Oi guys how's this for complete and utter fucking bullshit.
There were a couple of wallabies down the side of our block of land (decent sized property tbh) and Dad doesn't want them around anymore.
Anyway, I wander out with the .22 mag to scare the fuck out of them, my little bro has the .22 bruno which has no sights or optics on it atm, he just figures he'll take a warning shot too...
I shot a tree near them, most of them take off running. My little bro took aim at the last one that was still and hit it, dropped it. He's gone down to put it out of it's misery now. Mum reckons he hit it in the lower ribs, probs punctured the lungs. Died from the first shot.
This was a shot with a .22 with no sights at all. Fair enough there was no wind but hitting a wallaby at about 70m with a gun that has no sights, when he's only been shooting for about 2 weeks.
Bullshit imo. Flukey cunt. Oh he's back now. He feels pretty bad about it he reckons.
The funny part about him feeling sorry for the wallaby is that probs over 500 are hit by cars and die as roadkill in our region each year and RAAF Tindal just culled a shitload of them.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.