I've been hearing a lot about the PKM just owning all, but how does it compare to the next unlock the MG36? Should I even bother unlocking the MG36?
Stick with the PKM.
PKM is now the best in the game (after 1.2) before 1.2 the MG36 used to be useful for its accuracy, but now the PKM is practically a heavy, automatic M95
M36 sucks balls with 32 dmg, whilst the PKM 47 dmg.. think about it...more dmg-- less shots.
The only real advantage the MG36 has is that it's less prone to overheating, and reloads MUCH faster. The fact it sprays more bullets in a bigger dispersion can sometimes also be handy in a real frantic alleyway encounter. You appreciate all of these things when you run round a corner into the middle of a full squad in Karkand.
But in general it depends entirely on your playing style and what everyone else is doing...
But in general it depends entirely on your playing style and what everyone else is doing...
From what I ve experienced the PKM can even snipe people on the edge of your view range while you are standing.
IMO go for both, ive got both and they're both great. PKM is good for long range easy kills, MG36 is a good all-rounder, had a spree of about 10 kills with the MG36, both are cracking guns after the latest patch.
Actually, Internet Jelly-Belly, it takes alot of skill to get kills with the support class, obviously you've been mowed down by some lately..:silent-liquids:. wrote:
lol ,sounds like someone had a bad experience on karkand a few times..:silent-liquids:. wrote:
Everything in this game requires a certain amount of skill, unless your stat padding or sitting next to a spawn in an apc/tank.
Makes me laugh when people say flying helos takes no skill and they are all helo whores, same for tanks and jets. All of these vehicles require skill (especially after 1.2), and so does the support class.
I've seen numerous threads of people saying, pkm is the new sniper and how they got killed when they where sniper by a guy with a pkm. All i can say to those snipers is "YOU SUCK!", if you cant kill a guy with the new sniper rifle before he kills you with a pkm then your doing something wrong.
Well, I do agree that the PKM in 1.2 is... a little bit overkill.
I unlocked it yesterday and played one whole round with it. Considering that I am by far not a good player, I stood atoned to end up numero uno with more than 20 points difference with numero duo.
For some that's normal, for me that’s not. I played in a one man squad on 64 map, because there were no other squads (until so far team play), and ended up 27 kill - 10 death. Not touching a vehicle, not being aided by a medic in a team that didn't even knew the word team play if they had it spelled out for them. Someone actually started a kick-vote against me, which is officially the first time.
In conclusion, since 1.2, the PKM is without a doubt the most overpowerd gun in the game at moment. But I think (hope) that it will be addressed in 1.21, or we will all end up running around with the PKM.
I unlocked it yesterday and played one whole round with it. Considering that I am by far not a good player, I stood atoned to end up numero uno with more than 20 points difference with numero duo.
For some that's normal, for me that’s not. I played in a one man squad on 64 map, because there were no other squads (until so far team play), and ended up 27 kill - 10 death. Not touching a vehicle, not being aided by a medic in a team that didn't even knew the word team play if they had it spelled out for them. Someone actually started a kick-vote against me, which is officially the first time.
In conclusion, since 1.2, the PKM is without a doubt the most overpowerd gun in the game at moment. But I think (hope) that it will be addressed in 1.21, or we will all end up running around with the PKM.
<--------I love playing support, especially with the PKM as you can see!
That being said, I think they have made the support guns too accurate with 1.2. I think they need to tone down the accuracy just a bit, maybe on the same lines as the assault guns. The PKM just shreds with the improved accuracy.
That being said, I think they have made the support guns too accurate with 1.2. I think they need to tone down the accuracy just a bit, maybe on the same lines as the assault guns. The PKM just shreds with the improved accuracy.
The PKM is just plain stupid in 1.2. I've been using it a lot since the patch, and it really is perfectly accurate on the first shot at really any range. And prone for CQC, it really is unmatched. I mean, machine guns should kick some ass, but I think they went a little overboard with them in 1.2. Then again, it seems going overboard was the theme for 1.2.
nooooooooooooooooooooooo! ill be devastated if they nurf it in 1.21 it so much fun to use now
Yup that's me to a "T" thanks for the label..:silent-liquids:. wrote:
But realy they both have there place. The PKM is a huge damage dealing device, but it's rate of fire and reload time can be a real pain in the rump in a hectic battle.
The MG36 is really a Medic G36E with sustained fire and 100 rounds. It's cycle time is faster and takes longer to heat up, as long as you use a judicious trigger finger you can blow the whole 100 rounds and not over heat.
(You may already know this but here goes any way)
The support player is just that SUPPORT hang back, use your volume of fire to keep the enemy down under cover.
Doing that allows your team to advance faster to the next objective.
Support is not accurate on the move like assault and medic, pick a spot and when you see the enemy release controlled bursts to pin them down.
It's not the glamorous front line fighting, but your mates will really appreciate a good support player for the volume of fire and the resupply after the fight.
So I guess to answer your question, I like them both. When I'm moving forward supporting the squad I usually carry the PKM, when I finally settle in and start defending a flag from a distance I switch to the MG36.
I really like them both equally for the way I play.
I agree that the PKM is ubar, however i prefer the MG36. It just fits more into my style then the PKM. However i believe they will both be nerfed with the new patch so enjoy them while you can at this rate.
I love PKM. It's rate of fire is really ok for me. What I don't like about MG36 is lower damage, lower accuracy and higher rate of fire, cause I run out of ammo faster with it. Yes, it overheats slower, but I never get overheated with the PKM either, as I prefer to shoot in singles or short bursts.
Last edited by Wasder (2006-03-03 09:33:34)
Me to. The PKM is unbeliveble accurate, but the mg36 is also very good at sniping and I kill more with it. Don´t know why.facingwest wrote:
I agree that the PKM is ubar, however i prefer the MG36. It just fits more into my style then the PKM. However i believe they will both be nerfed with the new patch so enjoy them while you can at this rate.
I don't agree entirely with his post, but I wonder if you played with Support at all before 1.2... if so, I'm sorry. Compared to 1.12, 1.2 Support takes almost no skill to use. My main point- it used to take skill, now it doesn'timdead wrote:
Actually, Internet Jelly-Belly, it takes alot of skill to get kills with the support class, obviously you've been mowed down by some lately..:silent-liquids:. wrote:
Last edited by Spearhead (2006-03-03 13:00:14)
Support was my most-played kit until fairly recently, that's why my K/D sucks.Spearhead wrote:
I don't agree entirely with his post, but I wonder if you played with Support at all before 1.2... if so, I'm sorry. Compared to 1.12, 1.2 Support takes almost no skill to use. My main point- it used to take skill, now it doesn'timdead wrote:
Actually, Internet Jelly-Belly, it takes alot of skill to get kills with the support class, obviously you've been mowed down by some lately..:silent-liquids:. wrote:
But yes, I agree the PKM is a bit overpowered now. Min deviation from Wiki: 0.1?!?! That's the fugging same as the M24 and L96A1. YES YOU READ THAT RIGHT. And what's more, there's 0.8 modifier if prone.
Kind of odd.
hmm, 3 quotes here... As for being used by people who have no skill, I have been playing support more than other classes since I purchased the game, it still remains my favorite now, and I will continue to play it unless its nerfed to the point where somebody can run across an open field with a knife and stab me before I kill him:PSpearhead wrote:
I don't agree entirely with his post, but I wonder if you played with Support at all before 1.2... if so, I'm sorry. Compared to 1.12, 1.2 Support takes almost no skill to use. My main point- it used to take skill, now it doesn'timdead wrote:
Actually, Internet Jelly-Belly, it takes alot of skill to get kills with the support class, obviously you've been mowed down by some lately..:silent-liquids:. wrote:
For the others, it still takes some skill to play support, but those guns are freakin sniper rifles now! When I can knock the gunner out of a vodnik with my PKM at long range several times in a row, something just isnt right. This was my worst fear from the time I saw their planned changes for the 1.2 patch and it has come true. In 1.12 support class was fine, the only gun that really needed an accuracy improvement was the m249. Sure, the others could have done with a SMALL increase, but they still worked well as they were when you knew what you were doing. While MG's arnt the kill everything in sight weapons some people make them out to be, a good support player will give even a sniper a run for their money. (but then again, so will a pistol if you know what your doing, muahaha. Taking down snipers with a 92f is just so rewarding.) Now I just hope that EA doesnt over-react again and turn my favorite class into a class that is worthless to play. Wish they would have just left it alone, support was fine in 1.12...
^^^ I agree with everthing you said.
is it just me, or does the mg36 need to have its front sight filed down a bit. Cus I have to line people up with the middle of it to get a hit.
Why should they make it less accurate? No matter how many rounds a minute the machine gun can shoot, the first shot should always go where you aimed it. Now for the 2nd 3rd and so on well those canbe less accuarete =p
The two biggest advantages of the MG36 over the PKM is the draw time and the reload time. Basically you can go from standing to prone and start shooting quicker than you can with the PKM. When I play and I run up on a PKM user, I can usually get prone and start shooting him before he shoots me. Also the MG36 has a three round burst mode and you can actually use this mode while standing and not lose too much acurracy. I realy dont know about standing using the PKM because I havent tried it. The MG36 also has a higher rate of fire than the PKM which does more damage per shot. I am a huge fan of the MG36 but it really all depends on your play style. I personally think the PKM is over powered but still want to play support, so I use the MG36.
Last edited by ionchild (2006-03-12 14:01:10)