Spam (Oh noes)
tis k its christmas.some_random_panda wrote:
Spam (Oh noes)

Eh, psu, mouse, mousepad, ram, gfx cards, new basketball, clothes.
Im a happy man right now.
Also tim, fuck off and drink some you kent
Im a happy man right now.
Also tim, fuck off and drink some you kent
specs?~Smokey~ wrote:
Eh, psu, mouse, mousepad, ram, gfx cards, new basketball, clothes.
Im a happy man right now.
Also tim, fuck off and drink some you kent

Tazz, scrubs rocks.
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
Wat do you mean a lot of shit? I got an unbranded knife and a shitty remote control aeroplane that doesn't work.
STFU kunt.
STFU kunt.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
I got:
Monty Python's Flying Circus boxset
BLEACH boxset
Boondock Saints DVD
tons of chocolate
plus a bunch of random junk thats awesome. And I'm still gettting more
Monty Python's Flying Circus boxset
BLEACH boxset
Boondock Saints DVD
tons of chocolate
plus a bunch of random junk thats awesome. And I'm still gettting more
iPhone 3G 8GB (freaking awesome number, it's got five of the one number)
JB Hi-Fi gift card
something else from relatives, probably going to buy something for myself as well
JB Hi-Fi gift card
something else from relatives, probably going to buy something for myself as well
i gotsa
new comp
something else
new comp
something else
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
~ Richard Feynman
So far i've got a pair of jeans, a shirt, 2 t shirts and £10.
Just gotta wait to go to my dads house to get the stuff from his side of the family.
Just gotta wait to go to my dads house to get the stuff from his side of the family.
16gb iphone heresome_random_panda wrote:
iPhone 3G 8GB (freaking awesome number, it's got five of the one number)
JB Hi-Fi gift card
something else from relatives, probably going to buy something for myself as well

Posting from said iPhone

Prolly a shit number but bake, panda, show us your numbaz.
everything i write is a ramble and should not be taken seriously.... seriously. ♥
when you connect to a wifi network, it automatically connects to the net through that right?TimmmmaaaaH wrote:
Me toobakinacake wrote:
Posting from said iPhone
Mine is 3 or 4 months old though :p

couple pairs of boardies, coupleof normal shorts, few t shirts, 350 cash, new fishing rod, fucking sick calvin klein assortment
Got the chaser annual at unrelated buying.TimmmmaaaaH wrote:
I got the chaser annual, which is awesome.
Money for my new computer ( already have it), chocolate. That's about it.
And flec, I meant tazz and his fucking macbook (LOL at getting a MacBook, but they are expensive) lol, my iphone fixes macbook to MacBook
Check the front cover - does yours have the signatures of the chasers? Because I saw signatures in mine when I went home, went over it with a magnifying glass, and they look like pen, not printer. Could be wrong though.
no i mean, does it use my home internet instead of my fone plan's internet.TimmmmaaaaH wrote:
Bak: yes it does auto connect
Srp: mine doesn't, lucky you

It might use both. I dunno, lol.
Hack into open wifi's and it shouldnt cost u anything tho
Hack into open wifi's and it shouldnt cost u anything tho

yeah im on my home one, so hopefully it won't.TheAussieReaper wrote:
It might use both. I dunno, lol.
Hack into open wifi's and it shouldnt cost u anything tho