Negative Ping
Just a lil vent...

Just got kicked from a server.  Was a great game tho.  I was in first place, had about 20 pts on 2nd place.  Well, I spawn to grab the apc (this is on Sharqi btw) and as soon as I get in, I get blown up by a hovering chopper campin the non-cappable spawn.  I mention how I believed it was against the server rules to camp the non-cappable flags.  Next thing I know...someone named IBA_SABACIOUS70 starts bein rude to me (he was not the chopper pilot).  I notice it's also his server...he says "guess what," so I ignore him.  Well, I notice him in a tank taking the Hotel spot.  My girl was on the same server, in the other tank, right next to me.  I get around behind that IBA guy, and take him out...and I say "that's what boy."  A min later, I get kicked for one minute.  A min goes by, and I jump back in. I ask him why he kicked me, and he started cussing at me, callin me a baby or somethin.  I take screen shots of most of the convo, until I get kicked again.  I didn't bother goin back, but my girl was still in the game...and she asked them why they kicked me.  They told her I was team killing...which was obvious I wasn't doin.  Well...they kicked her also a min later.

Anyways, just wanted to rant bout this server...was IBA-somethin...ip  That's my side of the story and I'm stickin to it, and if I knew how to post pics here, I would.  Just a warning ppl, we all know there are fucked up admins out there...and I just pointed out one...have a nice day all. 
Lol you owned the admin, nice. Post the screenies plo0x
Negative Ping
as soon as i know how to, ill post em. 
Negative Ping
Got another Admin to call out on.  Didn't get the server name or ip quick enough...but the individual in question goes by the name of [JAW] dragn76.  My girl (FlamesMakeitFaster) and I usually play online every nite together.  Well tonite, we decided to play some Ghost Town.  Found a decent server, played one round, and stayed for the next.  Well, this next round, this individual kicks my gil.  Obviously, I'm gonna ask whats up...so I ask, and the guy threatens to kick me.  At this time, my girl informs me he kicked her for not giving him the tank.  Apparently he was the gunner on the T-90 and she was driving, and he was askin her repeatidly to "get out"...and she wouldn't...then she gets kicked.  Well, after hearing this, I told him he was abusing his powers...and I told him I had a few screenies of the chat in the game...he told me not to threaten him, and I told him to chill out or I'll expose him for the prick he is...then I get kicked.    Good times...rant is over, just had to let you all know of another prick Admin...thank you. 

Update...A REALLY HIGH POINTS SERVER is the name, and the ip is  Did an in depth search (not really) and round it.  Honestly didn't join it cuz of the name tho...seriously. 

Last edited by 0ktane (2006-03-15 19:17:12)

Are you the battlefield police? Just find a new server instead of complaining about it.
lol well h ey some admins do suck
+85|6903|good old CA
yea some admins are just stupid, join my clan server  i promise you that you will have the fastest loading time (verify) and the best experience : ).  we have good admins : )
Negative Ping
U got a deal Maj.    and ezded...yeah, it was a lil rant, but I also am lettin ppl know of this individual, and how he uses his powers.  Police I am not...but I'm still gonna let ppl know bout bad admins...u deal with that. 
+2|6796|Melbourne, Australia

edzed wrote:

Are you the battlefield police? Just find a new server instead of complaining about it.
Fu*k off mate, arsehole admins deserve to be stripped of their priveledges. I would consideing forcing people out of a tank so you can get high scores as stat padding of the highest order, and I wouldn't accept anything like that.

Oktane, if you have screenies to convict those bastards, I'd suggest reporting the cu*ts to EA. I don't know the link, but do a search, you'll find it.
Negative Ping
Thx for the advise man...I'm gonna look into that.
Oktane if u send me the pics to [email protected] i will pass dem on to my friends dad who works for ea pretty sweet and well get em banned for life

edzed wrote:

Are you the battlefield police? Just find a new server instead of complaining about it.
I like knowing what servers not to go on. Continue posting about Smacktard Admins please.

edzed wrote:

Are you the battlefield police? Just find a new server instead of complaining about it.
We could use some BF police.
Get your body beat.
if you dont like uncap rapeing with vehicles (kit guns are easy to fight back against) check out internode. it does have a ping kicker at 300 though
+19|6777|In your moms BUSHland
Yeah Raging Homos/Rebels server sucks as well.  Avoid it at all costs.
+24|6845|Fayettenam, NC USA

0ktane wrote:

Got another Admin to call out on.  Didn't get the server name or ip quick enough...but the individual in question goes by the name of [JAW] dragn76.  My girl (FlamesMakeitFaster) and I usually play online every nite together.  Well tonite, we decided to play some Ghost Town.  Found a decent server, played one round, and stayed for the next.  Well, this next round, this individual kicks my gil.  Obviously, I'm gonna ask whats up...so I ask, and the guy threatens to kick me.  At this time, my girl informs me he kicked her for not giving him the tank.  Apparently he was the gunner on the T-90 and she was driving, and he was askin her repeatidly to "get out"...and she wouldn't...then she gets kicked.  Well, after hearing this, I told him he was abusing his powers...and I told him I had a few screenies of the chat in the game...he told me not to threaten him, and I told him to chill out or I'll expose him for the prick he is...then I get kicked.    Good times...rant is over, just had to let you all know of another prick Admin...thank you. 

Update...A REALLY HIGH POINTS SERVER is the name, and the ip is  Did an in depth search (not really) and round it.  Honestly didn't join it cuz of the name tho...seriously. 
I know that this thread is kinda old, but I just thought it was funny that you (0ktane) were on this server the other night.  What changed?
Destroy Noob Cannons
You can't just have bad luck, you must be doing something to provoke being kicked.
Jeepers Creepers
+136|6882|Peoria, Illinois

0ktane wrote:

Thx for the advise man...I'm gonna look into that.
Negative Ping
Ok...a lil update. 

Yes, I was back on that server a few days ago I think.  The honest reason I was there...I forgot about them.  A friend of mine that use to be in RL friend of mine's clan left that clan and joined JAW.  I stumbled across that server, and saw him, and decided to go a few rounds.  It wasn't til I saw that same guy that kicked my girl that I realized what server I was on.  I left pretty quickly after that.

And now...for your viewing pleasure (and...now that I know how to post screenies) ...the screenies of my girl being kicked and me confronting this guy.  ...oh, and I was using my .hack//blackrose char that game. 



I would have told him to munch on my taco sauce incrusted Lagina.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

KrisBulldog wrote:

Oktane if u send me the pics to [email protected] i will pass dem on to my friends dad who works for ea pretty sweet and well get em banned for life
Lol @ him.
U.S. > Iran

SolidusSnake12 wrote:

lol well h ey some admins do suck
roger that buddy, some admins are pretty immature and abuse their priveledges.  Granted, some of them pay for the server to be there, but if they are gonna pay for a public server, it should be played like a public server, meaning anyone can use the tank, helo, jet etc.  Its crap they boot for such childish reasons sometimes.  But all you can do is go to another server, or pay for your own and treat them like shit if/when those particulars come to your place.
+917|6769|Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Must I mention moders ghost town servers........ argh. They have some immature admins too.
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal
Destroy Noob Cannons
"You're gettin told on"
wtf? are we 5 years old?
Negative Ping
Slaythem...u...don't really like saying nice things do you? 

Obviously, that is what I said.  It's how I type, and how I talk...it's the person I am.   Now, plz jumpin on me not having bad luck or whatever, and how I say what I say (or type)...and present somethin that is worthwhile on the topic at hand plz.  Thank you.

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