+5,233|6691|Global Command
I would support a 24 hour cease fire so non combatants could flee.
There should be ( if there is not already ) a U.N. Funded temporary save haven in a nearby country.
There needs to be a sweep of the area and all war materials removed.
A semi-permanent international peacekeeping force needs to take over for Hamas.
+2,382|6840|The North, beyond the wall.
"only someone like you wouldn't care about that".

See this for an example of how much of a condescending cunt you are.
Should have ducked
+394|6649|Ham Lake, MN (Fucking Cold)

AutralianChainsaw wrote:

SgtHeihn wrote:

AutralianChainsaw wrote:

And i return you the question:

What would you do if the world gave your land to a foreign people and you were asked to leave your home and give it to strangers? Then this foreign people would start to even steal more of the remaining land you have.. building settlements full of crazy extremists right next to your new home...

How would you react? … o/nazi.jpg
Answer the question ..

You are probably the kind of guy who would bow down to the invader right?  Only willing to fight when you are sure that you will win..   Only willing to fight when you have military superiority.. Carpet bomb the place from 30000 feets and then move in..

You are weak.
Go back to your hole nazi wanna be
+2,382|6840|The North, beyond the wall.

AutralianChainsaw wrote:

SgtHeihn wrote:

AutralianChainsaw wrote:

And i return you the question:

What would you do if the world gave your land to a foreign people and you were asked to leave your home and give it to strangers? Then this foreign people would start to even steal more of the remaining land you have.. building settlements full of crazy extremists right next to your new home...

How would you react? … o/nazi.jpg
Answer the question ..

You are probably the kind of guy who would bow down to the invader right?  Only willing to fight when you are sure that you will win..   Only willing to fight when you have military superiority.. Carpet bomb the place from 30000 feets and then move in..

You are weak.

He has fought battles you tool, which is more than you can say. The most life threatening thing that's happened to you was probably you falling off your bike.
© 2009 Jeff Minard

jord wrote:

mafia996630 wrote:

jord wrote:

You don't think so? You think you know more about me in the week you have been posting than I do about myself?


Oh and adults can swear, so be quiet.
So what are you saying Jord ? You would have called me on it if i said that about Hamas ? be honest, no point lie-ing to the inter webs.

Sure adults can swear, adults can also be adults and talk without swearing ?
Soldier. Note the word, Soldier. Militants, insurgents and terrorists are not soldiers. I don't like the attitude of a lot of French people, it doesn't mean I would post a link if a French soldier died and insult a shitty little comment like that, it's pathetic.

You chose to insult me by putting words into my mouth, saying you know more about me than I do, trying to condescend me and put me in a lower class because I'm not "enlightened" and generally being a Dick. If I respond with a swear word or 2 in my post you have no grounds to complain, whatsoever.
Jord, no need to get personal buddy. I am not taliban.

Also its what you see them as i guess, therefore my comments still stand.

I was being a dick was iii? awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, did i hurt your fukin feeling. Grow the fuk up soldier and be smart when you insult someone, not stupid.
© 2009 Jeff Minard

jord wrote:

"only someone like you wouldn't care about that".

See this for an example of how much of a condescending cunt you are.
PROVE ME THE FUK WRONG THEN ? say you dooo care about that ? say you do care about the history of the rocket attacks? but no you can't, you are not man enough to admit your mistakes.
+2,382|6840|The North, beyond the wall.

mafia996630 wrote:

jord wrote:

mafia996630 wrote:

So what are you saying Jord ? You would have called me on it if i said that about Hamas ? be honest, no point lie-ing to the inter webs.

Sure adults can swear, adults can also be adults and talk without swearing ?
Soldier. Note the word, Soldier. Militants, insurgents and terrorists are not soldiers. I don't like the attitude of a lot of French people, it doesn't mean I would post a link if a French soldier died and insult a shitty little comment like that, it's pathetic.

You chose to insult me by putting words into my mouth, saying you know more about me than I do, trying to condescend me and put me in a lower class because I'm not "enlightened" and generally being a Dick. If I respond with a swear word or 2 in my post you have no grounds to complain, whatsoever.
Jord, no need to get personal buddy. I am not taliban.

Also its what you see them as i guess, therefore my comments still stand.

I was being a dick was iii? awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, did i hurt your fukin feeling. Grow the fuk up soldier and be smart when you insult someone, not stupid.
No, the official definition of soldier is not telling mentally disabled kids to click a button in a market and blow themselves up along with 30 people.

You haven't hurt my feelings what so ever, you started moaning about me calling you names and having a bitch fit so I answer with why am I well within my rights to swear. Grow the fuck up? Quiet before I go pwn some hamas with my l33t guns

+2,382|6840|The North, beyond the wall.

mafia996630 wrote:

jord wrote:

"only someone like you wouldn't care about that".

See this for an example of how much of a condescending cunt you are.
PROVE ME THE FUK WRONG THEN ? say you dooo care about that ? say you do care about the history of the rocket attacks? but no you can't, you are not man enough to admit your mistakes.
You've spelt fuck wrong twice now, there's a "c".

No, the history does not factor into a thread discussing, or rather attempting to discuss, the end of the cease fire and the events following. Take a time out and go think about it before you reply.

lowing wrote:

AutralianChainsaw wrote:

lowing wrote:

Any guesses as to what would happen if the security wll was not there? How many guesses are ya gunna need?
Yer kidding right? YOu are blaming Israel for not seeking peace NOW? Yeah I guess the last 2000 rockets just made them give up on peace.

Are you ever going to answer the question I asked you or are you going to redirect the discussion?
You did not answer my question Lowing.

What would you do if the world gave your land to a foreign people?

a- Shut up and leave?

b- Stay and resist?
Problem is, it ain't "their" land.

Now, when exactly are you gunna show me where Israel breaks the cease fire agreements unprovoked by the terrorists?  Or are you going to keep side stepping it?
Omg you really don't want to answer my question.  SO they lived there for generations and it's not their land?  Is the state you live in not "your" land?  American land?   It mean that if the world decide that a group of eskimos is now the owner of whatever state you live in the US, you will be fine with it?  wtf lowing i know you would be pissed.. 

Im not side stepping anything.. i'm looking into the root of the problem..  If a big guy keep bullying a small kid in school and after years of bullying the small kid decide to reply one day and knock the bully out with a baseball bat.. will you blame the small kid for fighting back?
© 2009 Jeff Minard

jord wrote:

mafia996630 wrote:

jord wrote:

Soldier. Note the word, Soldier. Militants, insurgents and terrorists are not soldiers. I don't like the attitude of a lot of French people, it doesn't mean I would post a link if a French soldier died and insult a shitty little comment like that, it's pathetic.

You chose to insult me by putting words into my mouth, saying you know more about me than I do, trying to condescend me and put me in a lower class because I'm not "enlightened" and generally being a Dick. If I respond with a swear word or 2 in my post you have no grounds to complain, whatsoever.
Jord, no need to get personal buddy. I am not taliban.

Also its what you see them as i guess, therefore my comments still stand.

I was being a dick was iii? awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, did i hurt your fukin feeling. Grow the fuk up soldier and be smart when you insult someone, not stupid.
No, the official definition of soldier is not telling mentally disabled kids to click a button in a market and blow themselves up along with 30 people.

You haven't hurt my feelings what so ever, you started moaning about me calling you names and having a bitch fit so I answer with why am I well within my rights to swear. Grow the fuck up? Quiet before I go pwn some hamas with my l33t guns

Right, mentally disabled kids ? link please. Also this is the definition of a soldier;

# an enlisted man or woman who serves in an army; "the soldiers stood at attention"
# serve as a soldier in the military

Some see Hamas as a army, some see it nothing more then a group of people. SO again ITS what you see them as.

I wasn't moaning, you can continue swearing all you want but the fact is you have to resort to swearing means your a retard who can't debate.

YES i missed the U in fuck, WOW big fuckin deal.  ( O Look, i missed the G in fuking )

haha, wow you think the history doesn't matter ? are you fukin kidding me ? You must be fuking kidding me ? please tell me your kidding me.

Edit: Please say in one line (capitals) if you still think history does not matter so i can make you look like a dum fuck in front of all your little friends.

Last edited by mafia996630 (2009-01-06 09:54:54)


SgtHeihn wrote:

AutralianChainsaw wrote:

Answer the question ..

You are probably the kind of guy who would bow down to the invader right?  Only willing to fight when you are sure that you will win..   Only willing to fight when you have military superiority.. Carpet bomb the place from 30000 feets and then move in..

You are weak.
Go back to your hole nazi wanna be … 951fc9.jpg
You think you are badass because you destroyed a 3rd world army, fat boy?   Face it, you would probably hide in fear in your bedroom if your country was at war against a real army.   Come back when you'll fight a real war fatty.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6763|132 and Bush

ATG wrote:

I would support a 24 hour cease fire so non combatants could flee.
There should be ( if there is not already ) a U.N. Funded temporary save haven in a nearby country.
There needs to be a sweep of the area and all war materials removed.
A semi-permanent international peacekeeping force needs to take over for Hamas.
Thank you for actually being rationale. This thread needs it.

Unfortunately rationale is currently nonexistent in that region. It is highly unlikely that Hamas would allow a cease fire to happen, especially given their history. Civilians are their own form of anti-aircraft defenses. Hamas would be obliterated in a matter of hours without the innocents to hide behind. They know this so there is no way they would agree. They need their human shields. I have no qualms with Palestinians, I actually support their state. But this parasite known as Hamas needs to be dealt with. In the long run it will benefit the Palestinians. Let us not forget how they got into power in the first place.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Should have ducked
+394|6649|Ham Lake, MN (Fucking Cold)

AutralianChainsaw wrote:

SgtHeihn wrote:

AutralianChainsaw wrote:

Answer the question ..

You are probably the kind of guy who would bow down to the invader right?  Only willing to fight when you are sure that you will win..   Only willing to fight when you have military superiority.. Carpet bomb the place from 30000 feets and then move in..

You are weak.
Go back to your hole nazi wanna be … 951fc9.jpg
You think you are badass because you destroyed a 3rd world army, fat boy?   Face it, you would probably hide in fear in your bedroom if your country was at war against a real army.   Come back when you'll fight a real war fatty.
Have you ever been in a uniform other then a replica nazi one you got on the internet?
+2,382|6840|The North, beyond the wall.
The Taliban brainwashing children and women and using them as suicide bombers is nothing new. Google it and you'll find 5 links on it. I guess your so called "heroes" and soldiers aren't as great as you though huh?

I'm not a retard, I hardly have to prove my intelligence to the likes of your ass. If I want to swear I will do, you are incapable of debate yourself. You use the same circle argument over and over for pages and pages in the hope that people will give up and get bored so you can have your little victory. It's the equivalent of the other kids at your school going "NO U NO U IM NOT LISTENING NUR NUR NA NUR NUR". It's pathetic.

Your words are just as insulting as mine. Whilst "retard" isn't a swear, it is just as insulting as "cunt". And before you get all excited in your pants, this is not me caring, or crying, or moaning. It's me pointing out that you get what you dish out, and sometimes you get hit back 10 times harder(see:Hamas).
© 2009 Jeff Minard
Guys, seriously, stop bring your personal shit into the debate. This is not the a sit down session with your fukin psychologist.

Actually it was to everyone, there's no need for it.

Last edited by mafia996630 (2009-01-06 09:59:12)

+2,382|6840|The North, beyond the wall.

mafia996630 wrote:

Guys, seriously, stop bring your personal shit into the debate. This is not the a sit down session with your fukin psychologist.
Nice one karma'ing Aush. You were talking about licking arse yourself and you just licked the arse of a Nazi.

Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6763|132 and Bush

Consider this a warning to everyone. Can we put some brain matter into this topic?
Xbone Stormsurgezz
© 2009 Jeff Minard

jord wrote:

The Taliban brainwashing children and women and using them as suicide bombers is nothing new. Google it and you'll find 5 links on it. I guess your so called "heroes" and soldiers aren't as great as you though huh?

I'm not a retard, I hardly have to prove my intelligence to the likes of your ass. If I want to swear I will do, you are incapable of debate yourself. You use the same circle argument over and over for pages and pages in the hope that people will give up and get bored so you can have your little victory. It's the equivalent of the other kids at your school going "NO U NO U IM NOT LISTENING NUR NUR NA NUR NUR". It's pathetic.

Your words are just as insulting as mine. Whilst "retard" isn't a swear, it is just as insulting as "cunt". And before you get all excited in your pants, this is not me caring, or crying, or moaning. It's me pointing out that you get what you dish out, and sometimes you get hit back 10 times harder(see:Hamas).
JORD!, ill leave the swearing stuff at that for now, don't want to get on kmarion bad side.

Anyway as  for the history bit. i believe that knowing the reasons and the history behind things helps uncover a lot of things. Its really hard to take stuff at face value nower days.i reckon you should think about the history before you rush to conclusions.

I have stated why history does count, would be so kind to tell me why history does not count ?

btw this is what you said :

No, the history does not factor into a thread discussing, or rather attempting to discuss, the end of the cease fire and the events following. Take a time out and go think about it before you reply.
+2,382|6840|The North, beyond the wall.
I'm hardly sure our little run off spat counts as Brain Matter, so I'll make it short and we can end it now.

Like I said, there are topics discussing how the conflict came about. There are also topics that discuss certain events. This topic discussed the Israeli air strikes following the end of the cease fire. I know the history of the conflict and chose not to discuss it in a thread attempting to discuss these renewed attacks.

Now then, we both know what we think of each other so lets leave it at that. I ended without calling you a name, infact my post was semi nice to you. So I guess you don't need to get the last word in and we can all move on. Yay.

AutralianChainsaw wrote:

lowing wrote:

AutralianChainsaw wrote:

You did not answer my question Lowing.

What would you do if the world gave your land to a foreign people?

a- Shut up and leave?

b- Stay and resist?
Problem is, it ain't "their" land.

Now, when exactly are you gunna show me where Israel breaks the cease fire agreements unprovoked by the terrorists?  Or are you going to keep side stepping it?
Omg you really don't want to answer my question.  SO they lived there for generations and it's not their land?  Is the state you live in not "your" land?  American land?   It mean that if the world decide that a group of eskimos is now the owner of whatever state you live in the US, you will be fine with it?  wtf lowing i know you would be pissed.. 

Im not side stepping anything.. i'm looking into the root of the problem..  If a big guy keep bullying a small kid in school and after years of bullying the small kid decide to reply one day and knock the bully out with a baseball bat.. will you blame the small kid for fighting back?
I would fight, but it is a different situation than what is happening in that region. The JEws belong there as much as anyone else.

I agree with you, but I view the Jews as the "small kid" and the Arabs and Muslims as the bully. SO does history.
Since day One.
They are called "terrorists" right? Do they blow up things or themselvs for fun? Whats the reason why they protest in the most radical way?
sorry you feel that way

AutralianChainsaw wrote:

Answer the question ..

You are probably the kind of guy who would bow down to the invader right?  Only willing to fight when you are sure that you will win..   Only willing to fight when you have military superiority.. Carpet bomb the place from 30000 feets and then move in..

You are weak.
You see hamas as the palestinian cause.

you're a retard.

tard#2 wrote:

Jord, no need to get personal buddy. I am not taliban.

Also its what you see them as i guess, therefore my comments still stand.

I was being a dick was iii? awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, did i hurt your fukin feeling. Grow the fuk up soldier and be smart when you insult someone, not stupid.
Give me liberty or give me death
a soldier has no say in what their government does, making comments like that on them, is rather short sighted and sickening.

you're an idiot.

Last edited by dayarath (2009-01-06 10:24:30)

inane little opines
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6763|132 and Bush

venom6 wrote:

They are called "terrorists" right? Do they blow up things or themselvs for fun? Whats the reason why they protest in the most radical way?
Because their leaders blaming themselves for decades and decades of failure is too difficult.
Xbone Stormsurgezz

dayarath wrote:

AutralianChainsaw wrote:

Answer the question ..

You are probably the kind of guy who would bow down to the invader right?  Only willing to fight when you are sure that you will win..   Only willing to fight when you have military superiority.. Carpet bomb the place from 30000 feets and then move in..

You are weak.
You see hamas as the palestinian cause.

you're a retard.

tard#2 wrote:

Jord, no need to get personal buddy. I am not taliban.

Also its what you see them as i guess, therefore my comments still stand.

I was being a dick was iii? awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, did i hurt your fukin feeling. Grow the fuk up soldier and be smart when you insult someone, not stupid.
Give me liberty or give me death
a soldier has no say in what their government does, making comments like that on them, is rather short sighted and sickening.

you're an idiot.
Coulda swore Hamas was voted in power by the Palestinians. Oh well.
sorry you feel that way

AutralianChainsaw wrote:

You think you are badass because you destroyed a 3rd world army, fat boy?   Face it, you would probably hide in fear in your bedroom if your country was at war against a real army.   Come back when you'll fight a real war fatty.
maybe you're just mentally disabled, that would declare most of the insanely stupid comments you make.

Last edited by dayarath (2009-01-06 10:35:21)

inane little opines

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