
Dilbert_X wrote:

Lowing wrote:

1. They didn't steal anything it was given to them
Not by the people who own it, and subject to the rights of the people who owned it not being infringed.
They were allowed a homeland, not an apartheid state, same as Lapland is the homeland of Santa and his happy elves, but the Lapps still own it and are allowed to live there.

Lowing wrote:

2. Ya might wanna go back and read your history. Iraq spent 10 years breaking resolutions that they agreed to in order to bring a cease fire.
Its up to the UN to determine that.

Lowing wrote:

3. Sorry, you telling me that our service members do not care if they live or die is not an argument I will entertain. Yeah, it is that absurd. Like I said, our troops die as a consequence not as an objective. Admit it or not, it does not matter, you did not win this point.
Not what I said, I said bith sides are prepared to die, for both sides killing the enemy is the objective.
1. Palestine is not a country, it is a hypothetical. Basically what Palestine would be if it ever did exist. Palestine has no borders no land.

2. Actually they did determine that. The problem arose when they refused to act on their own threats.

3. No, you are insinuating that their mentality toward the value of life is similar and I tell you now, it ain't even close.
The X stands for
+1,813|6269|eXtreme to the maX

Lowing wrote:

1. Palestine is not a country, it is a hypothetical. Basically what Palestine would be if it ever did exist. Palestine has no borders no land.
Palestine was a country, Britain had a mandate over it if you remember.

Lowing wrote:

2. Actually they did determine that. The problem arose when they refused to act on their own threats.
It was never detemined - not least because Saddam never had any WMD and the inspectors weren't allowed to finish their work.
There were no threats, it was never put to the UN.
Many experts have since stated since the invasion was therefore illegal.

Lowing wrote:

3. No, you are insinuating that their mentality toward the value of life is similar and I tell you now, it ain't even close.
I haven't insinuated anything, you said the jihadists primary objective is to die - which it isn't any more than its the primary objective of US troops to die.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2008-12-28 20:20:51)

Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!

Dilbert_X wrote:

Lowing wrote:

1. Palestine is not a country, it is a hypothetical. Basically what Palestine would be if it ever did exist. Palestine has no borders no land.
Palestine was a country, Britain had a mandate over it if you remember.

Lowing wrote:

2. Actually they did determine that. The problem arose when they refused to act on their own threats.
It was never detemined - not least because Saddam never had any WMD and the inspectors weren't allowed to finish their work.
There were no threats, it was never put to the UN.
Many experts have since stated since the invasion was therefore illegal.

Lowing wrote:

3. No, you are insinuating that their mentality toward the value of life is similar and I tell you now, it ain't even close.
I haven't insinuated anything, you said the jihadists primary objective is to die - which it isn't any more than its the primary objective of US troops to die.
1. There was never a nation called Palestine. Period, the end.

2. The UN deemed Iraq a threat, the UN refused to act on its threats of action if Iraq did not comply with its resolutions that brought a cease fire. I am sorry but this is true.

3. You are back peddling, be careful not to pull a hamstring.   you said this --------->> "US troops were happy to go and die for oil, 5000 of them so far."  Now, US troops are not "happy to die" for shit. They understand and accept the fact that their job could get them killed. This is different than strapping a bomb to your chest and walking into a marketplace, or stealing an airplane with no intention to land it. If you can not see the that than you are a lost cost. However, I think you do, you are just being more stubborn than I usually am.
The X stands for
+1,813|6269|eXtreme to the maX

Lowing wrote:

1. There was never a nation called Palestine. Period, the end.
There was, there were people living there whose families had been there for generations, the name of territory had changed a few times but no one group of people had more rights over it than any other.
There certainly wasn't a country called 'Israel' except in the minds of the zionist nutballs.

To be clear about what the Zionists wanted, and clearly are still working towards see below.
This was their agenda in 1919.

You'll notice they want:
Southern Lebanon - Hence the various skirmishes and attacks, not finished yet. Hezbollah are proving a problem hence trying to engineer a US attack on Iran.
Syrian Golan - Got that
West Bank - making steady progress through settlement and border shifting.
Gaza - Plan is to push the Gazans into Egypt and take it for themselves - Which is why they've turned Gaza into a bigger version of the Warsaw ghetto, just a matter of time now.
Jordan - They're next when the above are done.
The various conflicts ongoing are not the result of Islamic lunacy as the right wingers would like you to believe, the Islamists only gained a foothold (Hezbollah and Hamas) as a result of the situation, they weren't the cause of it.
They are the result of Israeli provocation, there is a clear plan to seize the 'biblical Israel' they believe god promised them and they are working steadily to achieve it, in both blatant and subtle ways.

Any time anyone wonders what is going on in the ME they should refer back to this map, its the cornerstone of everything.

Lowing wrote:

2. The UN deemed Iraq a threat, the UN refused to act on its threats of action if Iraq did not comply with its resolutions that brought a cease fire. I am sorry but this is true.
Thats fine, its up to the UN to do that if they want to, or not if they don't, not for the US to go and unilaterally do something the UN does not want done.

Lowing wrote:

"US troops were happy to go and die for oil, 5000 of them so far."  Now, US troops are not "happy to die" for shit. They understand and accept the fact that their job could get them killed.
Funny, people are still signing up to join the US military, govt contractors etc, I'm not aware of people burning their service cards or fleeing to Canada to avoid stop-loss or whatever the system is, therefore I conclude US troops are on the average comfortable going to Iraq to fight and die for who knows what agenda.
I guess it would different if there were a draft - which is why the govt has spent itself into a collossal deficit suing contractors - your tax dollars paying for who knows what agenda.

The Jihadists believe if they martyr themselves they will ascend to heaven with 72 virgins.

The Zionists believe if they exterminate the Palestinians and seize the entire biblical land of Israel then God will smite all their enemies and the dead will rise again.

They're both fucked up TBH

Lowing wrote:

However, I think you do, you are just being more stubborn than I usually am.
Of course I do, no-one sets out to die, I'm just poking you to try to get you to see the light TBH.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2008-12-29 17:16:24)

Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!

Dilbert_X wrote:

Lowing wrote:

1. There was never a nation called Palestine. Period, the end.
There was, there were people living there whose families had been there for generations, the name of territory had changed a few times but no one group of people had more rights over it than any other.
There certainly wasn't a country called 'Israel' except in the minds of the zionist nutballs.

To be clear about what the Zionists wanted, and clearly are still working towards see below.
This was their agenda in 1919.

You'll notice they want:
Southern Lebanon - Hence the various skirmishes and attacks, not finished yet. Hezbollah are proving a problem hence trying to engineer a US attack on Iran.
Syrian Golan - Got that
West Bank - making steady progress through settlement and border shifting.
Gaza - Plan is to push the Gazans into Egypt and take it for themselves - Which is why they've turned Gaza into a bigger version of the Warsaw ghetto, just a matter of time now.
Jordan - They're next when the above are done.
http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj25 … nn_map.png
The various conflicts ongoing are not the result of Islamic lunacy as the right wingers would like you to believe, the Islamists only gained a foothold (Hezbollah and Hamas) as a result of the situation, they weren't the cause of it.
They are the result of Israeli provocation, there is a clear plan to seize the 'biblical Israel' they believe god promised them and they are working steadily to achieve it, in both blatant and subtle ways.

Any time anyone wonders what is going on in the ME they should refer back to this map, its the cornerstone of everything.

Lowing wrote:

2. The UN deemed Iraq a threat, the UN refused to act on its threats of action if Iraq did not comply with its resolutions that brought a cease fire. I am sorry but this is true.
Thats fine, its up to the UN to do that if they want to, or not if they don't, not for the US to go and unilaterally do something the UN does not want done.

Lowing wrote:

"US troops were happy to go and die for oil, 5000 of them so far."  Now, US troops are not "happy to die" for shit. They understand and accept the fact that their job could get them killed.
Funny, people are still signing up to join the US military, govt contractors etc, I'm not aware of people burning their service cards or fleeing to Canada to avoid stop-loss or whatever the system is, therefore I conclude US troops are on the average comfortable going to Iraq to fight and die for who knows what agenda.
I guess it would different if there were a draft - which is why the govt has spent itself into a collossal deficit suing contractors - your tax dollars paying for who knows what agenda.

The Jihadists believe if they martyr themselves they will ascend to heaven with 72 virgins.

The Zionists believe if they exterminate the Palestinians and seize the entire biblical land of Israel then God will smite all their enemies and the dead will rise again.

They're both fucked up TBH

Lowing wrote:

However, I think you do, you are just being more stubborn than I usually am.
Of course I do, no-one sets out to die, I'm just poking you to try to get you to see the light TBH.
1. even your map does not refer to a NATION called Palestine.

2. The US does not answer to the UN. Iraqs actions were deemed a threat by the UN and yet they still refused to take any action that they promised they would. The US does not need to get permission from the UN in regards to its own national security.

3. Whatever, you admit they do not compare yet try to compare. I have nothing to say about it.
The X stands for
+1,813|6269|eXtreme to the maX

Lowing wrote:

1. even your map does not refer to a NATION called Palestine.
Thats right, its the Zionists demands superimposed on the current borders. The giveaways are the dates on the map....
There is no question Palestine existed before Israel was created, contrary to revisionists like yourself.
For some maps of Palestine before Israel.
http://www.palestineremembered.com/Acre … ry582.html - Huge file, highly detailed, not much question really.
I'm sure I could find more if you wanted

Lowing wrote:

2. The US does not answer to the UN. Iraqs actions were deemed a threat by the UN and yet they still refused to take any action that they promised they would. The US does not need to get permission from the UN in regards to its own national security.
The US signed up to the UN, the US is supposed to abide by its rules and is answerable to the UN. Unless you're saying no country is answerable to the UN?
Iraq was no threat to US security, it was a manufactured excuse to attack Iraq.

3. They do compare, just two different tracks of brainwashing, you just don't want to hear it.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

The US does not answer the UN, but Iraq\Afghanistan\Palestine have to lowing?

Dilbert_X wrote:

Lowing wrote:

1. even your map does not refer to a NATION called Palestine.
Thats right, its the Zionists demands superimposed on the current borders. The giveaways are the dates on the map....
There is no question Palestine existed before Israel was created, contrary to revisionists like yourself.
For some maps of Palestine before Israel.
http://www.palestineremembered.com/Acre … ry582.html - Huge file, highly detailed, not much question really.
http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj25 … 4377-1.jpg
http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj25 … adaPAL.jpg
http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj25 … estine.jpg
I'm sure I could find more if you wanted

Lowing wrote:

2. The US does not answer to the UN. Iraqs actions were deemed a threat by the UN and yet they still refused to take any action that they promised they would. The US does not need to get permission from the UN in regards to its own national security.
The US signed up to the UN, the US is supposed to abide by its rules and is answerable to the UN. Unless you're saying no country is answerable to the UN?
Iraq was no threat to US security, it was a manufactured excuse to attack Iraq.

3. They do compare, just two different tracks of brainwashing, you just don't want to hear it.
1. If you search hard enough you will find a map to Shangrolah. Palestine is not a nation and never was.

2. The Us does not surrender its national security issues to the UN for resolution. Sorry. The UN agreed Iraq was a threat and did nothing.

3. Again you are fulla shit. Willing to die for a cause is not the same as purposely seeking it. If you can not see the difference between a Kamikaze mission and a combat mission then you are fucked.
http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/europe/12 … index.html

I love it, protests because Israel defends itself against rocket attacks...
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

lowing wrote:

Don't listen to it lowing, it's just the liberal media spreading lies.
The X stands for
+1,813|6269|eXtreme to the maX

Lowing wrote:

1. If you search hard enough you will find a map to Shangrolah. Palestine is not a nation and never was.
There are no maps to Shangri-la because its a figment of imagination.
Palestine is a real place, hence the maps.
These areas didn't have formal governments necessarily, hence the British mandate to protect them, doesn't give a bunch of Russians and Germans the right to go in and ethnically cleanse the place based on some mumbo-jumbo they read in a book.

Lowing wrote:

The UN agreed Iraq was a threat and did nothing.
The UN agreed there could be a threat, so sent its inspectors in.
Since the inspectors found nothing, as there wasn't anything there, the UN did not feel the need to do anything.
For reasons known only to the US they decided to invade anyway, without the backing of the UN.

Lowing wrote:

3. Again you are fulla shit. Willing to die for a cause is not the same as purposely seeking it. If you can not see the difference between a Kamikaze mission and a combat mission then you are fucked.
Not really, the jihadists are ready to die for martrydom, the US troops ready to die to 'protect freedom' not that its really threatened.
Both sides are willing to die.
I'd say tooling around a hostile country in an un-armoured Humvee is pretty suicidal TBH.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!

Dilbert_X wrote:

Lowing wrote:

1. If you search hard enough you will find a map to Shangrolah. Palestine is not a nation and never was.
There are no maps to Shangri-la because its a figment of imagination.
Palestine is a real place, hence the maps.
These areas didn't have formal governments necessarily, hence the British mandate to protect them, doesn't give a bunch of Russians and Germans the right to go in and ethnically cleanse the place based on some mumbo-jumbo they read in a book.

Lowing wrote:

The UN agreed Iraq was a threat and did nothing.
The UN agreed there could be a threat, so sent its inspectors in.
Since the inspectors found nothing, as there wasn't anything there, the UN did not feel the need to do anything.
For reasons known only to the US they decided to invade anyway, without the backing of the UN.

Lowing wrote:

3. Again you are fulla shit. Willing to die for a cause is not the same as purposely seeking it. If you can not see the difference between a Kamikaze mission and a combat mission then you are fucked.
Not really, the jihadists are ready to die for martrydom, the US troops ready to die to 'protect freedom' not that its really threatened.
Both sides are willing to die.
I'd say tooling around a hostile country in an un-armoured Humvee is pretty suicidal TBH.
1. There has never been a nation called Palestine. You are running around in circles.

2. Iraq kicked out the inspectors several times over the course of their inspections. This is not them "finding nothing". This is stalling by Iraq to move illegal materials.

3. jihadists are not "willing to die", as if the outcome is unknown. Their mission IS to die and take as many victims as they can.. Again you are tap dancing against what you said.

TheAussieReaper wrote:

lowing wrote:

Don't listen to it lowing, it's just the liberal media spreading lies.
Sorry, my position has not changed, it is a fact that no one protested the rocket attacks into Israel, only Israel's nerve to not stand for it.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6838|Canberra, AUS
Because a protest against the rocket attacks would do... what, exactly?

Let's be clear here - they're terrorists and thus could not give two shits about what anyone in Europe, America or Australia thinks about them.

Israel, however, is a democratically elected state and thus does give two shits. Hence, protests have at least some chance of doing something.

Last edited by Spark (2008-12-30 17:12:57)

The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
The X stands for
+1,813|6269|eXtreme to the maX
1. The region has been known as Palestine for millenia, same as Arabia, Persia etc. None of them belong to the Israelis, or have had more than trivial populations of jews for thousands of years.
Just because an area has not had a formal western style government - a concept totally alien to the region - doesn't mean someone can just walk in and kick out the inhabitants.

2. The inspectors searched extensively and found nothing, they were finally withdrawn due to the impending invasion, not kicked out.
If the Police searched your house every day looking for something illegal which you knew you didn't have you'd get a bit pissed off after a while.
There was no stalling as there were no illegal materials to remove.
Again, not one single atom of WMDs has been found.

3. Jihadists maybe, both sides are prepared to die for a bizarre and pointless cause, thats the point.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
lmao what a fool, you at least watched on this map?

According to this map you posted all this land belong to Jews. According to the map Pals owns just a small part in the bottom, what is today Gaza Strip.

Not the first, but like usual fantastic fail.
Was ist Loos?

Lisik wrote:

lmao what a fool, you at least watched on this map?

According to this map you posted all this land belong to Jews. According to the map Pals owns just a small part in the bottom, what is today Gaza Strip.

Not the first, but like usual fantastic fail.
Oh Shit! A Canadian!!!
Was ist Loos?
*mind explosion*
Was ist Loos?
but seriously, we need a zionist view in this thread.
You want Zionist view? Here... USA cut of support for Israel will change exactly nothing.
Was ist Loos?

Lisik wrote:

You want Zionist view? Here... USA cut of support for Israel will change exactly nothing.
Cool. thanks. now u can go back to being your normal, non-zionist self
Sorry for my English but i didn't got the point of your last sentence.
Was ist Loos?
i just presumed you arent a true fanatic zionist. just a regular dude on a forum.

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