GunSlinger OIF II
I really have issues with calling cannibus a drug
I've never smoked marijuana before, but personally I don't care if they make it legal or not cause it's not my business.  Even if it is illegal, people are still going to do it, so the government might as well make it legal and get some tax money off the distribution of it.  Plus, if the government sold it you could get rid of the guys that lace a bunch of shit in with marijuana.

The government just doesn't legalize marijuana because then we'd be heavily dependent on Columbia for imports.  Just kidding.

And yes, people get high everyday.  On 4/20 I know some guy he smoked like 8 times that day, so making it legal won't encourage people to smoke marijuana.  I just wish that if they do make it legal, that they make it so you can't smoke in public (and I'd be glad if they did this with cigarettes too).  I already have breathing problems, I don't need to make it worse.
+-1|6951|Springfield, MO

Orion5413 wrote:

Just to add to Col...Same can be said for the worlds oldest profession... The US should do what Germany does (Not sure if everyone has a redlight dist) and make that legal put it one place in each city, tax it, madaitory med check ups. You could include the pot bars in the same area, Then there would be no mistake... I hate having to explain to my kids what a strip bar is (I dont explin it ) so I find myself driving all over the damb place to avoid them ( I have girls) put em i one place than no one should be offened...takes care to the Christain rt and Liberlal left all at once...between sex and drugs we would have a surplus on cash....
Agreed....Its legal to have sex....Its legal to sell things...Why shouldn't it be legal to sell sex??  I can think of a lot of horrible things to do to someone, but giving someone an orgasm is hardly one of them.
Aussie Outlaw

F.Rabshaw wrote:

no. we don't need potheads driving around killing everyone, thanks.
You're thinkin of alcohol
+2,382|6996|The North, beyond the wall.
legalise it.
General Disarray
I've seen some comments on driving while under the influence of pot and how legalizing it would increase the ammount of high drivers .... I think the amount of people that drive while high will NOT increase (that much, sure it will a small amount) here is my reason.

      If it is illegal to consume Pot now, then the people that have chosen not to consume it because it's illegal, could be considered Law abiding citizens, If it then is legalized, but driving under the influence is illegal, you could presume that those Law abiding citizens that have chosen not to try pot because it is illegal, would Not break the law and dive under the influence. Therefore I see little increase in people driving while high.

      I feel that like many things, Alcohol, Sex, Gambling, VIDEO GAMES, Smoking cigarettes, the list goes on and on ...... pot can be addictive but, I base that on a individual level, I enjoy going to Vegas and gambling but I don't have a gambling problem.

So I say legalize it, If we are responsible enough to consume other controlled substances in moderation then what is one more on the list.
if ppl are resposible... then legalize it, like holland

F.Rabshaw wrote:

FubarJonny wrote:

F.Rabshaw wrote:

no. we don't need potheads driving around killing everyone, thanks.
dude shut up.
go smoke some weed and drop out of school.
you cant bag on something im sure you never tried driving stoned is not even like those gay ass commercial you see so agiain get a life and shut up.
+-1|6951|Springfield, MO
Sounds like some of you have watched a little too much Reefer Madness.
I have had some experence with pot and have since stoped doing it because of my ambitions of becoming a cop. If it were legalized less people would do it in a rebelious way, we would be able to tax it(BC would make huge cash) and less cops would die because of somthing so trivial. It needs to be done, the cities are already doing it themselves, see vancouver and chicago( or maybe its detroit)
GunSlinger OIF II

FubarJonny wrote:

F.Rabshaw wrote:

FubarJonny wrote:

dude shut up.
go smoke some weed and drop out of school.
you cant bag on something im sure you never tried driving stoned is not even like those gay ass commercial you see so agiain get a life and shut up.
fucking-a man, when i smoke and drive I actually enjoy traffic
+1|6943|Somewhere near Beverly Hills
I am neutral, and will list some facts:

-Drunk drivers kill lots a people each year, and pot would add to that number
-Gang violence and such is caused by unpaid drug deals, mostly
-The 70's are over, and I hate people who say "dude" every other word
-Adolf Hitler used drugs
-Pregnant women who smoke ANYTHING have children with birth defects
-Addicts will do ANYTHING to get more drugs
-Drugs can drain someone of money and mental stability

and, some of the things these people are saying in this thread are downright offensive, most of the guys that are talking supportively of Pot obviously do not have "problemed" family members

Last edited by Xaritix (2006-03-12 22:50:13)

GunSlinger OIF II
Kung Jew
That one mod
+331|7063|Houston, TX

Xaritix wrote:

I am neutral, and will list some facts:

-Drunk drivers kill lots a people each year, and pot would add to that number
-Gang violence and such is caused by unpaid drug deals, mostly
-The 70's are over, and I hate people who say "dude" every other word
-Adolf Hitler used drugs
-Pregnant women who smoke ANYTHING have children with birth defects
-Addicts will do ANYTHING to get more drugs
-Drugs can drain someone of money and mental stability

and, some of the things these people are saying in this thread are downright offensive, most of the guys that are talking supportively of Pot obviously do not have "problemed" family members
Well, ...... 

Where to begin.
1. Pot is already adding to the number of people killed each year.  People will drive stoned, tripping, blown, snowed, drunk, on cold medicine, downers, uppers, special K'ed, or whatever they take.  Legalizing pot doesn't give you a right to drive under the influence.  The number of deaths are already affected.
2. By legalizing pot, you take the distribution away from the gangs and thus reduce the unpaid drug deal violence factor.
3. The 80's are over too, but I'm still stuck on this rock with Fran Drescher and people who say "NOT". I can't do anything about that.  In turn, people will call people "Dude" with or without pot.
4. Adolf's drug usage.....  was probably not the major cause of WWII, or the Holocaust, or the ... geez, I don't feel the need to embellish here.  Just remember that we have had a President who "didn't inhale" but he went campaigning to help Katrina victims, not obliterate and wipe away any trace of the affected areas.
5. Pregnant women shouldn't be smoking anything anyhoo.  Legalizing pot will affect the birth defect ratio how?  Education is the key here.
6. Addicts do ANYTHING now, what will change if we legalize pot.  Aside from extra income from taxes, more jobs to grow, cultivate, regulate, and distribute, what will really change?
7.  This is the one point that I have no rebuttal on.  As a matter of fact, I agree completely.  Drugs can turn someone into a wasted space of life.  Self control and moderation is the key to indulgence.  You can't have your drug habit control you.

As to "problemed" family members, I'd venture to say that if a family member has problems, it will not get worse from the legalization of pot.  If the government did legalize pot, the problems they faced before are still there, legal or not.  Even if they (Government) refuse to legalize pot, people will still smoke and do drugs regardless.  Legalizing it would just give an opportunity to capitalize on a problem that has no solution/compromise in sight.

whew...  Please realize I'm not insulting family members, and I would hope to have constructive feedback from this.


Vampira_NB wrote:

Legalize it, people are generally smart enough to make their own decisions, I myself have never tried pot and don't plan to anytime soon, but Pot is definetely less harmful than alcohol (Drunk Driving, Drunken Brawls, Etc.)
What you waiting on?
+2,382|6996|The North, beyond the wall.
Maybe hes waiting for it to become legal,it is class c now so he might get one of those deadly warnings.Shit thats why nobody takes it because the law is so strict on it they might get a warning.If they caught me smoking it id run my ass off the punishmant is so bad.
sarcastic if you didnt notice.

Last edited by jord (2006-03-17 13:40:21)


Nitaro02 wrote:

I just wish that if they do make it legal, that they make it so you can't smoke in public (and I'd be glad if they did this with cigarettes too).  I already have breathing problems, I don't need to make it worse.
It has been proven that there is no such thing as "second hand smoke". Let me search the net. I saw the show. Like a mythbuster show but before mythbusters. I'll try to post my proof. You can search also if your interested.
You am dee best!
+34|7014|RCM Headquarters

Xaritix wrote:

-Drunk drivers kill lots a people each year, and pot would add to that number
Pot would in no way increase the number of people killed by drunk drivers.
Pot should be legal IMO.

This is a site of a DEA bust. Unbelievable what they were turning pot into. Well.....not really.

What I hate is the argument "it will fall in the hands of our children!"

1-Thats why we should regulate it.

2-Watch your f-n kids. Blame yourself when he turns to pot.


Last edited by Mason4Assassin444 (2006-03-17 17:46:31)

I feel that pot should be legalized, based on the fact that alcohol is farrr worse for your health anyway... if it were contained in the same way as alcohol, i see no problem for it
What about the medical usage of weed.  Its suppose to help with cronic pain, eye problems, and hunger for those people who are way under weight.  A few states already have weed legalized for medisanal purposes.  I would rather buy some pot made here in the USA than buy some columbian crap.  If anyone here has ever tried the US goverment grown stuff you know thats the best you can get.

To assume that the legalization of pot would not affect the current deaths on the road is not very smart.  Weed doesn;t affect everyone the same so some people might actually drive worse high than not.
How is it any ones business what you use or smoke? Now granted truly hard drugs can hurt someone if not used properly but cannabis? and

Last edited by section9 (2006-03-18 17:32:40)

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