was playing on Karkand tonight and noticed we had 7/6 people in our squad. discuss.
i call hacks?
who knows. was weird. we had 7 people in there the whole round.
Pretty stupid hack if thats what it is? doesnt overly advantage anyone and well its so obvious, id say just another BF2 bug. Computers that cant count to 6.
i was joking....
And already existing bug that EA decided not to fix. I guess the betatesting is still going on.
I saw that before in 1.02, didn't get a screen though. Funny thing is, the map was also Karkand. o.O I guess it's just another glitch.
I've been seeing 7 person squads happen alot more in the past few nights. Maybe somebody has figured out that there's a trick to doing it?
That's pretty probably by now in the life of this game...people figure out something and that's it. Everyone starts doing it. I say bring on more of the "funny" glitches like games past.