I believe it. I already have mine.
I should not be in this hellish place. I believe the American people are being suckered and that this is the age of mass-manipulation. The banks are using the bailout money ( which is nothing more than borrowed tax money on revenues they may or may not be able to collect as the economy continues to head into choas )to buy smaller banks and draft bonuses for the executives, not help people who have been suckered by the con of
A) Median home prices being completely out of whack with median incomes
B) Record profits by oil companies as gas prices stuck a sword into the rib cage of our economy, during a time of war
C) Out-sourcing of jobs by economic cartels that then created massive bubbles in the commodities that consumed whatever disposable income small businesses in the United States and the families they employe had. Then these ' multi-national ' corporations such as GM and Chrysler show profits in their overseas factors while lining up for bailout money.
We all nod and say all politicians are liars and crooks. But when they are too big of liars and crooks, things break down.
The last eight years as been a wealth killing machine for the middle class. Private armies now are deployed in combat zones, and the soldiers of fortune of Blackwater, Haliburton and their ilk are making five times what U.S. Marines make. Oil companies are cleaning up. Machine shops preparring military aircraft parts are booming AND EVERYBODY ELSE IS SCREWED.
My mood is foulest, my situation is dire.
Oh, but how I desire a blood atonement.
There are a few people I could name who sleep easy tonight, not knowing that their lives are spared because I have children and need to set a good example.
This is how I feel.