My clan (L3g3nD) and a friend's community/clan FPSA got together and with the support of [cMc] (I wasn't there, but supposedly every last member in [cMc] was 100% supportive of it and willing to idle/play) we've set up a new 64 man server. It's located in Texas, so anyone in the US/Canada pings exceptionally well and gets great hit reg as a result-we've got a friend in NY that says with 75 ping he's got no lag and we've all got ~40 in Cali/Chicago. We're trying to get it going, but it's been a little slow as expected.
We've settled on 24/7 Sharqi at this point-a lot of the same guys you remember from Insomnia's old server are playing there and JakkFrosted is the one who rented it, so we all remember what worked and what sucked on I365 back in the day. Recently *TA* set up their own Sharqi server-I know because I idled it all day most days and played all night on weekends-I was ranked, at one point, 2nd in the server for overall score and got an account up to 8k inside of a week doing it. It reminded us of not only how great Sharqi is (we've been stuck on Wake for way to long, with the occasional run off to Dalian), but how much FF OFF sucks-the nade whoring got to all of us and the lack of skill required to get points (on average, gunning with 2 different pilots, I got between 100-150 kills (yes, 200-300 pt rounds!) a round Cobra/MI28 whoring because I could just spray everywhere and get kills, it took the fun out of it. That's basically why we've put FF ON, not to mention we find it a lot more challenging. The *TA* server switched providers and is incredibly laggy-it's terrible, not to mention the rules drove us insane.
Anyways, the only rules are no hacking/glitching and we request that you don't rape Chopper Spawns with less than 30 people in the server-it's not fun raping 15 people, so I don't know why people would do it on a near empty server anyways. There is no filter, no neg score kick, no vote kick, and it takes 8 people to start a game-we've found this to be perfect as you won't get kicked when some idiot FTKs you and you won't get kicked for saying anything.
If you have any questions, comments, problems, etc feel free to xfire me. I can get in CC and w/k/b anyone that's tarding or hacking at any time-that goes for a lot of us. We're considering adding a limit to how many punishes someone can rack up before getting kicked, although at the moment you can get punished as many times as you want-it prevents idiots for punishing for accidents and getting you kicked, but I do realize we need to find a line to draw for getting kicked.
Last edited by Miniman7474 (2008-12-10 14:54:26)