'Light 'em up!'

Dilbert_X wrote:

, cut their genocide against the Palestinians and in general STFU there might be a chance for peace in the ME.

If you think accidental killings is genocide then frankly you don't have a clue about the subject.

You could tell Iran to STFU and stop giving Hamas and Hezbollah weaponry and tell Hamas to stop lobbing rockets over the border every time the TV adverts come on for them.

I don't think it'll lead to peace, but it's nice not to waste more of the tax payers money on Israel just because a few important leaders are Jewish. By that logic, why don't the Catholic politicians send a shit load of money to Italy?

M.O.A.B wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

, cut their genocide against the Palestinians and in general STFU there might be a chance for peace in the ME.

If you think accidental killings is genocide then frankly you don't have a clue about the subject.

You could tell Iran to STFU and stop giving Hamas and Hezbollah weaponry and tell Hamas to stop lobbing rockets over the border every time the TV adverts come on for them.
Wait a minute... I can see something in my crystal ball... it's a little hazy but it looks like ten pages of back and forth argument with one side believing Israel to be innocent victims of terror attacks and the other arguing that the whole problem was created when Israel established their nation in a land that was already occupied and began operating an apartheid society where preference is given to Jews from any corner of the world who move there.

Last edited by Braddock (2008-12-09 09:39:04)

'Light 'em up!'

Braddock wrote:

M.O.A.B wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

, cut their genocide against the Palestinians and in general STFU there might be a chance for peace in the ME.

If you think accidental killings is genocide then frankly you don't have a clue about the subject.

You could tell Iran to STFU and stop giving Hamas and Hezbollah weaponry and tell Hamas to stop lobbing rockets over the border every time the TV adverts come on for them.
Wait a minute... I can see something in my crystal ball... it's a little hazy but it looks like ten pages of back forth argument with one side believing Israel to be innocent victims of terror attacks and the other arguing that the whole problem was created when Israel established their nation in a land that was already occupied and began operating an apartheid society where preference is given to Jews from any corner of the world who move there.
I don't deny Israel does some bad things, just those things are blown out of proportion i.e genocide of Palestinians (if they wanted that, the Pals would've disappeared like eight years ago) and it is named mostly as being the sole trouble-maker of the region while barring the two main terrorist groups there and Iran.
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6705|Texas - Bigger than France

AutralianChainsaw wrote:

Pug wrote:

Ok, I'll bite.

How exactly is this the "first real step to peace in the M.E."?
Less money for Israel = weaker Israel

With less support from the US, Israel will have no choice but to stop bullying its neighbor including the palestinian people.

It's the first real step to peace.  But there is still a long way to go.
Maybe (hope so), but I think both sides are equally bullying each other...it seems one sided because of the equipment involved.

So imho, cutting off aid might mean peace, or might mean an even playing field.  Whether or not Israel is getting aid isn't the factor for some of those involved (on both sides).  And that is the real problem...

M.O.A.B wrote:

Braddock wrote:

M.O.A.B wrote:


If you think accidental killings is genocide then frankly you don't have a clue about the subject.

You could tell Iran to STFU and stop giving Hamas and Hezbollah weaponry and tell Hamas to stop lobbing rockets over the border every time the TV adverts come on for them.
Wait a minute... I can see something in my crystal ball... it's a little hazy but it looks like ten pages of back forth argument with one side believing Israel to be innocent victims of terror attacks and the other arguing that the whole problem was created when Israel established their nation in a land that was already occupied and began operating an apartheid society where preference is given to Jews from any corner of the world who move there.
I don't deny Israel does some bad things, just those things are blown out of proportion i.e genocide of Palestinians (if they wanted that, the Pals would've disappeared like eight years ago) and it is named mostly as being the sole trouble-maker of the region while barring the two main terrorist groups there and Iran.
Well I commend you on being less blinkered than others among us here who believe Israel to be completely in the right. I don't consider Israel to be like the Nazis, I would consider them more to be like the apartheid Government of South Africa when it was around. I know there is evil on both sides too though.
+3,611|6784|London, England
We should stop Aid to other countries anyway, don't have money for that shit anymore. Apparently countries are still giving aid to countries like China/India, really now, that isn't necessary anymore. Sure, they still have poverty and shit like that, but it's not like Britain/USA etc.. didn't when they were going through their respective booms/rises to superpower status etc..

All these Aid recieiving countries that are actually quite rich/powerful yet still receiving aid (China/India and Israel when it comes to the USA) are just hustlin the west imo

Dilbert_X wrote:

Lowing wrote:

I thought the world was all going to have a group hug when Obama was elected
Then you were deluded, or thought one man being elected would change something 1,000s of miles away which has been going on for centuries.
No wait, thats also delusional.

Found another of your online personae though

BBoy wrote:

What a bunch of anti-semites here, you all must be a bunch of hitler SS. The Israelis have rights that are not respected by the Palestenians, so the great nation of Israel has no other option but to protect another Halocoust from takin place. The terorrists in the other side have to understand every wrong done to Israelis would be responded ten fold. That's the only language terrorists understand. And for Osama or sorry Obama, his true colors(muslim) is coming out, they all want death of Israel.
Actually no, it was delusional, but it was not my delusion. I never thought that. Obama supporters world wide did though. Which is why the media took real time global reaction when his election was official. People crying all over the world. Obviously they thought his election was gunna do something spectacular.

Also, I can tell you that I do not have another "online personae".... Why would I? Or do you get them impression I am one that really gives a shit what people in here think of me? I kinda thought it was apparent that I will speak my mind regardless of popularity. Guess not.

Last edited by lowing (2008-12-09 10:36:00)


Braddock wrote:

lowing wrote:

I thought the world was all going to have a group hug when Obama was elected....Oh wait, Mumbai, India.
Oh I see, that's Obama's fault now is it? Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't your beloved George Bush still in the White House lowing?

You have a long 8 years ahead of you if you're going to be blaming Obama for stuff he isn't responsible for as well as the stuff he is responsible for.
What did I miss? I didn't blame Obama for anything. I merely pointed out that the election of the  "chosen one" did not bring the world peace that was supposed to happen.

lowing wrote:

Braddock wrote:

lowing wrote:

I thought the world was all going to have a group hug when Obama was elected....Oh wait, Mumbai, India.
Oh I see, that's Obama's fault now is it? Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't your beloved George Bush still in the White House lowing?

You have a long 8 years ahead of you if you're going to be blaming Obama for stuff he isn't responsible for as well as the stuff he is responsible for.
What did I miss? I didn't blame Obama for anything. I merely pointed out that the election of the  "chosen one" did not bring the world peace that was supposed to happen.
I think you're getting Barrack Obama mixed up with Jesus Christ lowing.

I think you'll find rest of the world just breathed a collective sigh of relief that McCain didn't win.

Braddock wrote:

lowing wrote:

Braddock wrote:

Oh I see, that's Obama's fault now is it? Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't your beloved George Bush still in the White House lowing?

You have a long 8 years ahead of you if you're going to be blaming Obama for stuff he isn't responsible for as well as the stuff he is responsible for.
What did I miss? I didn't blame Obama for anything. I merely pointed out that the election of the  "chosen one" did not bring the world peace that was supposed to happen.
I think you're getting Barrack Obama mixed up with Jesus Christ lowing.

I think you'll find rest of the world just breathed a collective sigh of relief that McCain didn't win.
Uhhhhh no, The world got Obama mixed up with Jesus Christ, not me. I think he is the anti-Christ.

I see so now the Obama election represents business as usual, no big deal. Never mind the citizens of the world were hugging one another and crying. And the media was there to record it all.

Wasn't the question raised about how we cann all be peoud to be American again and all of the bullshit that went with it?

lowing wrote:

Braddock wrote:

lowing wrote:

What did I miss? I didn't blame Obama for anything. I merely pointed out that the election of the  "chosen one" did not bring the world peace that was supposed to happen.
I think you're getting Barrack Obama mixed up with Jesus Christ lowing.

I think you'll find rest of the world just breathed a collective sigh of relief that McCain didn't win.
Uhhhhh no, The world got Obama mixed up with Jesus Christ, not me. I think he is the anti-Christ.

I see so now the Obama election represents business as usual, no big deal. Never mind the citizens of the world were hugging one another and crying. And the media was there to record it all.

Wasn't the question raised about how we cann all be peoud to be American again and all of the bullshit that went with it?
You have a very warped view of what constitutes evil if you think Barrack Obama is the antichrist. Obama hasn't even taken office yet and you are already giving him a hard time while many here still, for some unknown reason, try to defend Bush and his legacy. Obama, as far as the rest of the world is concerned, represents "business as usual" in a non-pejorative sense. McCain represented 4 more years of potentially dangerous and unstable Republican leadership.
Fully Loaded

deeznutz1245 wrote:

Um, nobody takes you serious in here. As a matter of fact, even if this thread has meaning most people will not read it for the simple reason that you wrote it. Knowing that what I write right now might not even be read sort of inspires me to keep writing because some of the people who open this thread will completely skip what you write and start with my nonsense in this post. I hate you.
seems i touched a raw nerve, thus the reason you have been crying, can't handle adult debate, don't participate
O Canada
+1,596|6568|North Carolina

Pug wrote:

Ok, I'll bite.

How exactly is this the "first real step to peace in the M.E."?
Well, I'd say it would definitely help things if we stopped implementing arms deals with Israel.  Then again, we need to drop our aid to countries like Egypt too.
The Mas
+311|6851|NYC, a place to live

AutralianChainsaw wrote:

san4 wrote:

Only a person who is willfully blind--or simply rabid--thinks Israel controls the peace process.
So in your opinion, who control the peace process?

san4 wrote:

AutralianChainsaw wrote:

san4 wrote:

Only a person who is willfully blind--or simply rabid--thinks Israel controls the peace process.
So in your opinion, who control the peace process?
um ok.. But Hamas do not rule the West Bank and Israel keeps building illegal settlements in the West Bank.

Is it because of Hamas that Israel keeps stealing palestinian properties in the West Bank?
If Israel's enemies had won the six day war, would there be any Israeli's left?  Would the history books mark a second Jewish holocaust?
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6828|NT, like Mick Dundee

Pubic wrote:

If Israel's enemies had won the six day war, would there be any Israeli's left?  Would the history books mark a second Jewish holocaust?
There wouldn't be any Israeli's left in the sense that Israel would no longer exist. If something like that happened there might have been a zionist holocaust, but as Iran's Jewish population can attest, they aren't going to march all the Jews into camps and execute them.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
mostly afk
+480|6713|CH/BR - in UK

I'm glad to hear this. I can see why one might be sceptical about the author's validity, but the source is good, so all's well, no? Is it really necessary to fill half this thread with troll-posts?

I look forward to seeing some better regulation on where the US's money is going.

The Mas
+311|6851|NYC, a place to live

AutralianChainsaw wrote:

san4 wrote:

AutralianChainsaw wrote:

So in your opinion, who control the peace process?
um ok.. But Hamas do not rule the West Bank and Israel keeps building illegal settlements in the West Bank.

Is it because of Hamas that Israel keeps stealing palestinian properties in the West Bank?
You are changing the subject. Hamas' position has nothing to do with settlements.

Pubic wrote:

If Israel's enemies had won the six day war, would there be any Israeli's left?  Would the history books mark a second Jewish holocaust?
No second holocaust but maybe israelis today would live in gaza and the west bank and the pals would be building illegal settlements on their land..

And there would be a jewish terrorist organisation in Gaza sending homemade rockets on palestinian soil.  i wonder if our resident die hard israeli supporter would support that kind of terrorism...

san4 wrote:

AutralianChainsaw wrote:

san4 wrote:

um ok.. But Hamas do not rule the West Bank and Israel keeps building illegal settlements in the West Bank.

Is it because of Hamas that Israel keeps stealing palestinian properties in the West Bank?
You are changing the subject. Hamas' position has nothing to do with settlements.
The peace process have everything to do with the illegal settlements.. Hamas was successful in preventing Israel from building settlements in the Gaza Strip. All i'm saying is if Hamas was gone tomorrow, the israelis would be colonizing the Gaza Strip and a peace deal would not exist either.

It's all in the hands of israel.

jsnipy wrote:

I don't see how this equates to peace.
This is just another one of  Rammunition's ridiculous threads.  Obama's stance toward Israel will do very little, if anything for peace in the ME.  I do not see how anyone other than the most unsuspecting, uninformed dolt could possibly believe that this is any more than a shuffle in any direction.
The Mas
+311|6851|NYC, a place to live

AutralianChainsaw wrote:

san4 wrote:

AutralianChainsaw wrote:

um ok.. But Hamas do not rule the West Bank and Israel keeps building illegal settlements in the West Bank.

Is it because of Hamas that Israel keeps stealing palestinian properties in the West Bank?
You are changing the subject. Hamas' position has nothing to do with settlements.
The peace process have everything to do with the illegal settlements.. Hamas was successful in preventing Israel from building settlements in the Gaza Strip. All i'm saying is if Hamas was gone tomorrow, the israelis would be colonizing the Gaza Strip and a peace deal would not exist either.

It's all in the hands of israel.
Israel could dismantle all settlements in the West Bank and Hamas would still refuse to make peace. That is the official position Hamas states in its charter. It says Israel should be destroyed and replaced by an Islamic state. No mention of settlements or peace. No peace is possible unless Hamas changes its position.

Israel can't get Hamas to make peace.
I am all that is MOD!

Hamas doesn't control the resources or the people (for the most part).  Blaming Hamas as the key to stopping a peace deal is ridiculous.

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