APC whore
I got BF2 in September as my first online FPS, played mainly Karkand as Assault, noob toobing my way for my first 120 hours? For Xmas my brother got SF and this is when i realized the actual fun of the game in gun fights.

After I fell in love with respectful ground pounding and learning to hate noob toobers, I decided to go for Veteran  badges for all of the other kits. That's 15 hours times 6 other kits = 90 hours. Actually a bit less because i had time for those kits already.

Either way, I'm proud to say that I haven't been running around Karkand, or any other map, toobing people from like 5 feet away since early December. Here's what I learned about each kit since then:

Engineer: played primarily on Warlord, and only found joy when using the mp7. Not that all exciting or high scoring unless I found myself in armor next other armor of ours. I hate the tank so i rarely found myself in this position. Not a big fan of the shotgun either.

Sniper: Again, low scoring, but challenging at Ghost Town when only going for head shots. My brother primarily plays sniper in all of his games and got me to use this kit after watching him pick off people on Ghost Town with headshots. m24 > m95. Probably the most satisfying when you start pissing people off yelling at you to come fight them up close. I have learned to hate snipers when I get picked off in the head too.

Medic: Easy way for quick points and can really get the heart racing running around reviving people. The g36e ain't all that bad either. Found out you can really be helpful to some team mates by being near. AT and Snipers seemed to be most grateful when healing/reviving them so they can take out that one tank or lone wolf. I thought it was nuts going around reviving people every other second while being shot at by snipers or armor off in the distance, until I took it to Karkand, that's pure insanity on a 64 man server.

Spec Ops: Not all that exciting ironically. Great gun and I never did master any sort of c4 chucking skills. I also didn't make it my sole objective to take out armor and blow myself up. Tried jihad's a couple times on warlord with the ATV's, but all that for one kill didn't seem worth it. Blowing up their commander's assets was fun sometimes when you knew it was pissing their commander off, but that not scoring many points didn't seem all that appealing either.

Anti Tank: Most Fun I've Ever Had. Played primarily Ghost Town with this one. Never was one of those guys running around the alleys of Karkand jumping and shooting for some reason. Jumping from roof top to roof top following hostile armor and staying somewhat out of sight from them gave me a sense of team work and craziness all in one. When playing as this Snipers seemed to be my only threat on top of buildings. AT serves a specific purpose and I fulfilled it as much as i could. Most heart rate inducing kit I played. Most satisfaction too.

Support: I played this before the 1.2 patch so the accuracy of the guns at the time pissed me off. I swear some times the bullets would streak off screen. As for the up close go prone and shoot methods in alleys or city maps, this proved to be a quick way of getting kills. But this was before the jump and shoot method was eliminated, off resulting in me being killed by the DAO-12 or the noob toobers. The unlimited ammo and the ability to resupply people gave this a good sense of team work. Like medic, Snipers and AT seemed most grateful when resupplying them.

From roughly Jan 1 to Feb 20 when I did all this my KDR and SPM stayed leveled out as you can see by my stats. Points no longer meant much as much as various ribbons and badges. In this time I received:

All Veteran Kit Badges (minus assault), Vet Knife, Vet Pistol, Vet Explosive (on Mass Destruction and that was hard), Vet Engineer Repair, Vet First Aid, Vet Resupply, Good Conduct Medal (lol 250 hrs) as well as my only Purple Heart (stupid knife badges)

Also got my Armor, Crew Service, and Air Defense and various SF army ribbons.

And I'll tell you one thing:

Earning various badges/ribbons in various kits >>>>> mastering only one skill

I can actually claim I was good at the GL. Sitting on high buildings picking off people with it while snipers next to me were going for the same target gave me a good chunk of confidence. On flat ground levels I could still almost perfect where the nade will land. However, pissing people off, only having 4 nades until you became useless with the crappy m16a2, I now find myself disliking the Assault Kit more than any other.

It feels nice to be able to pick up any kit and have a somewhat good feel of the weapon/kit. Still managing to keep my first place spot throughout the game no matter what kit i pick up feels quite nice.

For kicks I grabbed an Assault Kit and ran through Karkand a couple days ago. That lasted until I got 3 kills, 1 with gl, 2 with m16, then I died from a g36e.

Since I can't fly (lol 15 min in plane), hate the tank, and get one heck of a good feeling taking out people as a medic, I can't see myself toobing anymore. I'm just glad I quit and adapted to actual ground pounding well before the 1.2 patch came out.

Last edited by banksd1983 (2006-03-10 11:10:59)

Kung Jew
That one mod
+331|6786|Houston, TX
You should design a 12 step program for those tubers in need.  Incorporate a chapter on Friendly Intervention please, as I have a friend who is still in denial.

APC whore

Kung Jew wrote:

You should design a 12 step program for those tubers in need.  Incorporate a chapter on Friendly Intervention please, as I have a friend who is still in denial.

It wasn't all that hard. Just quit cold turkey one day for no reason when I realized I had all these unlocks I wasn't using. Took a couple days getting used to long range shots with the guns.
Connoisseur of Fine Wine
2 long. Didn't read.
The first true Sniper.
+95|6685|Cumberland, MD, USA
I find myself going for medals/badges/ribbons the most. I really couldn't care less about my K/D ratio.
+18|6688|Baton Rouge, LA, USA
the only thing I'm going for now are my combat and marksman infantry medals...and all I need now are the plug-n-chug hours...

and I'm also slowly working towards WCR and expert well as plug-n-chugging for 100 hours on each kit (made it with engie and almost with medic).....but I'm not worried about expert kits until I have all the requirements met on all 6 of them before I try...

I've grown fond of the sniper kit...and in times of dire need (which I find myself in a lot nowadays because of asshats on Wake) I play assault and retake flags/defend them.

and when faced against armor and NOBODY is spec ops or AT, I'll be the brave soul that takes one for the team as the spec ops (i'm getting better and better at that)

and I haven't played a lot of support...unless somebody REALLY pisses me off and I demand satisfaction in knowing that I'm better than him at PKM sniping
Kick His Ass!
+371|6736|Howell, Mi USA
Quote:  Either way, I'm proud to say that I haven't been running around Karkand, or any other map, toobing people from like 5 feet away since early December. Here's what I learned about each kit since then:

Yea i really hate that shit.  AT guys are good for that also. i could be 2 fucking inches from an AT and he shoots me with a rocket killing both of us. Fucking stupid if u ask me.
Over the line!
+70|6790|Mark it zero.

Fancy_Pollux wrote:

2 long. Didn't read.
if you arent gonna read it then dont post. damn spammers...

i went through a short phase of noob tube fun too while going for my veteran assault. but i had so much fun i took it to expert assault. lol. but it wasnt all just grenade launchers, i actually used the rifle most of the time and use the GL when there were more than 1 guy or i was out of ammo.
Mod Incarnate

Fancy_Pollux wrote:

2 long. Didn't read.
Apparently you have a very short attention span, because typing 'too' was also '2 long'

Fancy_Pollux wrote:

2 long. Didn't read.
Don't post....

I didn't see the other flames before I posted so I'll add one.

Your a fag dude....

Last edited by Mason4Assassin444 (2006-03-10 14:09:48)

Connoisseur of Fine Wine

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:

Fancy_Pollux wrote:

2 long. Didn't read.
Don't post....

I didn't see the other flames before I posted so I'll add one.

Your a fag dude....
Unintentional Good-Guy
it's nice that you gave up n00bt00bing, now i have no fear of face-humping anyone i know
+116|6665|Cherry Pie
I can't believe your stats... That is terrible!  A definate noob tuber...  Probably a bunny-hopping-noob-tuber...  Respect for you = respect for poo.
+31|6865|St. Louis, MO
Alright, you're good to go!
+124|6770|Honolulu, HI

Fancy_Pollux wrote:

2 long. Didn't read.
2 words.  Don't post.

Oh, and just for you:

2: (two) Noun.  One more than one.
Too: Adjective.  As well; excessively.
No, I don't have a smart-ass picture for this grammatical faux pas, but if you're going to get persnickety about someone else's grammar, then please, make sure you're not being a goddamn hypocrite when you do so.

Mr.Pieeater wrote:

I can't believe your stats... That is terrible!  A definate noob tuber...  Probably a bunny-hopping-noob-tuber...  Respect for you = respect for poo.
Did you not, um, understand the point of this thread?  It's called "Confessions of a former noob toober", for fuck's sake.  Did you think your post was going to be a revelation of shocking new developments?

Anyway, as my first step in this 12-step program, I admit it.  I am [QXJZ]Capt_Kefra, and I am a medic whore.  Lately I've been playing the other kits more often and I have to say I've been missing out on a lot of great stuff in the past 151 hours of medic whoring.  There's nothing quite like laying prone in an enemy-infested hallway and cutting down oncoming soldiers with blankets of MG36 fire, or sneaking up behind a spawnraping LAV-25, tossing a couple C4 packs and running the hell away with your detonator out.

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