

Front-wheel drive41%41% - 40
Rear-wheel drive35%35% - 34
All-wheel drive22%22% - 22
Total: 96
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6734|SE London

FrankieSpankie3388 wrote:

Parker wrote:

FrankieSpankie3388 wrote:

The weight is distributed much better which gives the driver better handling in dry conditions.
better handling than what?
FWD, that's why when marine FWD is better in the snow, I responded with the fact that RWD is better in the other 300 days of the year...
My Alfa 156 is FWD and has absolutely awesome handling.

FWD, RWD, 4WD and AWD cars all have different handling characteristics and if you have loads of HP you don't want FWD - but saying that RWD gives better handling is an extremely naive statement.
In my experiences, you have much more control over a RWD car if you know how to drive well.
If you know how to drive in the winter with a RWD car you can. I drive my camaro in the winter..not when its snowing out but sometimes when the roads are still half covered. I've drifted into drive ways, roads, gas stations, everyone says dude you shouldn't be driving that car in the winter when there's snow on the ground. I see now problem in driving it when its now snowing out, you just have to know how to drive your car/drive in the winter.
+1,230|6996|Alberta, Canada

I don't have a car. My mom's car is all wheel drive and my dad's truck is rear wheel.
Hence why we got stuck coming home two nights ago in our own back alley. We spent almost an hour pushing, reversing, and gunning the engine, trying to get out of the snow.

Note to self: RWD + Winter = Just plain bad.
+3,611|6774|London, England
Most cars here are FF, I don't think I've ever driven any other type of car.
+1,010|6439|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

Mekstizzle wrote:

Most cars here are FF, I don't think I've ever driven any other type of car.
Pfft.. when you live in Denmark cars are mainly:

A: Cars so old they happen to have it.
B: Utility trucks.
C: BMWs, old aswell as new.
D: The few sportscars, most of which, are from the 90s

A: Utility trucks
B: Farmers 4x4s
C: Few luxury cars (Audi S-series, Rally cars, etc.)

Insert 80% of all cars in Denmark here...

Last edited by FloppY_ (2009-01-02 16:20:15)

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