The Mas
+311|6850|NYC, a place to live

CameronPoe wrote:

ATG wrote:

Seriously though, step away from the BBC and the anti Israel jaggernaut and ask yourself; why should israel tolerate random rocket fire?

Israel booted settlers, even dug up graves to reloccate the bodies of jews so they could have their dirt back.

What did they get? Rockets. Thousands of rockets and a bunch of idiots dancing in the streets proclaiming they had beat the jews.

Fuck 'em.  Send in nurses to remove all children under the age of ten and bomb the place flat.
They shouldn't tolerate random rocket fire. They should address the issues leading people to constantly rise up in the face of settlement building, denial of the right of return, the absence of reparations for hundreds of thousands of refugees, the annexation of East Jerusalem, Ariel, Ma'ale Adumim, etc. They should bilaterally negotiate a withdrawal from the West Bank with FATAH and fuck Hamas. Any legitimacy Hamas might have had will wane - the only reason they got in in the first place was as a protest vote against - you guessed it - corrupt Fatah politicians.
Hamas and other violent groups exist in the West Bank and the Palestinian Authority is too weak to control them. At this point, a Palestinian state in the West Bank would be a launching pad for attacks on Israel--just like Gaza.

Hamas has legitimacy in part because it does important  social work, providing services to poor people in need. Also because it is well funded. There is no reason to believe that Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank will make Hamas go away or stop its attacks. It will only increase them.

san4 wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

ATG wrote:

Seriously though, step away from the BBC and the anti Israel jaggernaut and ask yourself; why should israel tolerate random rocket fire?

Israel booted settlers, even dug up graves to reloccate the bodies of jews so they could have their dirt back.

What did they get? Rockets. Thousands of rockets and a bunch of idiots dancing in the streets proclaiming they had beat the jews.

Fuck 'em.  Send in nurses to remove all children under the age of ten and bomb the place flat.
They shouldn't tolerate random rocket fire. They should address the issues leading people to constantly rise up in the face of settlement building, denial of the right of return, the absence of reparations for hundreds of thousands of refugees, the annexation of East Jerusalem, Ariel, Ma'ale Adumim, etc. They should bilaterally negotiate a withdrawal from the West Bank with FATAH and fuck Hamas. Any legitimacy Hamas might have had will wane - the only reason they got in in the first place was as a protest vote against - you guessed it - corrupt Fatah politicians.
Hamas and other violent groups exist in the West Bank and the Palestinian Authority is too weak to control them. At this point, a Palestinian state in the West Bank would be a launching pad for attacks on Israel--just like Gaza.

Hamas has legitimacy in part because it does important  social work, providing services to poor people in need. Also because it is well funded. There is no reason to believe that Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank will make Hamas go away or stop its attacks. It will only increase them.
There needs to be an intermediary. The EU or the UN. Peacekeeper forces who can help provide some of those social services on a phasing out basis so that people don't have their votes bought by the likes of Hamas. You hit the nail on the head when you mentioned social services. That's what people respond to.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2009-01-04 19:27:59)

+605|6710|San Diego, CA, USA
That's what Hezbolla did in Lebanon in they are in their government.

Harmor wrote:

That's what Hezbolla did in Lebanon in they are in their government.
Hezbollah were in government before the conflict too harmor and are still technically at war with Israel - they are on an agreed ceasefire. What san4 and I are talking about is endgame - peace agreement - like in the Balkans or Egypt-Israel.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2009-01-04 19:39:19)

Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6763|132 and Bush

Harmor wrote:

That's what Hezbolla did in Lebanon in they are in their government.
And it has helped to pacify them.

The same goes for Muqtada al-Sadr.
Xbone Stormsurgezz

CameronPoe wrote:

Harmor wrote:

That's what Hezbolla did in Lebanon in they are in their government.
Hezbollah were in government before the conflict too harmor and are still technically at war with Israel - they are on an agreed ceasefire. What san4 and I are talking about is endgame - peace agreement - like in the Balkans or Egypt-Israel.
Still refuse to acknowledge the only real peace agreement the Arab and Islamic nations will entertain is one that completely removes Israel from the planet huh? Oh well

nice sig by the way, I still am waiting for you to deny that the ME has BO. Also Uganda pretty much has the same problem fom my experience

Last edited by lowing (2009-01-04 20:22:32)


lowing wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Harmor wrote:

That's what Hezbolla did in Lebanon in they are in their government.
Hezbollah were in government before the conflict too harmor and are still technically at war with Israel - they are on an agreed ceasefire. What san4 and I are talking about is endgame - peace agreement - like in the Balkans or Egypt-Israel.
Still refuse to acknowledge the only real peace agreement the Arab and Islamic nations will entertain is one that completely removes Israel from the planet huh? Oh well

nice sig by the way, I still am waiting for you to deny that the ME has BO. Also Uganda pretty much has the same problem fom my experience
Dude no one is denying that the ME has BO but you try and make it out as if every other person in the ME has it. The amount of BO the ME has is probably on level with NA, Europe, and Asia.

Wow why the fuck am I even arguing about such a stupid subject. Lowing what the fuck does this have to do with Debate and Serious Talk or politics?
The X stands for
+1,813|6268|eXtreme to the maX

Lowing wrote:

Still refuse to acknowledge the only real peace agreement the Arab and Islamic nations will entertain is one that completely removes Israel from the planet huh? Oh well
Not sure where you get your information on reality from, mutliple Arab countries have concluded peace deals with Israel, even Hamas have said they are prepared to recognise Israel.

In my experience Americans are overweight, prejudiced and poorly educated about the world outside the US.
Deny it!

Its only Americans who are anal retentive about BO BTW, no-one else gives a toss really.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2009-01-04 20:30:14)

Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!

12/f/taiwan wrote:

lowing wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Hezbollah were in government before the conflict too harmor and are still technically at war with Israel - they are on an agreed ceasefire. What san4 and I are talking about is endgame - peace agreement - like in the Balkans or Egypt-Israel.
Still refuse to acknowledge the only real peace agreement the Arab and Islamic nations will entertain is one that completely removes Israel from the planet huh? Oh well

nice sig by the way, I still am waiting for you to deny that the ME has BO. Also Uganda pretty much has the same problem fom my experience
Dude no one is denying that the ME has BO but you try and make it out as if every other person in the ME has it. The amount of BO the ME has is probably on level with NA, Europe, and Asia.

Wow why the fuck am I even arguing about such a stupid subject. Lowing what the fuck does this have to do with Debate and Serious Talk or politics?
It must be serious, you and Cam turned into racism, or is racism not a serious topic worthy of discussion?

I also agree with you, Europe has a BO problem as well.

Dilbert_X wrote:

Lowing wrote:

Still refuse to acknowledge the only real peace agreement the Arab and Islamic nations will entertain is one that completely removes Israel from the planet huh? Oh well
Not sure where you get your information on reality from, mutliple Arab countries have concluded peace deals with Israel, even Hamas have said they are prepared to recognise Israel.

In my experience Americans are overweight, prejudiced and poorly educated about the world outside the US.
Deny it!

Its only Americans who are anal retentive about BO BTW, no-one else gives a toss really.
1.I  draw conclusions from how the UN bias against Israel and the lack of concern from the world when Israel is relentessly attacked. COncern is only risen when they retaliate. No Arab nation will help Israel if Israel needs it and will ally with anyone that Israel goes to war with, automatically. Iraq knew this in 91 when it scudded Israel in order to taunt them into attacking. Iraq knew such a retaliation would draw in every Muslim and Arab nation in the region to fight against Israel.

2. In my opinion you are mostly correct. We are a self centered, arrogant, people.

3. I also agree with this, however, I am pleased with this fact. If you like BO you are welcome to it.

lowing wrote:

12/f/taiwan wrote:

lowing wrote:

Still refuse to acknowledge the only real peace agreement the Arab and Islamic nations will entertain is one that completely removes Israel from the planet huh? Oh well

nice sig by the way, I still am waiting for you to deny that the ME has BO. Also Uganda pretty much has the same problem fom my experience
Dude no one is denying that the ME has BO but you try and make it out as if every other person in the ME has it. The amount of BO the ME has is probably on level with NA, Europe, and Asia.

Wow why the fuck am I even arguing about such a stupid subject. Lowing what the fuck does this have to do with Debate and Serious Talk or politics?
It must be serious, you and Cam turned into racism, or is racism not a serious topic worthy of discussion?

I also agree with you, Europe has a BO problem as well.

There is my contribution to this bullshit filled thread.

S3v3N wrote:

lowing wrote:

12/f/taiwan wrote:

Dude no one is denying that the ME has BO but you try and make it out as if every other person in the ME has it. The amount of BO the ME has is probably on level with NA, Europe, and Asia.

Wow why the fuck am I even arguing about such a stupid subject. Lowing what the fuck does this have to do with Debate and Serious Talk or politics?
It must be serious, you and Cam turned into racism, or is racism not a serious topic worthy of discussion?

I also agree with you, Europe has a BO problem as well. … _Spray.jpg

There is my contribution to this bullshit filled thread.
Pheonix is my personal favorite.
The X stands for
+1,813|6268|eXtreme to the maX

FEOS wrote:

It does look like WP, which is what I was getting at before. However, it's not at all criminal if it's used in the manner it is being used (and was used in Fallujah): as a smoke initiator, a target marker, or illuminator.
Doesn't look like its being used in that manner here.
This looks like a groundburst no? … -artillery

BTW You're out of step with your own govt, its been admitted it was used as an anti-personnel weapon in Fallujah.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
The X stands for
+1,813|6268|eXtreme to the maX

Lowing wrote:

1.I  draw conclusions from how the UN bias against Israel and the lack of concern from the world when Israel is relentessly attacked. COncern is only risen when they retaliate. No Arab nation will help Israel if Israel needs it and will ally with anyone that Israel goes to war with, automatically. Iraq knew this in 91 when it scudded Israel in order to taunt them into attacking. Iraq knew such a retaliation would draw in every Muslim and Arab nation in the region to fight against Israel.

2. In my opinion you are mostly correct. We are a self centered, arrogant, people.

3. I also agree with this, however, I am pleased with this fact. If you like BO you are welcome to it.
1. If by the UN you mean the whole of the rest of the world then fine.
2. Agreed then.
3. BO is not an issue for anyone except you, I'm fine with that also.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!

S3v3N wrote:

lowing wrote:

12/f/taiwan wrote:

Dude no one is denying that the ME has BO but you try and make it out as if every other person in the ME has it. The amount of BO the ME has is probably on level with NA, Europe, and Asia.

Wow why the fuck am I even arguing about such a stupid subject. Lowing what the fuck does this have to do with Debate and Serious Talk or politics?
It must be serious, you and Cam turned into racism, or is racism not a serious topic worthy of discussion?

I also agree with you, Europe has a BO problem as well. … _Spray.jpg

There is my contribution to this bullshit filled thread.
I hate axe. Mainly because the boys locker room is always filled with the smell of all types of different Axe scents plus sweaty 14-17 year olds/clothing, piss and shit.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6763|132 and Bush

Dilbert_X wrote:

FEOS wrote:

It does look like WP, which is what I was getting at before. However, it's not at all criminal if it's used in the manner it is being used (and was used in Fallujah): as a smoke initiator, a target marker, or illuminator.
Doesn't look like its being used in that manner here.
This looks like a groundburst no? … ra-001.jpg … -artillery

BTW You're out of step with your own govt, its been admitted it was used as an anti-personnel weapon in Fallujah.

your link wrote:

Israeli TV commentators said shelling could be used to clear Hamas-laid minefields ahead of a possible ground invasion. Israeli troops are massed on the border waiting for orders to go in
Xbone Stormsurgezz
The X stands for
+1,813|6268|eXtreme to the maX

Kmarion wrote:

Israeli TV commentators said shelling could be used to clear Hamas-laid minefields ahead of a possible ground invasion. Israeli troops are massed on the border waiting for orders to go in
And what is the point of shelling a minefield with WP exactly?
Or airbursting WP over civilian areas?
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6763|132 and Bush

Dilbert_X wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Israeli TV commentators said shelling could be used to clear Hamas-laid minefields ahead of a possible ground invasion. Israeli troops are massed on the border waiting for orders to go in
And what is the point of shelling a minefield with WP exactly?
Or airbursting WP over civilian areas? … mines.html … f-arr.html

I'm surprised our military experts didn't explain
Xbone Stormsurgezz

Dilbert_X wrote:

Lowing wrote:

1.I  draw conclusions from how the UN bias against Israel and the lack of concern from the world when Israel is relentessly attacked. COncern is only risen when they retaliate. No Arab nation will help Israel if Israel needs it and will ally with anyone that Israel goes to war with, automatically. Iraq knew this in 91 when it scudded Israel in order to taunt them into attacking. Iraq knew such a retaliation would draw in every Muslim and Arab nation in the region to fight against Israel.

2. In my opinion you are mostly correct. We are a self centered, arrogant, people.

3. I also agree with this, however, I am pleased with this fact. If you like BO you are welcome to it.
1. If by the UN you mean the whole of the rest of the world then fine.
2. Agreed then.
3. BO is not an issue for anyone except you, I'm fine with that also.
1. I do not think a retaliation from Israel against Iraq or Iran will draw a western nation into attacking Israel. SO no, I do not include the rest of the world

2. I hate it, but I can not deny it.

3. Not true, it was quite a topic of discussion in the MWR etc while in Iraq. Also noticed in Kuwait in densly populated areas such as the airport gate areas. Surely I am not the only person in the world who is offended by BO?
The Mas
+311|6850|NYC, a place to live

Dilbert_X wrote:

even Hamas have said they are prepared to recognise Israel.
Still waiting for evidence of this more recent than the 2005 article that does not support the claim.

12/f/taiwan wrote:

S3v3N wrote:

lowing wrote:

It must be serious, you and Cam turned into racism, or is racism not a serious topic worthy of discussion?

I also agree with you, Europe has a BO problem as well. … _Spray.jpg

There is my contribution to this bullshit filled thread.
I hate axe. Mainly because the boys locker room is always filled with the smell of all types of different Axe scents plus sweaty 14-17 year olds/clothing, piss and shit.
Whoa Whoa Whoa.

This is the Deputy Sheriff kicking in...

Your Name: 12/F/Taiwan.

Your response: I hate axe. Mainly because the boys locker room is always filled with the smell of all types of different Axe scents plus sweaty 14-17 year olds/clothing, piss and shit.

My questions are this:

How old are you?

And if you're over the age of 18 and not the PE teacher, then what in the fuck are you doing in the boys locker room?

Last edited by S3v3N (2009-01-04 21:17:08)


S3v3N wrote:

12/f/taiwan wrote:

S3v3N wrote: … _Spray.jpg

There is my contribution to this bullshit filled thread.
I hate axe. Mainly because the boys locker room is always filled with the smell of all types of different Axe scents plus sweaty 14-17 year olds/clothing, piss and shit.
Whoa Whoa Whoa.

This is the Deputy Sheriff kicking in...

Your Name: 12/F/Taiwan.

Your response: I hate axe. Mainly because the boys locker room is always filled with the smell of all types of different Axe scents plus sweaty 14-17 year olds/clothing, piss and shit.

My questions are this:

How old are you?

And if you're over the age of 18 and not the PE teacher, then what in the fuck are you doing in the boys locker room?
Making some extra $$$.
+5,233|6691|Global Command

CameronPoe wrote:

Why is he wearing mascara? It looks like a parody.
And shit, he has better teeth than I do.
Support fanatic :-)

san4 wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

even Hamas have said they are prepared to recognise Israel.
Still waiting for evidence of this more recent than the 2005 article that does not support the claim.
Hamas will never recognise Israel, their mission is control over Israel, the Gaza strip and the West bank ... it's in their political and military statement found all over the Internet ... when running for office they "left" that out of their manifest directed towards Palestinians to get them elected ...

I could have supported a PLO approach to a peace treaty but i will never support Hamas unless they change their charter drastically ...
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
© 2009 Jeff Minard
WOW, the US support for isreal is uncomprimising. Guess the US should not be surprised anymore at people dancing in the street next time shit like 9/11 happens, helll next time the US should skip asking why there is so much hatred for it and go straight to invading countries bit.

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