
uevjHEYFFQ wrote:

Though I would like to see marijuana at least decriminalized our economy can't handle it right now. Too many people are employed fighting it. From the police on the street to the groups that fight to make sure nobody can smoke it legally to the groups that fight to make it legal to the companies that research use prevention even the drug companies that make drug test kits for marijuana.

Right now our economy is too fragile to make any large scale social reform that would put some people out of work.
How about these police put their efforts into the increase in Heroin dealing, usage, import and cultivation? One of the reasons the UK MET supported a downgrade in Marijuana was to free up officers and put them on the hard drug cases. The drugs that are actually killing citizens as well as destroying families.
I would prefer my tax moneys go to preventing heroin getting into my country and chasing down the people who bring it in and sell it. Never mind the criminality that goes along with these gangs. Than going after some pacifist stonner having a spliff in the privacy of his own home.

I remember seeing some stats awhile ago that said. More than half of inner city crime is by heroin addicts doing whatever it takes to get their next fix. You don't see pot smokers beating someone to death to get the money to score some weed.

Also, the UK is spending billions in Afghanistan. UK solders walk every day through fields of poppies which are making up the majority of Heroin coming into the UK and doing fuck all about it. Although the war on terror and keeping the farmers sweet is more important. Id hazard a guess that many times more ppl have died from Afghan heroin than on 9/11.
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6625|SE London

Dilbert_X wrote:

So cannabis is level with amphetamines for dependence, and ecstacy for physical harm.
Doesn't sound like the wonder safe addictionless drug everyone says it is.
Why not? You must not have much idea of how harmless the other two are (ecstasy=MDMA).

Look at the graph properly. The only things less harmful than weed are Khat (ha), poppers (ha ha ha) and GHB. Those are nothing harmless drugs - which are available to buy, if you really want.

Also, that graph doesn't fit in with the stuff published by the BMA and by the governments drug advisory commitee (which ranked Alcohol as the second most dangerous drug, only just behind heroin).
¦TØP¦ Rommel1l

Bertster7 wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

So cannabis is level with amphetamines for dependence, and ecstacy for physical harm.
Doesn't sound like the wonder safe addictionless drug everyone says it is.
Why not? You must not have much idea of how harmless the other two are (ecstasy=MDMA).

Look at the graph properly. The only things less harmful than weed are Khat (ha), poppers (ha ha ha) and GHB. Those are nothing harmless drugs - which are available to buy, if you really want.

Also, that graph doesn't fit in with the stuff published by the BMA and by the governments drug advisory commitee (which ranked Alcohol as the second most dangerous drug, only just behind heroin).
Well said.  Marijuana should be decriminalized and or legal. 
God damn hippies.
The X stands for
+1,810|6149|eXtreme to the maX

Bertster7 wrote:

Why not? You must not have much idea of how harmless the other two are (ecstasy=MDMA).
No-one wants to address the psychological and psycho-chemical effects of drugs.
MDMA causes you to use up your reserve of serotonin.
Noticed how old people are often miserable?
Want to be like that when you're 40? Keep taking MDMA.
Its not harmless in the long term, and really we don't even have the data because people haven't been taking it that long.

Depends on what you mean by dangerous I guess, alcohol and tobacco will physically kill you in the long run, other drugs might not, but you will be left with psychological issues at best.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
+2,382|6721|The North, beyond the wall.

Dilbert_X wrote:

Bertster7 wrote:

Why not? You must not have much idea of how harmless the other two are (ecstasy=MDMA).
No-one wants to address the psychological and psycho-chemical effects of drugs.
MDMA causes you to use up your reserve of serotonin.
Noticed how old people are often miserable?
Want to be like that when you're 40? Keep taking MDMA.
Its not harmless in the long term, and really we don't even have the data because people haven't been taking it that long.

Depends on what you mean by dangerous I guess, alcohol and tobacco will physically kill you in the long run, other drugs might not, but you will be left with psychological issues at best.
You mean Physiological issues at worst? Since many people have gone their life taking drugs and come out fine...
The X stands for
+1,810|6149|eXtreme to the maX
And many people who have taken drugs are totally fucked.

Ever seen Ozzy Osbourne interviewed?
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
+2,382|6721|The North, beyond the wall.

Dilbert_X wrote:

And many people who have taken drugs are totally fucked.

Ever seen Ozzy Osbourne interviewed?
Yes I know, my point is you said "you will be left with psychological issues at best". As if everyone that has ever taken drugs is a paranoid, agoraphobic wreck that doesn't trust their own mother. In reality many more people live their lives fine and don't make a big, attention seeking deal of it. Sorta like the absolute twat you mentioned.
The 30+ year old guy at the Quiky Mart by my house fried his brain with drugs.  He barely functions well enough to keep his job.  He broke his prescription glasses and just grabbed a pair of his mother's and wears them?  The guy is basically a poor Ozzy Osbourne. 

Look at what Alcohol Abuse does to people, imagine if Alcohol gave you no hang overs and went down as easy as pop.  This is what you are basically asking for with the legalization Weed bullshit.  The fact that you don't comphrehend this or the effect it would have on society reinforces the fact that you make poor decisions and don't understand consequences.

I bet that most of the people on here promoting Pot have an absolute wreck of a life.  They can talk all they want about " casual smokers " but most " casual smokers " I have met never buy the shit and just end up around people with it from time to time and smoke it.  It takes someone with a very little grasp of reality to keep friends with drug dealers, keep illegal drugs around, and do so " as a casual smoker " that doesn't regularly smoke the stuff or put importance on it.  Why?  Beer is legal and you can do it in public. 

So smoke it up and say hi to your Mum upstairs for me.
+2,382|6721|The North, beyond the wall.

Lotta_Drool wrote:

The 30+ year old guy at the Quiky Mart by my house fried his brain with drugs.  He barely functions well enough to keep his job.  He broke his prescription glasses and just grabbed a pair of his mother's and wears them?  The guy is basically a poor Ozzy Osbourne. 

Look at what Alcohol Abuse does to people, imagine if Alcohol gave you no hang overs and went down as easy as pop.  This is what you are basically asking for with the legalization Weed bullshit.  The fact that you don't comphrehend this or the effect it would have on society reinforces the fact that you make poor decisions and don't understand consequences.

I bet that most of the people on here promoting Pot have an absolute wreck of a life.  They can talk all they want about " casual smokers " but most " casual smokers " I have met never buy the shit and just end up around people with it from time to time and smoke it.  It takes someone with a very little grasp of reality to keep friends with drug dealers, keep illegal drugs around, and do so " as a casual smoker " that doesn't regularly smoke the stuff or put importance on it.  Why?  Beer is legal and you can do it in public. 

So smoke it up and say hi to your Mum upstairs for me.
Did you not get banned last time for posting your massively uneducated and narrow minded opinion in this thread before? Do you not learn? People are getting tired of your hick, ignorant opinion. Read a book and come back.
mostly afk
+480|6593|CH/BR - in UK

Cybargs wrote:

Banning alcohol would fail badly. History has proven it.
Radical changes are never accepted. That's why you have to ease into it. Kinda like easing into really hot/cold water

+2,382|6721|The North, beyond the wall.

konfusion wrote:

Cybargs wrote:

Banning alcohol would fail badly. History has proven it.
Radical changes are never accepted. That's why you have to ease into it. Kinda like easing into really hot/cold water

The majority are leaning towards legalising substances like Cannabis, not banning already legal ones. You'll have to go to Nazi Germany if you'd prefer to ban everything else fun.

Have fun, I heard they banned Dancing and Jazz music too. Oh what a great place to live...
Should have ducked
+394|6530|Ham Lake, MN (Fucking Cold)
I have seen plenty of people that have smoked themselves retarded, but I also know plenty of people that can keep it at the recreational level.
I do not believe all this talk about it being non addictive. If someone can get addicted to video games, you damn sure can get addicted to a chemical that alters your mood.

Hence, keep the shit illegal.
+2,382|6721|The North, beyond the wall.

SgtHeihn wrote:

I have seen plenty of people that have smoked themselves retarded, but I also know plenty of people that can keep it at the recreational level.
I do not believe all this talk about it being non addictive. If someone can get addicted to video games, you damn sure can get addicted to a chemical that alters your mood.

Hence, keep the shit illegal.
Weak minded people can get addicted to masturbation. There is no chemical addiction in Cannabis, hence why you see people that can go without it.
Should have ducked
+394|6530|Ham Lake, MN (Fucking Cold)

jord wrote:

SgtHeihn wrote:

I have seen plenty of people that have smoked themselves retarded, but I also know plenty of people that can keep it at the recreational level.
I do not believe all this talk about it being non addictive. If someone can get addicted to video games, you damn sure can get addicted to a chemical that alters your mood.

Hence, keep the shit illegal.
Weak minded people can get addicted to masturbation. There is no chemical addiction in Cannabis, hence why you see people that can go without it.
You are also looking at a weak minded world. Look at the types of mind numbing entertainment we have now, hell on of the most watched shows in the world is a reality show! Do you really think people would be able to handle it?
+2,382|6721|The North, beyond the wall.

SgtHeihn wrote:

jord wrote:

SgtHeihn wrote:

I have seen plenty of people that have smoked themselves retarded, but I also know plenty of people that can keep it at the recreational level.
I do not believe all this talk about it being non addictive. If someone can get addicted to video games, you damn sure can get addicted to a chemical that alters your mood.

Hence, keep the shit illegal.
Weak minded people can get addicted to masturbation. There is no chemical addiction in Cannabis, hence why you see people that can go without it.
You are also looking at a weak minded world. Look at the types of mind numbing entertainment we have now, hell on of the most watched shows in the world is a reality show! Do you really think people would be able to handle it?
I thought you were meant to be all about "personal responsibility" in America? If someone can't afford to do it and they get into debt they are fined if not jailed there yes?

Meh, weak minded people can get addicted to anything. At least Pot is relatively harmless. God forbid they got addicted to WoW.
can detect anyone's visible post count...
+691|6809|Cambridge (UK)

jord wrote:

God forbid they got addicted to WoW.
WoW should be illegal.
The X stands for
+1,810|6149|eXtreme to the maX

Jord wrote:

As if everyone that has ever taken drugs is a paranoid, agoraphobic wreck that doesn't trust their own mother.
No but a significant number are.

SgtHeihn wrote:

I have seen plenty of people that have smoked themselves retarded.
Interesting you've seen it happen too, plenty of people have.
Of course those who have smoked themsleves retarded probably don't notice.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!

Dilbert_X wrote:

Jord wrote:

As if everyone that has ever taken drugs is a paranoid, agoraphobic wreck that doesn't trust their own mother.
No but a significant number are.

SgtHeihn wrote:

I have seen plenty of people that have smoked themselves retarded.
Interesting you've seen it happen too, plenty of people have.
Of course those who have smoked themsleves retarded probably don't notice.
Eh it's their own body they can do whatever they want to it. We're in no position to say what people should and shouldn't do with their lives and body. Some people will destroy themselves others will not. It's a sad fact of life that people get addicted to anything they find pleasurable but it's still their own lives and bodies we have no right to decide what others want to do with their lives as long as nobody else is effected.


uevjHEYFFQ wrote:

Right now our economy is too fragile to make any large scale social reform
The X stands for
+1,810|6149|eXtreme to the maX
Eh it's their own body they can do whatever they want to it. We're in no position to say what people should and shouldn't do with their lives and body.
Yes we are.
If they're going to smoke themselves nuts and start stabbing random strangers and pushing people in front of tube trains then yes we are.
If we have to pay taxes for their dole and medication then yes we are.

On the other hand, if I didn't have to listen to another stoner try and argue 'Er I think it should be like legalised cuz er its great and all my like friends do it. Its just a plant dude, chill out.' I'd be a happy man.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
can detect anyone's visible post count...
+691|6809|Cambridge (UK)

uevjHEYFFQ wrote:

uevjHEYFFQ wrote:

Right now our economy is too fragile to make any large scale social reform
Legalising and taxing Marijuana would help the economy.
Should have ducked
+394|6530|Ham Lake, MN (Fucking Cold)

Dilbert_X wrote:

Eh it's their own body they can do whatever they want to it. We're in no position to say what people should and shouldn't do with their lives and body.
Yes we are.
If they're going to smoke themselves nuts and start stabbing random strangers and pushing people in front of tube trains then yes we are.
If we have to pay taxes for their dole and medication then yes we are.

On the other hand, if I didn't have to listen to another stoner try and argue 'Er I think it should be like legalised cuz er its great and all my like friends do it. Its just a plant dude, chill out.' I'd be a happy man.
I love seeing the pictures from those legalization rallies, its like seeing a living time capsule of the 1960's. Then listening to their speeches is down right hilarious, how do they expect anyone to take them seriously if they look like a greasy burn out?

The it's just a plant is the funnest argument, because the science that goes in to weed growing these days out shines the research for an AIDS cure.
It might have just been a plant, 50yrs ago, but I have never seen plants grow in nature 3 different colors and have crystals dripping off of them.

Dilbert_X wrote:

Eh it's their own body they can do whatever they want to it. We're in no position to say what people should and shouldn't do with their lives and body.
Yes we are.
If they're going to smoke themselves nuts and start stabbing random strangers and pushing people in front of tube trains then yes we are.
If we have to pay taxes for their dole and medication then yes we are.

On the other hand, if I didn't have to listen to another stoner try and argue 'Er I think it should be like legalised cuz er its great and all my like friends do it. Its just a plant dude, chill out.' I'd be a happy man.
If I didn't have to hear the "they're going to go crazy and kill everyone" argument I'd be a happy man.

When you smoke your in a happy relaxed state. Very rarely does anyone who uses pot ever do anything violent when high. Much less crimes are committed when high then drunk. But I hate the if A is A argument then B is B argument.

Pointless debate anyway It won't happen.
Should have ducked
+394|6530|Ham Lake, MN (Fucking Cold)

uevjHEYFFQ wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

Eh it's their own body they can do whatever they want to it. We're in no position to say what people should and shouldn't do with their lives and body.
Yes we are.
If they're going to smoke themselves nuts and start stabbing random strangers and pushing people in front of tube trains then yes we are.
If we have to pay taxes for their dole and medication then yes we are.

On the other hand, if I didn't have to listen to another stoner try and argue 'Er I think it should be like legalised cuz er its great and all my like friends do it. Its just a plant dude, chill out.' I'd be a happy man.
If I didn't have to hear the "they're going to go crazy and kill everyone" argument I'd be a happy man.

When you smoke your in a happy relaxed state. Very rarely does anyone who uses pot ever do anything violent when high. Much less crimes are committed when high then drunk. But I hate the if A is A argument then B is B argument.

Pointless debate anyway It won't happen.
Oh so you have been with every person that smokes weed? Actually a lot more crimes are committed on weed or a combo of weed/booze/other drug.

If it is pointless don't try to get the last word in then close it off.
+786|6163|Ontario | Canada
Alcohol is worse for you. It is legal.
Criminalize alcohol or decriminalize marijuana.

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