
Yeah a lot of people around here get off with warnings by having an OCFD sticker on their car (Orange County Fire Department).

Ugh why the fuck does this have to happen during the holidays. Mr. Piggy needs to fulfill his quota to get his holiday bonus.
Should have ducked
+394|6640|Ham Lake, MN (Fucking Cold)

usmarine wrote:

Jenspm wrote:

usmarine wrote:

yup.  I have never had a ticket due to being in the Marines.
I must ask - do you get a fancy badge on your ID or something?

Or do you just say "ahem, I was in the marines"?
when I was in I gave them my military ID.  now I have a nice little veteran license plate.
I need to get mine.

Last edited by SgtHeihn (2008-12-18 16:19:02)

+1,716|6885|St. Andrews / Oslo

SgtHeihn wrote:

usmarine wrote:

Jenspm wrote:

I must ask - do you get a fancy badge on your ID or something?

Or do you just say "ahem, I was in the marines"?
when I was in I gave them my military ID.  now I have a nice little veteran license plate.
I need to get mine. … s/Iraq.jpg
/buys one on ebay.

Should have ducked
+394|6640|Ham Lake, MN (Fucking Cold)

Jenspm wrote:

SgtHeihn wrote:

usmarine wrote:

when I was in I gave them my military ID.  now I have a nice little veteran license plate.
I need to get mine. … s/Iraq.jpg
/buys one on ebay.

Having one of these(any state) is like a get outta jail free card, you have to be doing something really fucked up to get pulled over.

SgtHeihn wrote:

Having one of these(any state) is like a get outta jail free card, you have to be doing something really fucked up to get pulled over.
the other day i was going way too fast and passed a cop and he came flying after me.  got close....backed off a bit, then did nothing.  i lol'd.

^ Yeah and you say socal drivers are shit. Guess it's ok for you since you're able to get away with it.

mtb0minime wrote:

^ Yeah and you say socal drivers are shit. Guess it's ok for you since you're able to get away with it.
everyone knows socal sucks to drive in dude.  that is no secret.

Go to driving school ahead your court date on your own accord.
Ask for driving school for a reduced charge.
Be respectful, and remember you broke the law.

mtb0minime wrote:

And I plan on fighting this fucker in court. Any tips/advice?

Violation: I was on the 805-N (leaving San Diego) going 83mph according to the cop. (Max is 65 since it's a freeway)

My defense: For one, I wasn't going 83, more like 80. And those 3mph make a difference. (83 ~ 85, and 85 is 20mph over the limit, which is ridiculous). My sister was also in the car with me and she can be a witness to all this. Furthermore, speed limits are there to protect people; I was not even driving remotely reckless. I was simply passing someone. It's not like I was weaving in and out of lanes and trying to speed by everyone. The average speed of the rest of the cars was probably around 75 to 80. The road was open enough for me to change lanes easily and not endanger anyone.

Thanks in advance, and if you need/want any other info, just ask and I'll try to answer.

Oh, also, the weather was clear and sunny, great conditions, dry road, perfect visibility. And it was about 1pm.
Yeah your points have no merit what so ever.  Your speedometer said 80, is it a calibrated and certified speedo, i doubt it, i guarantee the radar gun is more accurate than your speedo.

the fact you weren't driving recklessly only means you get a speeding ticket not a reckless op.  suck it up pay it and learn, you broke the law even if everyone else does it doesn't make it right.  And I'm no Mr. perfect either, I've had 9 speeding tickets and lost my license twice for it, but I broke the law and paid the consequence without whining about it.
Dropped on request
In the future you need to know how to avoid getting the ticket in the first place.

Best way is to burst into tears crying and then show some boob.
Too legit to quit
+48|6268|Tampa, Florida
I don't know if you have anything like this around you but we have something here called the ticket clinic. I've paid a $50 fee for them to go to court and have had all my tickets dismissed.

And go out and buy a valentine 1, best $400 I've ever spent. Hands down the best radar detector you can buy, don't go with the cheap ones just spend the money and you'll never get another ticket. Haven't had one since I got it.

Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:

In the future you need to know how to avoid getting the ticket in the first place.

Best way is to burst into tears crying and then show some boob.
I had a guy friend who seriously tried the whole" being so upset he could cry" bit when he got pulled over...he was asked to step out of the

tuckergustav wrote:

Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:

In the future you need to know how to avoid getting the ticket in the first place.

Best way is to burst into tears crying and then show some boob.
I had a guy friend who seriously tried the whole" being so upset he could cry" bit when he got pulled over...he was asked to step out of the
because they assume that if you're THAT upset over getting pulled over its cuz you're fucked up and think you're gonna lose your license (I watch "Cops" too often)

Last edited by Tripulaci0n (2008-12-18 18:23:35)

outrun them cops

...or play GTA...
Should have ducked
+394|6640|Ham Lake, MN (Fucking Cold)
Generally you can, most states/cities have rules about high speed chases, but, you can never out run the radio.

usmarine wrote:

mtb0minime wrote:

^ Yeah and you say socal drivers are shit. Guess it's ok for you since you're able to get away with it.
everyone knows socal sucks to drive in dude.  that is no secret.
Not near as bad as 95% of Florida drivers. Women 16+ and retired men mostly.

GorillaKing798 wrote:

I don't know if you have anything like this around you but we have something here called the ticket clinic. I've paid a $50 fee for them to go to court and have had all my tickets dismissed.
Wanna know how the dismiss the ticket? They plead faulty equipment, you can get off with a slap on the wrist if you have a note from a garage saying your speedometer was off by so much. My friends done it..Got pulled over in his truck doing 50 in a 30. Got off because his dad said the 30 inch boggers threw the speedometer off by that much. They asked for proof..he sent them a pic and the ticket got knocked down to faulty equipment which won't go against your license.
Hockey Nut
+243|6683|Boston, MA
Just curious, what kind of car were you driving? I remember a friend of mine got a ticket saying he was going 50 around a bend in a 30 zone, he said himself to me that he was going 40-45 but that was pushing it for his old beater of a car. He had a mechanic friend of his sign a paper saying that car couldn't possibly hit that speed in that situation and instead of lowering the price of the ticket, they threw it out competely. I'm not saying this will happen to you but it's a thought.
It wasn't me..It was my buddys truck, was a durango I believe. Not sure it was a while since he told me the story. I myself I dont have to worry about getting a speeding ticket around town cause I know most if not all the cops in my town and the surrounding areas..including a few staties.

But if you google how to get out of a speeding ticket you'll find a bunch of articles about faulty equipment pleas.
now say you sorry
+34|6001|one windy city
save yourself the trouble of going to court and pay the ticket - you're not winning with the pigs....
Dropped on request

Tripulaci0n wrote:

tuckergustav wrote:

Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:

In the future you need to know how to avoid getting the ticket in the first place.

Best way is to burst into tears crying and then show some boob.
I had a guy friend who seriously tried the whole" being so upset he could cry" bit when he got pulled over...he was asked to step out of the
because they assume that if you're THAT upset over getting pulled over its cuz you're fucked up and think you're gonna lose your license (I watch "Cops" too often)
I actually had a breakdown the one time I've ever been pulled over for speeding. Of course it was at like 1 am and I was having a mental breakdown, hence why I was out driving at 1 am. Cop let me off with a warning.

I also got off once for driving the wrong way down a one way. Didn't even ask for my I.D.
My way or Haddaway!
+212|6838|Espoo, Finland
You can't exeed the speed limit to pass someone.
Have fun paying the ticket.
Looking for my Scooper
Don't waste your money on court and pay the damn fine.
+2,382|6831|The North, beyond the wall.
Paying the fine is admitting you were wrong. You wouldn't plead guilty to a murder you didn't commit, would you?

jord wrote:

Paying the fine is admitting you were wrong. You wouldn't plead guilty to a murder you didn't commit, would you?
no, but a speeding ticket and murder are not exactly the same thing, are they?

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