+25|6910|Yorkshire, UK.

str8gunnin wrote:

Personally I think its hardest to get points with Sniper and Anti-Tank.
Nah... sniping is easy to get big scores. You just need a little (COUGH!!) 'talent' with the weapons. I have got scores well into the 100+ category ground-pounding as a sniper only on wake and beat most of the jetwhore noobs. I got my best kill streak as such an assault-sniper of 30 kills before got artied.

If you are good enough you can mow down entire squads without them knowing where you are. I have had 2 or 3 squads looking for me at once!!

-=>cSc<=-*RunDje*cT| wrote:

Thetruereddevil wrote:

I think they have more ways of getting points so may get more, however they have one of the weaker guns....used correctly however you can kick ass! whining like that wont make me wanna come heal you thats for sure, just be grateful for the support, its about teamwork ya see. while we are healing or reviving your ass we have our back to whatever killed we end up dying a hell of a lot, dont even get me started on the expert first aid badge lol....
now your talking about the "hero medics' here. BUT there are also 'BABOON MEDICS' to often when i get killed and theres like a enemy tank half way on top of my head a medic still finds a way to revive me and we get killed. but then when 1 enemy was near a far away flag and i kill him and he me( happens sometimes) all the medics in the neighbourhood have a 5 foot baboon in front of there eyes. some are good, but there are allot of baboon medics !
Totally agree, i find if i inadvertantly end up doing that to someone i apologise, because man thats annoying when you have 2 seconds to respawning and some ass revives you to be killed by the same damn person! you have a long list down the left of the screen, you were killed by______ It is such a frustrating game sometimes haha;)
+12|6826|New Zealand, CHCH
ok getting points easy for medic is easy because...

you spend more time reviving and healing than other players would spend more time killing and gaining two points,

same with re-supply, and repair, only on a lesser scale,

i think the subject of AT needs to be addressed, like someone had said in an ealier post, them and assualt are fodder a lot of the time, and it wasnt until the p90 that ant tank soldiers really started to get some kind of advantage

ive been AT on and off but mostly on since its release last year and i find that its a lot harder to gain points as AT or assualt than it is with other kits, heres why

sniper:  hes more hidden, he can get at least 20 good kills before he could be found
engy:  FF off, landmines, and repair, what more can i say
Support: the fuckin pkm, and resupply of course, throw that shit round like a lollie scramble
Spec ops:  the coerrect placment of c4 can spread over a large radius, and not so much now, but before 1.2 again people were throwing that shit around like frisbees
Medic, health packs, revies, (including more points for shaock paddling enemy) and moderatly powerful guns, the l85 can be used for sniping also, the ak standard MEC is great, and the m4 can own also, used by the right player

but AT and assualt?  ohhhh and mp5, thats hard out!!  and although im a keen expert for the DA0 (have to be) it has slow reaload time, and likek i said before, before the p90 came along, at could not shoot multiple targets froma  distance with the weapons it was provided with, bar the stupid mp5, but its a gay gun

the assualt has powerful weapons/tools granted, (203 bombs, f200, g3,  f bangs, smoke, extra amour, but shorter sprint) and used properly is can be devastating, hence the 'assualt' bit, but again, no extra points for say an assualt player capping a flag, or defending a flag, because he was made to be in the front of the field, where the action is at, and the re-supply and medic near the back only running up to the front to revive falling comrades, and the engys somewhere int he back also sticking close to the armour

well thats my bitch


Last edited by smk_valvanite (2006-03-10 17:14:08)

Death StatPadder
+228|6919|Human Meat Shield

imdead wrote:

Heh, I think the hardest is the Assault Class with addition to the AT. There is no love for either, they are the true MeatShields. 

But back to the question, no, Medics don't get love either, they are running rabid to revive people and get shot and as they lay there dying the person that they just revived takes off.... That should be a -1 point for the person that took off after that medic 'saved your life'.

Medics usually don't use thier weapons as first offense, it's the Assaults job to take out the opposition, then if they die, the medic is right there to take out the opposition and revive, some people revive and wait until you die over and over, that's different. The only time a Medic should have his weapon out is if he's a lonewolf, or in a defensive mode or capping flags. In my Opinion.
yeah smk_valvanite , it was me, and its so true isn't it

Daysniper wrote:

noobmurderer wrote:

if u keep ur whole team alive then they never can die
I never would have thought....
I agree. Many people's grammar and spelling is appalling these days.
+0|6813|Malmoe, Sweden
You should get two points for heal and one for reviving. This would be a better senario on the battlefield.
Idiot medics are waiting for you to die so they can get two points instead of one if the had healed you. Thats not so realistic if you ask me. And in order to get that one healing point the soldier must have a total health thats below 50%, WTF is that? Two points for healing a person below 50% and one point for a person with 50% and over in health.

Sorry for my bad english, I´m just a dumb sweede...

Last edited by [anti]NorthBear (2006-03-11 07:20:08)

Personally when I play medic, I like to try to keep people healed around me, simply for the fact that if they are healed and returning fire, I have less of a chance to catch a bullet in the ass myself.  I don't like pain, it hurts me.
+12|6826|New Zealand, CHCH

coldfyre99 wrote:

Personally when I play medic, I like to try to keep people healed around me, simply for the fact that if they are healed and returning fire, I have less of a chance to catch a bullet in the ass myself.  I don't like pain, it hurts me.
me too. and i bet alot of most medics further fore most i would imagine. especially if the guy i revied has the pkm, i hate to diw when im medic, a lot of stupid players wont know to pick up your kit to revive you

im sorry if there are spelling mistakes, im\ writing on my mrs laptop, and i hate laptop keys
I <3 Medics

noobmurderer wrote:

reviving ppl who r killed then they get killed again is so funny
u can get so many point
Anyone notice that Noobmurderer has more Team Kills than kills? Wtf?

Tennouheika wrote:

noobmurderer wrote:

reviving ppl who r killed then they get killed again is so funny
u can get so many point
Anyone notice that Noobmurderer has more Team Kills than kills? Wtf?
yea i think every1 here has noticed
ure slow
+0|6914|Givataim, Israel
Anti-Tank is more important for the win both in long range and urban battles. So I disagree.
I never met a medic who didn't heal and waited for your death, and it's not because I didn't think about it.
On karkand servers they throw medpacks all the time.
I agree, that is so untrue. Players ARE greedy in the game, but not THAT much. I mostly play as a medic and I don't wait for people to die in order to heal them. I heal them as soon as possible and revive them if they die.

Why? Because if a group dies, I'm the next one on the list, and I won't stand long with  my med pack in the hands.

I don't think medics are underpowered in battles, they have a very good range of weapons, very precise and they can do as much damage as the assault class.

Along with the anti-tank and the support class, they have a real purpose of maintening the team alive. Of course, when you see the numbers of medics on the field, it's not even funny anymore. I thought people (others) would play assault/spec ops and very few medics. I wish there were more AT and support people out there. It's really annoying when you're out of ammo (especially AT) or you have an ennemy tank in front of your army of medics.

One thing I'd like to add (not that important, you can skip :p )..:


Let me explain, when I get revived I alway thank them, and if I'm lucky, I get an answer.
When I run accross that APC filled street to revive the guy that fell down a building, all I get is wind and dust as they flee. Geez...medics are taken for granted.

It feels nice when you're told thanks, makes you wanna keep that person even more alive and let the others rot in hell.
Notice a lot of the top players:

Weapons: Assault Rifle
Vehicle: Armor
Class: Medic
Map: Stats at Karkand.

SPM: ~4

Its what it seems to be now, the best way to get a whole load of points, very fast. However it doesn't get you many of the badges or ribbons or medals.
I love beiing a medic, I usually kill all enemies before I revive someone, the L85 does a good job, but sometimes I will revive a fallen support who is behind cover without clearing enemies first, because I know he has the armor and sniper rifle to kill them. I usually become one just because the reviving, healing, and weapons are fun. I think I am a good medic, and I always throw healing packs to those who need them, or where the big battles are, so I don't have to risk running through a hot field to paddle someone.

My two cents.

blackcracka wrote:

EvilJebus wrote:

Kylau wrote:

Personally I think the medic should only get a pistol.
Personally, I think you're a moron. Worst Idea Ever.
Yeah it would be crappy to only have a pistol but it would make sense. Medic is obviously the best class in the game. You can own, revive, heal and heal yourself. The only thing they cant do is give ammo blow up tanks and revive themselves.
They also don't have armor, or powerful G3, PKM weapons, but since they obviously can't survive as much as support, anti tank, sniper, or assualt, or deal out as much damage, but yea, they are obviously the best class ever.
medic should have a pkm with explosive rounds that never overheats
its annoying when u see a bunch of noobs to tk and revive but u only have 30 ammo
Here is my stance on this.  As a medic I'm in the front of the battle.  The L85 is a great weapon and I love using my  Anyway, this is what you do when you have a shock paddle med ( who are worthless)...shoot the fucker.. not enough to kill him but enough to make him pull out his med pack and med himself.  Those damn pansy bastards will always med themselves and noone else...
No comment. this thread should be shut down for the noobs in here.
So much praise of the L85?! I think it really sucks.. But the g36e is great, don't you think so?? The automode is the only advantage of L85, but then again if you play w g36e you often don't need more than one burst..!

Last edited by WinstontheWolf (2006-03-13 10:57:24)

So is it 1 point for a Heal and 2 points for revive?  Can someone confirm this?

I've been trying for my Vetern First Aid badge and its proving to be quite difficult.  My Vet Resupply was so easy.  One good firefight and I got it in like 5 mintues.

For Vet First Aid, I'm throwing packs left and right at my team mates and still nothing....
+10|6924| Going Feral

FromTheAshes wrote:

washow wrote:

noobmurderer wrote:

reviving ppl who r killed then they get killed again is so funny
u can get so many point
it's called stat padding you numbnuts

i think he confessed
No, it's not, as long as your not in the corner of the map, and in the heat of battle, you can revive without shooting as many times as you want. I hate stat padders, I also hate it when the medic does it to me, but it saves a ticket...
I was in the alley to the south of the hotel on Karkand yesterday, and there was an AT teammate of mine that just got machine-guned by some guy spawn-camping with a tank.  Well, I could get to my teammate to revive him, so I did.  He got gunned down - I still had more than adequate cover and concealment behind the building on the west side of the alley. 

So, I revived him again.  Same result. 

I tried again.  Same result.

I tried once again, and the teammate was more alert at his keyboard, and he actually made a move towards safety.  Unfortunately, he was gunned down yet again.

Try again.  Gunned down again.

Give it the old college try again, and my teammate got away. 

Now, I know the teammate might be pissed, but he had the right kit for the situation (AT), so I kept trying to revive him.  None of those deaths counted against him, so that's a good thing.  He lived to fight another day, so that's a good thing.  He could have respawned at the hotel, but he might have been thwacked by another spawn-camping rotten-crotch.

I got oodles of points.  That's a good thing.  It was done legally.  That's a good thing, too.

The only thing that sucked is that the stretched, worn-out, spawn-camping rotten crotch received a lot of points, too, I think.  That was really the only bad thing.

So, was it annoying to my teammate?  Maybe, but bottom line is that I saved him a death from a rotten crotch camper, and he could run off and try to put an AT round up that rump-ranger's exhaust pipe. 

So... upon reflection, everyone benefited, right?

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