I had been hoping and praying that the support kit would be fixed with 1.21. It seems it's not the case.
And nor, on a wide search of these forums do I find many people who have a problem with it.
A support gun like the pkm is NOT an accurate weapon. It is meant to be used for suppressing fire, not sniping.
This whole prone and shoot thing is madness. Firstly, you shouldn't be able to accurately fire while going prone. Far too many times I'm firing a barrage of single rounds into this persons head while they drop and I end up dead along with the two squaddies trvelling with me.
It's insanely calibrated, and far too many people take advantage of this physics glitch. Just last night I played on a server where the entire USMC team seemed to be comprised of support with one or two medics.
Sure, as a support gunner you get some very easy points and extremely easy kills, but is it fair? It's like that teamgod SOB with his 1 kilometer knife kills.
Forgive my noobness but knowin how the weapon operates in the real world, my jaw drops when I get taken out for the fifth time by the one guy next to my spawn with a pkm. I haven't even got time to change to the grenade launcher (which I know will cure what ails him). I've only been playing for four days so maybe I'm just yet to create a strategy to deal with it>
If you can direct me to somewhere else this has been discussed or move my post, that would be great. But I really had believed it would be fixed with this patch as it's such a massive gameplay obstacle.
And nor, on a wide search of these forums do I find many people who have a problem with it.
A support gun like the pkm is NOT an accurate weapon. It is meant to be used for suppressing fire, not sniping.
This whole prone and shoot thing is madness. Firstly, you shouldn't be able to accurately fire while going prone. Far too many times I'm firing a barrage of single rounds into this persons head while they drop and I end up dead along with the two squaddies trvelling with me.
It's insanely calibrated, and far too many people take advantage of this physics glitch. Just last night I played on a server where the entire USMC team seemed to be comprised of support with one or two medics.
Sure, as a support gunner you get some very easy points and extremely easy kills, but is it fair? It's like that teamgod SOB with his 1 kilometer knife kills.
Forgive my noobness but knowin how the weapon operates in the real world, my jaw drops when I get taken out for the fifth time by the one guy next to my spawn with a pkm. I haven't even got time to change to the grenade launcher (which I know will cure what ails him). I've only been playing for four days so maybe I'm just yet to create a strategy to deal with it>
If you can direct me to somewhere else this has been discussed or move my post, that would be great. But I really had believed it would be fixed with this patch as it's such a massive gameplay obstacle.