Evil Geniuses for a sparsely populated tomorrow

vassili_zaitsev wrote:

On maps without much fog, I'd say 200m+ is a 'long' shot.

In foggy maps, anything off near the fog is a 'long' shot I guess.
I disagree, a target being at the edge of the fog does not make it a long shot.  The fog might make it more dificult but it does not effect how large the taget is in your scope or how much bullet drop you correct for at that distance.

Does anyone know what the measurement for the white view gide on the mini map? (The White Pie wedge that shows which direction you are looking in the mini map)
Like a lot of people stated, it depends on the level. On one with really no fog like Wake, I would say that 250-300m is a long shot. for levels with fog, I would have to say when you start to notice that you are loosing your target in the fog to be considered long (but not necessarily hard). I have been working on putting together a compilation of pictures with the range system in-game (which I think is messed up) for all the sniper rifles to determine average range to a target to adjust for the slight (but evident) bullet drop at ranges greater than 200m. For me, using BF2's range, I have been able to get head shots at 400m on Wake. I think that would qualify as long for anyone . I'm hoping to have my range guide out in a week or so and hopefully work on the bullet drop for the rifles after that. (I still don't know why the M95 doesn't have a Mil dot scope and why the L96 only has horizontal milli-radian marks and no vertical ones)

"Don’t ever argue with an idiot, he'll drag you down to his level and beat you with experience."

[zulu]steviep831 wrote:

I've just recently begun to devote some time to the sniper rifles. I just love the kit (had my first M95 helo pilot kill just two nights ago), but hadn't really wanted to be patient enough. From reading some threads on the sniper rifle, it looks like bullet drop is a real thing. I'll have an obedient target that I would consider a long shot (in that misty periphery of the fog) and I will have a perfect head shot and miss. Only to get a kill assist a few seconds later. So I hope you don't mind maton, but can I give your thread a little direction?

Can you vetern sniper guys give us some insight into your adjustments for shooting targets at longer distances? Staticblue gave us some hints already, but can anyone else shed some light?
Aim above them.. 

Practice makes perfect.

It's more a self-learning process for aiming i'm afraid. Stuff like positions and tactics can be easilly taught.

Tell you what, here's something which may help with your aiming.. try to hit moving targets, i'm pretty good at it because I played Operation Flashpoint. (realistic bullet physics)

For example, a running enemy soldier. Or even better a flying helicopter, try to hit the machine gunner on a blackhawk like this.

It'll probably help with your reaction time, aiming and patience.

NPN_Scorpio wrote:

I could bore you all to tears with numbers from my reloading manuals, or you could peruse some reloading sites to prove me wrong
I'd like to see those numbers.
It is hard to constitute what is considered a long shot (as you all know this game isn't very realistic in that aspect).  One main reason being is that the scopes provided do not have near the power a scope would have in real life.  Also, due to the fact that you are aiming with a realitively small computer monitor, objects will wind up being quite smaller than in reality. 

That said, I have made quite a few (not trying to brag ) head shots at what seems to be somewhere around 2000 yards (1.136 363 636 miles).  However!!!!  In real life, it probably would only be somewhere around 1400 yards (again, due to the fact you are looking through a low powered scope, and objects appear much smaller on screen than IRL).
+42|6675|Montreal, Canada

vassili_zaitsev wrote:

mporlier wrote:

EvilJebus wrote:

I'd say that anything over 150m is along shot, at least one that takes a little skill. After that it starts to get hard. Some people on here claim shots at over 300m, I don't remember myself ever making one that long, although I've made some long ones that might have come close.
300m shots are usual. You DO need proper conditions:

Good map (Kubra Dam for exemple)
Immobile victim
Lots of time cuse you will probably need more than 2 shots

My video card draw distance is 360m after that I see the guy dissapear! Once I did shoot him just after but it was a lucky shot.
Hmmm, what video card do you have? I assume your draw distance is at 100%?

Last night playing Kubra Dam I could clearly see enemies at a flag marked as 430m away...
430m I wish I had that. I have a Gforce 6600 GT 128mb do you know if I can improve?
Carlos Hathcock Jr
+7|6747|'Ull, Yorkshire, England
Ok heres a screenshot of the L96 scope that i've edited to show you rough guides to where to aim -

The first marking out from the centre should be where you aim for targets 120m - 200m or so, the next one out is 200 - 300 and the final one 300+

To help illustrate my point further heres a map of Sharqi Peninsula (my favourite sniping map), Within the circle that i have marked you should be able to kill anyone from the roof of the TV station with a headshot using the first marking out on the scope above. The same applies if you are shooting people on top of the TV station within this sort of distance.

I certainly wouldn't recommend sniping from the roof though, theres absolutely no cover and you silhouette yourself against the skyline. Fortunately i have got hundreds of kills from people who don't follow this advice and they usually keep trying to find me until the round ends.

As i said its very rough and i'm going to try to make some videos with FRAPS to accompany the sniper guide I am working on (should be finished in a week or so but i'm doing 23 days in a row at work so i'm pretty busy). I'm hoping that I can get maybe 5 or 6 videos of me making shots at various distances and from various favourite sniper spots. I'm hoping these will go a long way towards helping my guide be the final word on sniping

mporlier wrote:

430m I wish I had that. I have a Gforce 6600 GT 128mb do you know if I can improve?
I have an X850XT so its a better card than yours, whether that makes any difference to draw distance I'm not sure.

Are you sure you have your draw distance set to 100%? Because the game defaults it to 90% when you install.

EvilMonkeySlayer wrote:

Tell you what, here's something which may help with your aiming.. try to hit moving targets, i'm pretty good at it because I played Operation Flashpoint. (realistic bullet physics)

For example, a running enemy soldier. Or even better a flying helicopter, try to hit the machine gunner on a blackhawk like this.

It'll probably help with your reaction time, aiming and patience.
Sweet shot dude, do you have much luck shooting pilots out of choppers with the M95 though? I've done that a few times but mostly out of luck than pure 'skill' IMO. I still do it regardless, because 1 M95 shot takes off something like 1/7th of a choppers armor.

I shot a few guys driving inflattable boats as well with the M24/L96A1, those are quite hard shots as well, almost as hard as hitting chopper pilots.
nice post vega. and people don't believe that the L96 has the most bullet drop
Carlos Hathcock Jr
+7|6747|'Ull, Yorkshire, England
Not sure if it has the most but i'd certainly say it has the same amount as the M95 which is considerably more than the M24.

Before the 1.2 patch I was able to kill chopper pilots quite easily, now it's almost too easy. The gunners in the side seats are also very easy to kill. I once got a kill streak of 27 as a sniper (which i've only recently beaten while being in a tank), mostly from shooting the guys in a blackhawk that was hovering over the power plant in Mashtuur, managed to bag myself 3 blackhawks and various passengers during that one round and I was commander as well

The guys in the boats are certainly some of the most satisfying kills, you can see very little of the driver as he speeds along so it not only takes good skill to lead the target but also to get the Bullet Drop perfect to hit that tiny piece of head.

It would be nice to have Mil-dots or something similar on the in game scopes which we can use to accurately place shots at range, unfortunately it just takes a hell of a lot of practice to be able to confidently take any shot at any range and get clean kills.

Last edited by =FDX=VEga (2006-03-17 21:07:19)


vassili_zaitsev wrote:

EvilMonkeySlayer wrote:

Tell you what, here's something which may help with your aiming.. try to hit moving targets, i'm pretty good at it because I played Operation Flashpoint. (realistic bullet physics)

For example, a running enemy soldier. Or even better a flying helicopter, try to hit the machine gunner on a blackhawk like this.

It'll probably help with your reaction time, aiming and patience.
Sweet shot dude, do you have much luck shooting pilots out of choppers with the M95 though? I've done that a few times but mostly out of luck than pure 'skill' IMO. I still do it regardless, because 1 M95 shot takes off something like 1/7th of a choppers armor.

I shot a few guys driving inflattable boats as well with the M24/L96A1, those are quite hard shots as well, almost as hard as hitting chopper pilots.
You mean like this

That was on 1.2, so unfortunately it doesn't show that the blackhawk was maxed out with troops. The kill list was one long list of EvilMonkeySlayer killed [name].

I waited for just the right moment, killed the pilot and the blackhawk crashed to the ground killing all onboard.

As you can see, one bullet 90 kills. (it was the same with the other screenshot, but i'd been sniping other people at that point. Hence the low amount of bullets.)

I'll typically change to the M95 if the other team are going from flag to flag in a helicopter. And i'll make them wish they'd taken a tank instead.

The trick isn't to just keep firing at the helicopter, it's usually to wait for your shot. A full health helicopter will just fly away if you start making any serious damage with an M95.
If you can destroy a helicopter by taking out the pilot with a single bullet and also kill all onboard then you've not wasted a load of bullets. Plus you have to remember that the M95 is one big noise machine, it'll give away your position if you keep firing it like mad.

Last edited by EvilMonkeySlayer (2006-03-18 00:44:29)

Carlos Hathcock Jr
+7|6747|'Ull, Yorkshire, England
Yep thats the one, gotta love it when the buggers try to jump out as the BH is about to hit the dirt and they get killed just as easily :-p

'Blackhawk down, we got a Blackhawk down'

P.S. EvilMonkey I see you are from Leeds, good to meet a fellow Yorkshire sniper

Last edited by =FDX=VEga (2006-03-18 07:10:22)


=FDX=VEga wrote:

Yep thats the one, gotta love it when the buggers try to jump out as the BH is about to hit the dirt and they get killed just as easily :-p

'Blackhawk down, we got a Blackhawk down'

P.S. EvilMonkey I see you are from Leeds, good to meet a fellow Yorkshire sniper
Cool, where in Yorkshire do you hail from?
Carlos Hathcock Jr
+7|6747|'Ull, Yorkshire, England
Just outside.............. Hull

BUT not in Hull.

=FDX=VEga wrote:

Just outside.............. Hull

BUT not in Hull.
That's no excuse... 

On the plus side The Beautiful South came from Hull, so it ain't all bad.

EvilMonkeySlayer wrote:

You mean like this

That was on 1.2, so unfortunately it doesn't show that the blackhawk was maxed out with troops. The kill list was one long list of EvilMonkeySlayer killed [name].

I waited for just the right moment, killed the pilot and the blackhawk crashed to the ground killing all onboard.

As you can see, one bullet 90 kills. (it was the same with the other screenshot, but i'd been sniping other people at that point. Hence the low amount of bullets.)

I'll typically change to the M95 if the other team are going from flag to flag in a helicopter. And i'll make them wish they'd taken a tank instead.

The trick isn't to just keep firing at the helicopter, it's usually to wait for your shot. A full health helicopter will just fly away if you start making any serious damage with an M95.
If you can destroy a helicopter by taking out the pilot with a single bullet and also kill all onboard then you've not wasted a load of bullets. Plus you have to remember that the M95 is one big noise machine, it'll give away your position if you keep firing it like mad.
Hah! The one time I downed a BH pilot he was the ONLY one on board.

Just my luck eh.

w00tson wrote:

staticblue wrote:

I wonder if the "M95" has less arc since it more powerful.
Heavier bullet, more arc. Or more drop rather.
Sorry, basic physics - weight has no bearing on the effect of gravity. In simple terms you drop a 1kg weight and a 10g weight from a tall building they hit the ground at the same time.

Bullet drop over distance would be dependant on the time to target. It is mostly a factor of velocity, not mass.

Interesting consequence of this is that if you drop a bullet beside a rifle a the same moment as firing both hit the ground at the same time... makes you think don't it?

=FDX=VEga wrote:

I'd say a long shot is anything that requires the use of bullet drop...
That's as good a definition as any.

=FDX=VEga wrote:

One of my friends... doesn't believe in Bullet Drop, he says its only required with the M95 and thats only at distances of 300m or more. Opinions anyone?
He's wrong.
+42|6675|Montreal, Canada

vassili_zaitsev wrote:

mporlier wrote:

430m I wish I had that. I have a Gforce 6600 GT 128mb do you know if I can improve?
I have an X850XT so its a better card than yours, whether that makes any difference to draw distance I'm not sure.

Are you sure you have your draw distance set to 100%? Because the game defaults it to 90% when you install.
I tweeked my card this week-end and got my first >400m kill! I hit someone on Wake from the US gun island to the South Base, he spawned and got him right away. The flag show 449m so I substracted 20-30 as a gess.

I am getting there!
Well... in my opinion a long, is when bullet drop becomes a factor... around 200m or so...for a long time  was a close range sniper... i had terrific accuracy, but died an incredible amount... so i moved to long range sniping... which has both increased my score and decreased my deaths. I stay an average of 150m away from my target area... which i would consider medium range. Often i snipe accross the bay in wake island (approx 300-400m) which are very long range shots...
I spent most of the weekend practicing with the sniper kit and had a load more misses than hits. Don't know if I'm trying to over compensate or was just really tired. But on some of the maps I like to snipe on like Wake, Karkand and Sharqi I was having just a terrible time hitting anyone. I was getting a few kill assists so I guess I'm in the general area, but I want the kill. It's such a great feeling when you're shooting it out with another sniper only to get the "You killed *name*" Love it. Guess I need more time behind the scope. Good luck guys, and if you see me out on the field of battle, take it easy on me!
Carlos Hathcock Jr
+7|6747|'Ull, Yorkshire, England
Read my earlier post in this thread about using bullet drop (the one with the picture of the crosshair) and keep practicing. I've been playing online shooters for years and i've always been a sniper, I've only just started getting scores worth bragging about with the sniper kit, my KDR is slowly increasing as is my accuracy and I rarely miss a shot nowadays.

Keep practicing and good luck.

=FDX=VEga wrote:

Read my earlier post in this thread about using bullet drop (the one with the picture of the crosshair) and keep practicing. I've been playing online shooters for years and i've always been a sniper, I've only just started getting scores worth bragging about with the sniper kit, my KDR is slowly increasing as is my accuracy and I rarely miss a shot nowadays.

Keep practicing and good luck.
Thanks Vega. I too have played as sniper online for many years. Though not a lot lately. I played a lot of Return to Castle Wolfenstein online. That was what really got me into sniping. This BF2 has just reintroduced me to this "first love".

Thanks for the encouragement and I will definitely keep practicing.

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