hoplite :O

Kptk92 wrote:

Christmas is awesome, anyone who doesn't celebrate it is not human
+2,382|6828|The North, beyond the wall.
I'm agnostic/atheist and celebrate Christmas...
The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6824|Cardiff, Capital of Wales
Ninj, don't winge.  Im not out to impress anyone, I couldn't give a fuck tbh.  Don't smoke fags or drugs they are bad for you.  I however will as I have done for 16 years now.  Its what makes me; me.
+2,382|6828|The North, beyond the wall.

1927 wrote:

Ninj, don't winge.  Im not out to impress anyone, I couldn't give a fuck tbh.  Don't smoke fags or drugs they are bad for you.  I however will as I have done for 16 years now.  Its what makes me; me.
I got half of a tenner bag here, wanna split it?

You have same time as I did to get down to wales, 5 hours, fucking go.
The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6824|Cardiff, Capital of Wales

jord wrote:

1927 wrote:

Ninj, don't winge.  Im not out to impress anyone, I couldn't give a fuck tbh.  Don't smoke fags or drugs they are bad for you.  I however will as I have done for 16 years now.  Its what makes me; me.
I got half of a tenner bag here, wanna split it?

You have same time as I did to get down to wales, 5 hours, fucking go.
Nope I picked up something a lot bigger than that bag yesterday and for once I'm not on about girls.  Im happy with the 1 I got ty.

Wouldn't be worth me coming up for it as by the time I get back home it would all be gone again.

Hang on.  Tokk you 5 hours to get down here and you expect me to get up in the same time:

1. I'm an ol fart
2. A stoned ol fart
3. Its fucking up hill all the way to you, duhhh. So it's clearly not fair
+2,382|6828|The North, beyond the wall.

1927 wrote:

jord wrote:

1927 wrote:

Ninj, don't winge.  Im not out to impress anyone, I couldn't give a fuck tbh.  Don't smoke fags or drugs they are bad for you.  I however will as I have done for 16 years now.  Its what makes me; me.
I got half of a tenner bag here, wanna split it?

You have same time as I did to get down to wales, 5 hours, fucking go.
Nope I picked up something a lot bigger than that bag yesterday and for once I'm not on about girls.  Im happy with the 1 I got ty.

Wouldn't be worth me coming up for it as by the time I get back home it would all be gone again.

Hang on.  Tokk you 5 hours to get down here and you expect me to get up in the same time:

1. I'm an ol fart
2. A stoned ol fart
3. Its fucking up hill all the way to you, duhhh. So it's clearly not fair
Going North doesn't mean you go up hill old man.

And yeah, stop making me jealous, it's credit crunch.
The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6824|Cardiff, Capital of Wales

jord wrote:

Going North doesn't mean you go up hill old man.
Yeah it does lol everyone knows it does look


Your so silly at times Jord.

The dots represent mah bitches.

ok, no it dosent really.
you guys still don't get that i was bored when i made this thread.....
The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6824|Cardiff, Capital of Wales

aerodynamic wrote:

you guys still don't get that i was bored when i made this thread.....
I'm still waiting for that invite to join your list.  Do that next time your bored.

We got bored aswell mind, we are now on Geography and Drugs.
+152|6677|London (At Heart)

I <3 facebook
Latter Alcoholic

Shem wrote:

I <3 facebook
same : D


The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6824|Cardiff, Capital of Wales

Airwolf wrote:

Shem wrote:

I <3 facebook
same : D

http://photos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak- … 6_6003.jpg

I got that shirt myself (The blue one) The kid's onto summat there, he'll be beating the women away with a shitty stick soon.
+152|6677|London (At Heart)

Wait I'ma see if I can find any of those pictures he hates so much on mine...
Latter Alcoholic

1927 wrote:

I got that shirt myself (The blue one) The kid's onto summat there, he'll be beating the women away with a shitty stick soon.
haha that's my shirt! Awesome

P.S. The one with the fake tshirt on the inside?
The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6824|Cardiff, Capital of Wales

Airwolf wrote:

1927 wrote:

I got that shirt myself (The blue one) The kid's onto summat there, he'll be beating the women away with a shitty stick soon.
haha that's my shirt! Awesome

P.S. The one with the fake tshirt on the inside?
Yep from Burtons.  Don't get me wrong bitches, ho's and Ladies all like it, it works everytime but its a cunt to try and iron.
Latter Alcoholic

1927 wrote:

Yep from Burtons.  Don't get me wrong bitches, ho's and Ladies all like it, it works everytime but its a cunt to try and iron.
Fuck yeah haha.
So we can't start a Facebook account because you accepted someone you don't know as a friend?

jord wrote:

FatherTed wrote:

jord wrote:

This is what old men say, only 1927 and ATG can use these phrases. Stop it.
i agree with CN tbh

i smoke because i enjoy it (even though i'm cutting back)
i drink because i enjoy it. getting shitfaced is just a nice side-effect.
I don't. Alcohols use is intended to be sociable yes? People talk more when drinking, yes?

Now we agree there, we agree that it's the alcohol content people drink for, yes?

Cause lets face it, there's better and cheaper tasting non alcoholic drinks out there.

And besides how would Russia survive if people only drank for taste? Cause nobody sips Vodka for it's awesome nice taste do they?

K so dont argue ted u PIRA PRICK
I has drink so it lowers the chance of me thinking about shit like school when I'm out, it just makes you more concentrant on what you are doing currently.
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)

MorbiD.ShoT wrote:

m8 chill the fuck out, just take a step back, look at your situation and become apathetic. Works for me all the time, not caring about petty bullshit is what I do
Unfortunately, I take it a step further and wind up not caring about important things as well.

Aero, just don't accept friend requests from people you don't know/like.
Maple Syrup Faggot
+362|6306|Vancouver | Canada
I get the occasional add by people I never really talk to, like my brother's classmates, people from a school I used to go to, etc.
I also have people aged anywhere from 13 to 60.

I really do not care. It's a website ffs.

I've also had some really weird people add me who I've never heard of, and who don't even live in the area, but I just delete them after I find that out.

Also, about the "15 year olds hanging out with 18 year olds" comment: I know a 12 year old who's more mature than most people who post here. (And a shitload of 14/15 year olds who are also more mature.)

Last edited by DefCon-17 (2008-12-01 11:40:12)

+521|6889|Toronto | Canada

I deleted facebook for exam period

aerodynamic wrote:

13 year old kids who want to be cool and take photographs of them selves either naked of half naked, drinking vodka or beer, smoking cigarettes and put that picture as the profile picture and also some idiots who put pictures of them selves smoking a J....I mean come on kids!!!
People that you've never heard of or seen, add you on facebook and start spamming your wall...
For one, there is and "Ignore"-link you can click. That's the good start to having a facebook account without 13 year old boys half naked (I think I just vomited a little).

This might be the prime cause behind your messed up Facebook-experience. Personally, I approve only people I've met and/or have close personal ties with through the webz (a.k.a. the limited list of bf2s:ers I have on my friends list, approximately 5 of a total of 290 something friends. I won't click "Approve" on anything or everything who wants to be my friend or install an application. (So all you on here that I haven't approved, don't take it personally.)

What you've experienced, I have not. Mainly because of the above.

To sum it all up: It's not myspace, dude.

Spoiler (highlight to read):
I do occasionally touch myself while looking at pictures of TMo, though
I need around tree fiddy.
online bf2s mek evasion

aerodynamic wrote:

Although one good thing about facebook is  the Facebook Texas Holdem, just so fun....
Not for the game it self but have 4-5 of your friends in a serious tournament and just start insulting randomly someone until he leaves.
oh, so youre a dickhead, sorry didnt realise

if you dont want 15 year old friends, try the reject button yeah? its not hard

dont want to look at pictures of 13 year old, dont click on their pictures.

want to complain about facebook? dont act like a twat on it

hopefully some kind of realisation has hit
You likey leaky?
+433|6829|In You Endo- Stoke
I can't be arsed with facebook anymore, if people add me and i know them then thats fine with me.(unless they have big tits and a nice body then there good too_)
After a while i just got bored with it.

Only good thing on there is 27 and even then i can't toka de smoka as ive given up.
Waste Kid

Kptk92 wrote:

Christmas is awesome, anyone who doesn't celebrate it is not human

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