Aussie Outlaw
What are those moments that piss you off to no end. Whether its your mistake or someone elses.

Please share

Dont have the time to put em all together though


One of my biggest "ARGH" moments is when I was engaging an enemy soldier at around 50 yards with my AT rocket (i was shooting from roof at first spawn on Karkand, shooting to the alley near the MG turret). The rocket was juuuuust about to cross the road when a friendly LAV-25 with a couple of blokes comes flying into my scope and eats my round, exploding and giving me a couple of TKs... punished of course. It was an "ARGH", but quite funny
Yes, please share your BF2 Moments
When i get killed when i just spawned and it happens like 4-5 times in a row. MADNESS
When i killed five ppl so i could cap a flag only be a teammate...twice
+66|7155|Missoula, MT
Just getting knifed/defibed...much better to be on the "giving" end of that. 
Kermit was here...
Old Version 1.02:
Strating Round Mahtuur USA BH Spawn flag: 4 People already waiting. Eh? Whats that? BH comes back for repairs.....but WTF? The MEC Heli has 2 C4s on the front to Suicide only 2 Inches away. Everyone on the ground start firing, but useless. Exactly above us they crash.
Now its gonna be ridicolous:
BH smashes me! I (!) got 6 Tks *ARGH* ....but wait! Explosion on the ground killed my whole squad waiting there. 4 Tks. Of course all punished me, so that I start the round with a score of -40.....thats fun! 
PS. I finished the round with + 20
+66|7155|Missoula, MT
So I'm blowing up enemy assets last night on Wake Island 2007, when all of a sudden my Commander starts YELLING at me over VoIP to stop blowing up his assets.  I said "what?!?!".  He replies "when we take their middle base on this island, the artillery becomes ours!".  I said "don't think so dude, if that were so I wouldn't be getting points for blowing them up now would I?!" and I continued blowing them up. 

He later came on the VoIP and said he was wrong, but not apologizing for before. He sure was mean about it before when he thought he was right!  I just didn't respond to him anymore.  ARGH!
Pump-Action Pimp
+16|7096|The Hague, Holland
My ARGH moments.... 1 of them happend to me today earlier. I whas chasing some MEC soldier for a knife kill. Followed him on foot for a long time/sprint. I whas thinking to myself "He will turn around and shoot, he WILL turn around and shoot! Dude JUST SHOOT HIM!" while another part of me said : "Youve been chasing this mofo for so long! JUST KNIFE HIM! He wont turn around!"

Geuss what happend....

2 things that really make me AAAAAAAAAAARRRRGH!!

1) When theres a tank in an un-capable base (such as MEC Gulf of Oman) and he just spawn rapes, and kills, and destroys planes etc.

2) WHen you're flyign a jet and you get a TK, then another one, then another one, and another one, when you've just went the full round getting your nice score up to the top of the leaderboard.  You then proceed to put you pist through the monitor and snap the BF2 disk while screaming aofhuasuiofashfahsfs.

i once was in the usa chopper and the mec chopper rammed us... i tked 17 people at once. all those inside the chopper and also everyone waiting around the chopper and the heli pad... started with a score of -68.
Heres one, when I'm flying a jet or helicopter, doing fine, and then I get the "There is a problem with your connection" and when it goes away, I am dead. Bloody annoying. Same thing, but when your just about to engage an enemy right in front of you and you get that freaken message. I hate that message.
+20|7151|government yard in trenchtown.
One of the many ARGHs would be with the old 1.02 version with the TK-from-explosion problems.

I was drivin' a buggy loaded with C4 @ Clean Sweep, and ofcourse an enemy tank blows me up when I'm driving through my squad.

7 teamkills = ARGH, ARGH, ARGH... ARGH, ARGH.. ARGH. ARRRGH!
Aussie Outlaw
A dude i know (back in 1.0) says he crashed into a loaded friendly blackhawk, which crashed into other one below it which crashed into the deck full of dudes. He says he had like 15 TKs... second hand info though...
bunny killer
being noob tubed ARGH
+1|7150|Travis AFB, CA
Getting killed with no ammo left and getting revived by a medic just to die again....ARGH!!!
Mine is how long the GD stats are taking to upload to the BFHQ. It's like hours before the shit updates. I should be up to 1st searg now but the shit is taking forever to update

Last edited by ^ISK^Chainsaw (2005-10-07 19:27:56)

Get C4, here!

All of these above ARRRGHS I agree with;
My arrrgh is people who wont shut the fuck up on the VoIP. 
SHUT      UP
I don't give a shit that were loosing, and that youre buying a new car, and that theres two, not three enemy in the jeep in front of us... I DONT GIVE A FUCK.
it wouldnt be so bad if it didn't make the rest of the game sounds quiet, or if people didn't blurt out random comments like "OHMYGOD I JUST DIED" really loud... loud enough to make me jump

"It's Recharging!"
This only happened once and is similar to the above comment. I was playing when this little 10 year old joined my squad, (you can tell by the sound of their voice), and he was constantly using VOIP, and he must have had the mic like inside his mouth because half the time I couldn't understand him, especially during alot of action and it was making me lag, so I kindly told him to stfu, and he kept at it.

I was going into the house in karkand up the steps, you know the one across the 2nd MEC flag where the snipers go on the roof, well I was about to kill this dude in their when he starts yelling out some shit and I get the "There is a problem with your connection" and it goes away a second later and I'm dead.

Moving Target

Doyley wrote:

Heres one, when I'm flying a jet or helicopter, doing fine, and then I get the "There is a problem with your connection" and when it goes away, I am dead. Bloody annoying. Same thing, but when your just about to engage an enemy right in front of you and you get that freaken message. I hate that message.
Having that happen while spawning in an arty strike, bombing run, strafing attack is a real joy kill to me.

Especially when the connection clears up just enough for you to spawn back in and die again, and again, and again, and again, and again, untill you get your second purple heart.
Aussie Outlaw
You've got 2 purple hearts?! >
Moving Target

Greenie_Beazinie wrote:

You've got 2 purple hearts?! >
Hell, I've gotten 3 of them.  Quit in the middle of the round to abort the 3rd though.
GD game is pissin me off. Got 1st Sgt tonight and not showing up. Played for close to 3 hours and I think the first 2 roiunds have updated in BFHQ.. Mother fucker what the fuck did they do to the GD stat server
In Karkand, between the Market and the Train Attack, there's a corner the USMC troops always round. So as sniper I stick a claymore there, it kills three USMC. Thinking, whoop te do! I put another one there, only to have a teammate JUMP on it a second later.

I told them to not go near friendly claymores, put another one down as USMC troops approach... I suddenly die from a noob tube attack and ANOTHER guy jumps on the claymore.

FIVE people ended up jumping on claymores there. Can't you see red skulls!?!?
Aussie Outlaw
They do it on purpose dude... people like minusing other players points... meanwhile they're losing their team tickets....
Aussie Outlaw

Ryan_Mercury wrote:

This only happened once and is similar to the above comment. I was playing when this little 10 year old joined my squad, (you can tell by the sound of their voice), and he was constantly using VOIP,
Nothing worse than girly yelling voices in your ear when you're tryna kill...

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