, you can knife the gunner!!  Saw a guy do that once.
Yeah you can kinda do it, but if thet driver goes too fast or stops fast, then off you go. and same when he moves turret.
Ok, I downloaded a BF2mod called Mercenaries, in that mod it was possible to ride ontop of the M1A1 tank, one driver, one gunner, 2 guys at the back of the tank and one ontop of the tower.
when Hell is full...
yeah more pplz in a tank more kills 4 me and my cobra! :>
Usque Ad Finem
I.M.I Militant
We Are Not Alone In Here
+297|6872|Melbourne, Australia
sounds like a great idea a friend of mine brought this up the other day .. he sed if only it was like halo 1.. where u could sit on the tank an shoot everywhere.. but u were right out in the open.. defenently would boost AT numbers =]
There SHOULD be 1 driver (only drives), one guy manning the turret (120mm and 30cal), and one guy on top manning the 50 cal. There isn't enough space in a tank for other people, I guess you could put em outside Halo 1 style sitting on the treds but I don't think that'd be too safe, very easy kills.

But seriously, if you wanna be a squad leader and transport people use the APC, for all of you who can't figure it out APC stands for Armored Personel Carrier. Ooooh a PERSONEL CARRIER, it'd be nice to see it actualy used to move troops for once.
+22|6901|Sharqi Peninsula
Taking out people on the tank would be easy.  I have a blast playing support and watching a Black Hawk come near me and hover.  I just unload on the passengers and watch em fall out.  Same if you hit the big opening with an AT missile.  You could blow the guys right off.  I say go for it.
2 or 3 extra people?  who's going to kill a tank with two or three engineers on the wrench nonstop?  the only thing that could take out a tank would be aircraft.
So disable repairing from sitting on the tank in the implementation..either that or shoot those guys first..

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