cpt.fass1 wrote:
Well then worst he deserves is a missed shoe thrown at him.. It's not the shoe being through it's the intent in this instance, the president should be held in high regard in any country. Someone throwing a shoe at him symbolises that he thinks our whole country is shit, he can not get away free from this cause that will say we're weak.
That's right Pulling out of Iraq isn't a sign of weakness that will start the terrorist(still don't know what that means) attacking us again..
Having a laxed penalty on a man who throw a shoe at our president WILL make us look weak..
I personally don't blame the guy for thinking Bush is a piece of shit... let's face it, he did turn his country absolutely upside down and bring about the deaths of thousands upon thousands of his fellow countrymen. However, he has broken a law and should be punished accordingly... but the fact that it was Bush should not elevate the importance of what he done.
I mean look at it the other way around. Bush invaded Iraq and had the Iraqi leader arrested and even went so far as to tear down statues of him... what should be done with Bush for showing such a lack of respect!? Just kidding but you know what I mean... there are people out there who view Saddam as being no better or worse than the likes of Saddam.