dayarath wrote:
how are you going to establish a trial for them?
where are the witnesses?
I understand the difficulties in this. I never said it was easy or even feasible. The problem is though, that if you choose the easy way of jailing them without charges and trials, you are automatically opening a very big legal gap through which the people in power (whoever they might be) are given the opportunity to do the same to whoever they want. If a law like this doesn't apply to all then it doesn't apply to anyone.
For example: Since atm the government is allowed to jail terrorists with no obligation of telling anyone why, what's stopping said govt. from jailing anyone they want under that pretext? Bare in mind that there is no need for witnesses, same as on the battlefield.
dayarath wrote:
Are you prepared to risk the lives of your countrymen even more by not only applying redicoules rules they have to follow when they fight over there, but add on to that that every person they capture will have a vastly increased chance of getting released?
There is an equally big - or even greater - risk if you choose to punish people without first making sure that they're guilty. Imagine having someone close to you - like your father or your child - taken to jail by mistake, and then not having the chance to prove their innocence in a court. So the ethical dilemma goes both ways here.
The reason you don't see it yet is probably because you haven't witnessed injustice first hand. I honestly wish that you never do. Because then it will be too late to change your mind.
dayarath wrote:
not to mention that the people in gitmo did some really bad shit and are to be considered very dangerous.
May I remind you again that you don't know that, and that many Gitmo detainees have been set free
dayarath wrote:
How many soldiers do you want to die so that you can absolutely play by your own rules?
They're not my rules... they're THE rules. And if you can't win by them, you can't win at all.
usmarine wrote:
oug wrote:
no sorry. not in big boy world. you shoot at US troops on the battlefield or make IED's......and we catch you. If you live, you go to jail. simple as that. stop being such an apologist for these guys.
No sorry. You need to prove these actions first.
And I'm not being an apologist for anyone in particular. Today the terrorists are those who are fighting against US troops in Iraq. Tomorrow it will be some students clashing with police in some demonstration. Then maybe someone who voices a different opinion in an internet forum about video games.