Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:
lowing wrote:
Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:
Wal-Mart is partially responsible for this.
1. They invited and encouraged these people to come to their store.
2. BF is a well known shopping day where people are known to line up outside waiting for the doors to open.
3. This is not the first time this has happened. As such, Wal-Mart had reasonable history to believe that this would be the same.
4. Wal-Mart is responsible for crowd control on their premises.
It then stands that Wal-Mart should have know that something like this was more than plausible and taken appropriate action ahead of time to restrict flow into the store in a manner that would not create this situation.
1. They had a sale!.......SUE THEM
2. BF is a well known shopping day where people are known to line up outside waiting for the doors to open, it is not well know for ripping doors off of hinges and killing store employees.
3. Nope this is not the first time this has happened, so sue Walmart for the personal responsiblity of everyone at the store. Do they then, get to decide who gets in and who does not not? I doubt you will sign off on this. you will the nsue walmart for discrimination.
4. Walmart does have crowd control. A controlled entry and exit point. Now who is responsible for the 2000 people that refuse to follow the rules of this control point and basic civility, respect and responsibility?
I didn't say that Wal-Mart was wholy responsible, nor that there is no responsibility to those that actually trampled the employee. However, Wal-Mart knew what BF shopping was like, and this is not the first time some one has been trampled to death on BF shopping furor. Simply opening the doors to allow a mass flood of people in is not handling crowd control. They should have taken measure that would control the flow of shoppers entering the store.
No changes,
You don't hold them completely responsible, but enough to sue the shit outta them, whats the difference? Of course they know what BF is like, it is the first day of retail year that makes or breaks profits. Hence the sales. What is a retailer supposed to do? Clearly, this crowd wasn't going to maintain self control under any conditions. There is no stopping a mob by anyone other than police and law enforcement, not retail sales.
They had doors, do you expect Walmart to now, out up concrete barriers throughtout their parkinglots? Also for the 3rd time, if you will hold Walmart responsible for individual behavior among its custoners, will you all them the right to choose who gets in and who is kept out?