CameronPoe wrote:
Fuck George W. Bush and fuck his administration. As the protestor shouted: "This is the end". Fuck him and fuck everyone who had the macho ignorance (Team America fuck yeah!)/sheer stupidity to ever have supported his military actions outside of Afghanistan. Fitting that one of the supreme Arab insults - of attacking someone with your shoe - seen when the Saddam statue was toppled - was used in anger against this evil cunt too.
Jesus Cam.
Few have as much bitterness towards the Bush years as I, but...
There was a time when the U.N. voted on mandates regarding this and that, and what the World body had in effect was a clown face on when they issued them because there was no bite behind the bark, as it were. I will not debase the conversation by displaying the former president of Iraq and his henchmen dispatching of countrymen and Kuwait citizens in a most ghastly fashion, but many such videos exist.
Perhaps one can say the occupation was somewhat of a debacle for the first seven years or so, but like it or not, pointy headed college type douchebags from all over the world voted for sanctions and/or military action against Iraq and its alleged WMD programs, bombing and starving of the Kurds, and funding of suicide bombers in Israel. Not all nations, but many. The Coalition of the willing.
I have oft argued that if a
nations leader pays compensation or reward to the families of suicide bombers attacking another nation, that is no different than Pearl Harbor, the scale of it all be damned. … 5316.shtmlI have little doubt that time will be the fair judge of george bush. There is so much frustration and anger at world events I cannot judge things clearly anymore.
But it is asinine to say the united States should have never ventured outside Afghanistan. Iraqi President Saddam Hussein was an agent of terrorism. It would have been preferable for the world body to address it properly, but we know all about Europe and the " peace in our time " rule. The real problem is that there was a collect lack of balls by the rest of the world; a lazy, slovenly approach to enforcing U.N. mandates, and a press eager to destroy george bush.
I don't think one makes a good earth neighbor to his fellow man if they stand by and let genocide happen.
If the U.S. had truly evil intentions we would be sucking the oil into navy tankers and making the bitches work our mines. The fact that we facilitated free elections and, like George Washington, george bush handed power back to the iraqis means a lot to me.
Now as for torture, expansion of power, fiscal conservation and general economic disaster, george bush is a cunt.
Iraq is...complicated.