It sucks, but it's true.
Our government created the housing bubble, not questionable borrowers. Banks would never have over extended themselves making loans to the poorer people without some sort of promise of a safety net. This all begins and ends with politicians.
I have searched long and hard for an answer as to why this is all happening.
Those familar with the stated goals of the PNAC may know what I'm getting at. You think those people are going to stop their insidious machinations because Obama got elected? Hah!
The only thing that will " save " our economy is the same thing that pulled it out of the great depression.
In not too many years the american people will be offering up our treasure and children for a global war of domination. It may be called a NWO, or a one world government but you can bet your ass we are getting into position to be the defacto dictator of it all, as such is our nature.
This war will be embraced by a desperate and hungry population.
I would go so far as to say the peoples of the world should stop us, while there is still a chance of that, because otherwise the center of power in the world shall be based here ( as it basically is now anyway ), except that whereas now we appear to be benevolent and bumbling and misguided, I believe we ( meaning the insane behind the scenes real leadership ) have the socio-pathic potential to make the Holocost a memory of the good old days.
So when people ask you why the worlds economies are going to hell, now you can answer; it is all by OUR design.
Our government created the housing bubble, not questionable borrowers. Banks would never have over extended themselves making loans to the poorer people without some sort of promise of a safety net. This all begins and ends with politicians.
I have searched long and hard for an answer as to why this is all happening.
Those familar with the stated goals of the PNAC may know what I'm getting at. You think those people are going to stop their insidious machinations because Obama got elected? Hah!
The only thing that will " save " our economy is the same thing that pulled it out of the great depression.
In not too many years the american people will be offering up our treasure and children for a global war of domination. It may be called a NWO, or a one world government but you can bet your ass we are getting into position to be the defacto dictator of it all, as such is our nature.
This war will be embraced by a desperate and hungry population.
I would go so far as to say the peoples of the world should stop us, while there is still a chance of that, because otherwise the center of power in the world shall be based here ( as it basically is now anyway ), except that whereas now we appear to be benevolent and bumbling and misguided, I believe we ( meaning the insane behind the scenes real leadership ) have the socio-pathic potential to make the Holocost a memory of the good old days.
So when people ask you why the worlds economies are going to hell, now you can answer; it is all by OUR design.