He does bring it on himself though, just like rammunition.usmarine wrote:
its attack the jew thread.
its not just PH. germans were getting pretty close to the USA.. as for your first paragraph....you are the confusing one. i have no idea what you are talking aboot.Braddock wrote:
Aren't you the same guy who thinks all Europeans owe American troops (and not just those that served but contemporary troops too) a huge debt of gratitude for intervening in WW2... even though the US only intervened after Pearl Harbour, and primarily out of a sense of self preservation?usmarine wrote:
he's 100% right. we didnt give a fuck about jews until pearl harbor was attacked did we? fill me in.Turquoise wrote:
Despite being polar opposites, you and rammunition have a lot in common.
You're a bit conflicted there dude.
I am very grateful to the Allied forces who served in WW2, they helped save Europe from fascism and I don't much care that this was a secondary objective... we still reaped the benefits. I think it was the same for the Jewish people and Lisik should at least be a more appreciative of this fact. The other side of the coin would have been the Allied forces all sitting on their arses saying "fuck the Jews, let them all go to the gas chamber"... but they didn't.
no not really. its all the typical israel haters. nothing new tbh.Turquoise wrote:
He does bring it on himself though, just like rammunition.usmarine wrote:
its attack the jew thread.
So the fact that he apparently doesn't appreciate any of the sacrifices made by the Allies during WW2 to save a lot of his brethren doesn't bother you?usmarine wrote:
no not really. its all the typical israel haters. nothing new tbh.Turquoise wrote:
He does bring it on himself though, just like rammunition.usmarine wrote:
its attack the jew thread.
well the fact the dilbert said the exact same thing he did yet he doesnt get 30 quotes or so like lisik is a little fishy tbh.Turquoise wrote:
So the fact that he apparently doesn't appreciate any of the sacrifices made by the Allies during WW2 to save a lot of his brethren doesn't bother you?usmarine wrote:
no not really. its all the typical israel haters. nothing new tbh.Turquoise wrote:
He does bring it on himself though, just like rammunition.
You do, of course, realize that Braddock is also not an "anti-Israeli Arab" either, right?Turquoise wrote:
You do realize that Braddock lives in Ireland, which isn't part of continental Europe.rdx-fx wrote:
Opinions of continental europeans & anti-Israeli Arabs be damned.
If you're going to make an arrogant and baseless statement, at least get the geography right.
Hence, your assumption that I was directing that comment at Braddock is.. arrogant and baseless.
The specification of continental Europe was to neatly separate England (and others) from the rest of Europe in a previous comment of mine. Specifically, regarding England being a primary sponsor and motivator for the establishment of the Israeli state.
It was a dig at continental europe's "meh. who cares about the jews?" attitude after WW-II (and continuing to the present day, in many cases). Not at some random Irishman on BF2S.
If I spent my time thinking up ways to insult Irishmen that irritated me on BF2S, posting here would be my full-time job.
Fixed?Braddock wrote:
I disagree with nations being drawn on a map merely because enough people flock into a region; this is not an anti-semitic thing, I feel equally as opposed to the recognition of all nations Kosovo
Nice backpedaling, but no cigar.rdx-fx wrote:
You do, of course, realize that Braddock is also not an "anti-Israeli Arab" either, right?Turquoise wrote:
You do realize that Braddock lives in Ireland, which isn't part of continental Europe.rdx-fx wrote:
Opinions of continental europeans & anti-Israeli Arabs be damned.
If you're going to make an arrogant and baseless statement, at least get the geography right.
Hence, your assumption that I was directing that comment at Braddock is.. arrogant and baseless.
The specification of continental Europe was to neatly separate England (and others) from the rest of Europe in a previous comment of mine. Specifically, regarding England being a primary sponsor and motivator for the establishment of the Israeli state.
It was a dig at continental europe's "meh. who cares about the jews?" attitude after WW-II (and continuing to the present day, in many cases). Not at some random Irishman on BF2S.
If I spent my time thinking up ways to insult Irishmen that irritated me on BF2S, posting here would be my full-time job.
Go reread my first post in this thread, then come back and tell me about backpedaling.Turquoise wrote:
Nice backpedaling, but no cigar.
Then go fuck yourself, twit.
Pissed me off? lol What the hell are you peoples talking about? Pissed me of with what? That he can trace his lineage back to the Canaanites? lmao
You guys are pitiable.
You guys are pitiable.
I've expressed my appreciation for US sacrifices in WW2 for Britain and Europe.USM wrote:
well the fact the dilbert said the exact same thing he did yet he doesnt get 30 quotes or so like lisik is a little fishy tbh
Israelis get a free pass on everything.Turqoise wrote:
So the fact that he apparently doesn't appreciate any of the sacrifices made by the Allies during WW2 to save a lot of his brethren doesn't bother you?
If a Frenchman said 'US troops died saving France? Meh' We would have the mother of all flame wars.
A jew does it and USM isn't bothered.
Don't understand it TBH
Last edited by Dilbert_X (2008-12-16 23:25:51)
Fuck Israel
How about we go find the descendants of some Canaanites, get a motion put through the UN and have all the Israelis sent back to Egypt at gunpoint?Lisik wrote:
Pissed me off? lol What the hell are you peoples talking about? Pissed me of with what? That he can trace his lineage back to the Canaanites? lmao
Would be fair, and historically accurate.
Last edited by Dilbert_X (2008-12-16 23:24:14)
Fuck Israel
From the exchange I saw that's how it looked. Yeah Lisik where abouts in Russia is your family from and when did you emigrate? Just curious....Lisik wrote:
Pissed me off?
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
Well, then know im not. As for were im from... i born in 1981 USSR Ukraine in a city of Vinitza. Lived there till age 12 and then in 1994 moved with my parents to Israel.Flecco wrote:
From the exchange I saw that's how it looked. Yeah Lisik where abouts in Russia is your family from and when did you emigrate? Just curious....Lisik wrote:
Pissed me off?
Good idea but I wouldn't wish 10 deadly plagues upon the Egyptians again.Dilbert_X wrote:
How about we go find the descendants of some Canaanites, get a motion put through the UN and have all the Israelis sent back to Egypt at gunpoint?

I think it would be worth it.
Last edited by Dilbert_X (2008-12-17 01:19:45)
Fuck Israel
Well it's legal in the sense that it is recognised by the UN, but it certainly doesn't correspond to the proposed State of Israel in the original UN resolution... it is also in violation of International law in terms of all the occupied territory it has snatched.Pug wrote:
So Brad, the state of Israel is illegal?
Change the fucking record usmarine, you're beginning to sound like lowing when he plays his race card. How about I just put "Judaism is a fucking disease" in my sig... would that be more your cup of tea? I have no problem whatsoever with Jewish people, it's militant Zionism that raises my heckles.usmarine wrote:
its attack the jew thread.
Playing the victim card again are we? I'm continually reminded how Ireland had nothing to do with WW2 so don't expect me to share any guilt for what happened to the Jews. I would have had no problem with Israel being carved out of Germany after the war... in fact they would have fucking deserved such a fate for their atrocities against the Jews. And by the way, you wouldn't have too hard of a time dreaming up insults about Irishmen... we've been racially abused and persecuted around the world for years, we just don't cry about it as much.rdx-fx wrote:
It was a dig at continental europe's "meh. who cares about the jews?" attitude after WW-II (and continuing to the present day, in many cases). Not at some random Irishman on BF2S. If I spent my time thinking up ways to insult Irishmen that irritated me on BF2S, posting here would be my full-time job.
Not sure where you're going with that one to be honest. The only nations I really have a huge problem with are Northern Ireland, Kosovo and Israel (in it's current incarnation i.e. including the occupied territories).san4 wrote:
Fixed?Braddock wrote:
I disagree with nations being drawn on a map merely because enough people flock into a region; this is not an anti-semitic thing, I feel equally as opposed to the recognition of all nations Kosovo
So you have more right to live in the holy land than Ahmed the Palestinian, born in Palestine in 1981 to Palestinian parents? I'm sorry mate but you are Ukranian, you just happen to be a Ukranian Jew... should I have some God-given right to go and live in the Vatican State just because I was raised Catholic?Lisik wrote:
I born in 1981 USSR Ukraine in a city of Vinitza. Lived there till age 12 and then in 1994 moved with my parents to Israel.
Right. Which is much different from stating the immigration policy is illegal.Braddock wrote:
Well it's legal in the sense that it is recognised by the UN, but it certainly doesn't correspond to the proposed State of Israel in the original UN resolution... it is also in violation of International law in terms of all the occupied territory it has snatched.Pug wrote:
So Brad, the state of Israel is illegal?
If you have a tacit policy of settling these foreigners on occupied territory then it kind of adds up to illegality.Pug wrote:
Right. Which is much different from stating the immigration policy is illegal.Braddock wrote:
Well it's legal in the sense that it is recognised by the UN, but it certainly doesn't correspond to the proposed State of Israel in the original UN resolution... it is also in violation of International law in terms of all the occupied territory it has snatched.Pug wrote:
So Brad, the state of Israel is illegal?
No there's a difference. You are assuming they had to take the land because of the policy. Secondly, if a war concession is land...Braddock wrote:
If you have a tacit policy of settling these foreigners on occupied territory then it kind of adds up to illegality.Pug wrote:
Right. Which is much different from stating the immigration policy is illegal.Braddock wrote:
Well it's legal in the sense that it is recognised by the UN, but it certainly doesn't correspond to the proposed State of Israel in the original UN resolution... it is also in violation of International law in terms of all the occupied territory it has snatched.
They've certainly violated their borders, but at the same time one could argue that the other side did not adhere to their side of the agreement either. So in other words, both sides suck and by removing US support in the region, the hope is they'll negotiate...but I doubt it.
"No recognition! No Peace! No negotiation!”
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Again, if I was intending on being insulting, I would be fairly direct about it (see post above).braddock wrote:
Playing the victim card again are we? I'm continually reminded how Ireland had nothing to do with WW2 so don't expect me to share any guilt for what happened to the Jews. I would have had no problem with Israel being carved out of Germany after the war... in fact they would have fucking deserved such a fate for their atrocities against the Jews. And by the way, you wouldn't have too hard of a time dreaming up insults about Irishmen... we've been racially abused and persecuted around the world for years, we just don't cry about it as much.rdx-fx wrote:
It was a dig at continental europe's "meh. who cares about the jews?" attitude after WW-II (and continuing to the present day, in many cases). Not at some random Irishman on BF2S. If I spent my time thinking up ways to insult Irishmen that irritated me on BF2S, posting here would be my full-time job.
I'm not playing any victim card here. I'm not Jewish, nor am I Israeli. But, as you also pointed out, the Jews got screwed over by continental Europe during and after World War 2. Yes, carving a chunk out of Germany would've been appropriate - but none of the continental European nations could be bothered with making things right for the Jews. Apathy was the best the Jews could expect from continental Europe at the time.
England, however, went out of it's way to make things right for the Jews. England, being part of Europe but not part of the mainland continent of Europe. Hence my distinction between the two.
Had precisely nothing to do with Ireland's involvement (or lack of, or whatever) in WW2.
The jab at "Irishmen on BF2S" was directed at the general handful of "Irishmen on BF2S" who seem to hold far different world-views than myself, and apparently delight in argument for the sake of argument (as opposed to trying to convey information or ideas).
And, again, "playing the victim card again?" ? Seriously, WTF? This is a thread about the middle east. Israeli history is appropriate here. If you want to start a thread about the various "we got screwed" moments in Irish history - go nuts. There's plenty.
Go ahead, cry a little.. you guys (Ireland) got screwed pretty hard a few times. [<-- slightly insulting, in case anyone was wondering]
Could also start a thread about Poland, Pakistan/India, Soviet satellite states, african-americans, ... etc.
there's no doubt in my mind that the day it is announced that US ceases their support for Israel will be the last day of Israel.Pug wrote:
both sides suck and by removing US support in the region, the hope is they'll negotiate...but I doubt it.
if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.
So fucking what if people have a "who cares about Jews" attitude? Fuck you, why should I fucking give a shit. I don't care about Africans, or generally anyone else either. Or is it only Jews you care about because they're supposed to be special. To whoever said that bullshit comment about us "not caring about Jews" yeah, so fucking what? What the fuck are you going to do, besides calling me an anti-semetic, just because I don't care (and therefore you automatically assume that I hate)
Fuck 'em all man who cares
Fuck 'em all man who cares
QFT.Mekstizzle wrote:
So fucking what if people have a "who cares about Jews" attitude? Fuck you, why should I fucking give a shit. I don't care about Africans, or generally anyone else either. Or is it only Jews you care about because they're supposed to be special. To whoever said that bullshit comment about us "not caring about Jews" yeah, so fucking what? What the fuck are you going to do, besides calling me an anti-semetic, just because I don't care (and therefore you automatically assume that I hate)
Fuck 'em all man who cares