
And I plan on fighting this fucker in court. Any tips/advice?

Violation: I was on the 805-N (leaving San Diego) going 83mph according to the cop. (Max is 65 since it's a freeway)

My defense: For one, I wasn't going 83, more like 80. And those 3mph make a difference. (83 ~ 85, and 85 is 20mph over the limit, which is ridiculous). My sister was also in the car with me and she can be a witness to all this. Furthermore, speed limits are there to protect people; I was not even driving remotely reckless. I was simply passing someone. It's not like I was weaving in and out of lanes and trying to speed by everyone. The average speed of the rest of the cars was probably around 75 to 80. The road was open enough for me to change lanes easily and not endanger anyone.

Thanks in advance, and if you need/want any other info, just ask and I'll try to answer.

Oh, also, the weather was clear and sunny, great conditions, dry road, perfect visibility. And it was about 1pm.

Last edited by mtb0minime (2008-12-18 15:09:03)

Future Aviator
+40|5934|Central Texas
Doesn't matter... You were going over the speed limit and you were the one that got caught. So you're pretty much not going to win this case against the cop.
you cant prove it

should have joined the 11-99

Last edited by SealXo (2008-12-18 15:12:59)

Telling you right now there is a 99% chance you won't win.

Ok, maybe I'm exaggerating just a tad bit but your chances of winning are really slim.

Last edited by 12/f/taiwan (2008-12-18 15:14:25)



Worst arguments ever.
Cop won't show up in court. You'll win.
Future Aviator
+40|5934|Central Texas
You: "I was only going 20 over!"
Judge" "..."
Let the rough side drag

phishman420 wrote:

Cop won't show up in court. You'll win.
I've been told, if you can find out when the cops day off is, then try to schedule the court date on that day, you'll most likely win.  So I've been told...
More to the'll lose.  Trust me.

Yeah I figured it was hopeless
Freeway tickets are much harder to fight.

But the "rule of the road" or whatever it's called is to go with the flow and drive only as fast as the conditions allow.

a;sdlkfjasd;fhas;dk whatever. Guess I'll just take out my rage by blasting "fuck tha police" and play some GTA.
+2,382|6831|The North, beyond the wall.
Your argument has lots of common sense but lacks legal technicalities. Sad, but you won't win.
+2,187|6721|Mountains of NC

better be saving up your money bc you ain't going to win unless this is your 1st ticket in 3 years then you can take a judgment ( if Cali does it )
+1,230|6996|Alberta, Canada

You can't prove what speed you wee doing. The cop can because he probably caught you on radar.


better be saving up your money bc you ain't going to win unless this is your 1st ticket in 3 years then you can take a judgment ( if Cali does it )
What is that / How does that work?

The last ticket I got was in April of '05, paid the fine and went to traffic school for that. (And the ticket was for the same reason, 80 on a freeway, lulz)
Back from the Grave(y)
I got a 77 in a 55 here in CA.  It cost me over $370 and I had to go traffic school for 8 hours on perfectly good fucking Saturday.  They will make you pay.
However, I do hear that sometimes you can contest the speed you were traveling, and if you can argue it below 20 mph (over the limit) then you save yourself some considerable cash.  As far as your excuses go, none of them are a valid justification for breaking the law.  You won't find a judge that will give a shit about anything you mentioned for two reasons.   Nothing you said would justify breaking the law, and the state receives revenue for this shit.
As far as the cop not showing, that is possible if you luck out.  However, the officers often receive overtime pay for this type of work.  They can sit on their ass and soak up a couple hours of time-and-a-half. 
Anyhow, good luck to you, because they raped me rough trade style.

Last edited by GravyDan (2008-12-18 15:35:49)

+2,187|6721|Mountains of NC

mtb0minime wrote:


better be saving up your money bc you ain't going to win unless this is your 1st ticket in 3 years then you can take a judgment ( if Cali does it )
What is that / How does that work?

The last ticket I got was in April of '05, paid the fine and went to traffic school for that. (And the ticket was for the same reason, 80 on a freeway, lulz)
Prayer For Judgement Each household may receive one Prayer for Judgment Continued (PFJ) every three years without it counting as a conviction. If you have a minor North Carolina speeding ticket, you do not need a North Carolina attorney. Call the court and find out how to contact the ADA handling your case. Go by and talk to him about a reduction to a 9mph over ticket or a PFJ. A 9mph speeding ticket will not raise your rates if you have a clean record. This may be a better option and save your PFJ for a more serious North Carolina speeding ticket. A Prayer for Judgment is normally only available if you have a North Carolina drivers license.

I can't remember if Cali has this or not

people in socal cant drive for shit anyway
Should have ducked
+394|6640|Ham Lake, MN (Fucking Cold)
I got pulled over doing 93 in a 65 on I5, the CHP Officer saw I was in the Marines and gave me a verbal warning.

SgtHeihn wrote:

I got pulled over doing 93 in a 65 on I5, the CHP Officer saw I was in the Marines and gave me a verbal warning.
yup.  I have never had a ticket due to being in the Marines.
Stand and Deliver
+86|6086|United States
you should  have a time stamped cell phone pic of your speedometer at the time you were caught, lol.
Should have ducked
+394|6640|Ham Lake, MN (Fucking Cold)

usmarine wrote:

SgtHeihn wrote:

I got pulled over doing 93 in a 65 on I5, the CHP Officer saw I was in the Marines and gave me a verbal warning.
yup.  I have never had a ticket due to being in the Marines.
I only got one and that was driving through Nebraska, fucking nazi cops. Come to think of it, I got a shit load of verbal warnings when I was in, most of the time I was at least 20mph over the posted. Hell, I was drunk as fuck after a barracks party and was driving on the wrong side of the road, blamed it on just getting back from Okinawa and was let off with stern reminder about driving on the right.
+1,716|6885|St. Andrews / Oslo

usmarine wrote:

SgtHeihn wrote:

I got pulled over doing 93 in a 65 on I5, the CHP Officer saw I was in the Marines and gave me a verbal warning.
yup.  I have never had a ticket due to being in the Marines.
I must ask - do you get a fancy badge on your ID or something?

Or do you just say "ahem, I was in the marines"?

Jenspm wrote:

usmarine wrote:

SgtHeihn wrote:

I got pulled over doing 93 in a 65 on I5, the CHP Officer saw I was in the Marines and gave me a verbal warning.
yup.  I have never had a ticket due to being in the Marines.
I must ask - do you get a fancy badge on your ID or something?

Or do you just say "ahem, I was in the marines"?
when I was in I gave them my military ID.  now I have a nice little veteran license plate.
Should have ducked
+394|6640|Ham Lake, MN (Fucking Cold)

Jenspm wrote:

usmarine wrote:

SgtHeihn wrote:

I got pulled over doing 93 in a 65 on I5, the CHP Officer saw I was in the Marines and gave me a verbal warning.
yup.  I have never had a ticket due to being in the Marines.
I must ask - do you get a fancy badge on your ID or something?

Or do you just say "ahem, I was in the marines"?
When he asks for your license and registration, you give him the military id with your license. Plus you do have a base sticker on the windsheild.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6691|Long Island, New York

Jenspm wrote:

usmarine wrote:

SgtHeihn wrote:

I got pulled over doing 93 in a 65 on I5, the CHP Officer saw I was in the Marines and gave me a verbal warning.
yup.  I have never had a ticket due to being in the Marines.
I must ask - do you get a fancy badge on your ID or something?

Or do you just say "ahem, I was in the marines"?
It's not that hard to get out of a ticket here.

My mom and brother have both gotten out of tickets by showing a card saying they belong to the PBA:

Cops give them to family members/close friends around here a lot. If you show them your PBA card with your license, you'll usually be let off with a warning.

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