
Marconius wrote:

xanthpi wrote:

B.Schuss wrote:

You should not hold people indefinetely without filing charges and allowing some kind of judiciary process ( including evaluation of evidence and some kind of defense ). That is fascist.
So, the Communists and the Muslims themselves are also fascists.
Very childish, xanthpi, very childish indeed.  First off, Communists are not fascists...if they were then we'd call them Fascists, as both terms are lines of extremely opposite political thought.  But that's besides the point.

You've just condoned the breaching of US granted rights and the Geneva Convention treaty with the same vigor as a kid getting in trouble on the playground for mimicking the wrongful actions of another.  You are obviously completely fine with stripping US Citizens of their rights and locking them away with no evidence, and you are fine with the mistreatment of Islamic detainees because you find them lower than human and have interpreted their religion in a way that Millions of other practising Muslims haven't.  If they indeed are enemy combatants and have killed Americans (and there is solid proof and proof enough to charge them of it), that's one thing.  Being indiscriminantly jailed out of suspicion with no Habeas Corpus and breaching basic human rights and the POW treatment rules set up in the Geneva treaty is something else entirely

Those are not the values we respect as Americans.  Those are not the values that anyone who calls themself an American can respect.  Plainly, you are advocating fascism.  Great job...
UHHHHHHH being captured in battle in combat against the US seems proof enough for their detention....Also, we did the same things in all our wars......We held Germans and Japanese without a trial for the duration of the war.....AND.......we aren't beheading our captives.....so honestly, please, look for sympathy elsewhere........you are so full of outrage on behalf of these GITMO detenies........yet where is your outrage for the all the acts of violence of which these people took part in, supported and fought for??........

We held Japanese Americans in detention centers 60 years ago. Sounds outragous now but then America was attacked and it deemed it necessary for national security to take such action because prudence dictated it. (the crystal ball fortelling the future wasn't invented yet).The sole reason we did not do the same thing to the German Americans was simple.......Germany didn't attack US soil.....

there has not been another attack on YOU or me since 911, and that isn't because it has not been tried. I have read your comments bashing our president, the CIA and every other govt. office charged with defending you and me. The very fact that you are still around and your family is still around and your life is for the most part normal, should give you pause and think about who you need to be thanking for your fortune. Yup you got, our president all the way down to the soldier, sailor, marine, airman, or coast gaurdsman.

Sad really, all you can do is criticize those that protect you....Maybe Bush could borrow the aformentioned crystal ball that you obviously possess, then he might do a better job appeasing you, and all apologists like you.

Last edited by lowing (2006-03-10 10:31:05)

I cnat slpel!!!

xanthpi wrote:

Friluftshund wrote:

xanthpi wrote:

Once there is evidence of torture at Gitmo then I'll believe it.

Norway (and Sweden, as well as other countires to lesser degrees, my own one included) are moving closer to sharia due to their actions. If you keep up with news on the jihad you would know this. But you don't, so you don't.
Wake up man!

What kind of evidence? When I find it i wan't you to recognize it, not say: "that's not evidence"...
So - what is good enough for you to constitute evidence?
Just find some evidence. Show me some photos of the torture racks or the thumbscrews or the cigarette burns on the released inmates.

Friluftshund wrote:

And as my fellow Norwegian asked? what actions?
See my post above. Go out there and do some research on your own. I don't save the links of every site I visit. I read them once then move on. Try and take an interest in what goes on in your country outside of what you are told by CNN/ BBC/ [insert mainstream news service here].

Friluftshund wrote:

Can you base what you've said in this entire thread on something other than yourself?
If I was to provide you with access to everything I've learned over the last 5 years since I bothered to find out about Islam for myself we'd be here for 5 more years.

Friluftshund wrote:

Not that you have any credibility with that way you conduct yourself - but what you say could be pulled out of your ass (and in many instances i know it is)
You wouldn't know if I was pulling stuff out of my ass because you don't know anything about Islam. If you did, you wouldn't be here arguing about it.
You don't know what I know or don't know about Islam, your assuming..
You don't know what I know or don't know about my own country, your assuming..
When you state something you prove it, simple as that - otherwise, you'll just have pulled it out of your ass.

And directing my attention towards a bunch of blogs? I wouldn't be surprised if that's where you got your info from as it's horrendously one-sided, and in many places misguiding and wrong.

But hey - whatever floats your boat..
Here's an example I just came across right now:

http://www.dailytelegraph.news.com.au/p … 02,00.html

By reading the article, we can see that the Norwegian Government apologised for some of their citizens printing the Muhammad cartoons.

Now, regardless of the Norwegian Government's stance on free speech, if they apologise for exercising their free speech what they are saying is that they do not actually have free speech, they regret making use of it, and the precedent is now set that the Government is open to imposing restrictions on free speech in order to appease the Muslims.

So what will be next?

It's called 'creeping Islamisation'. Bit by bit the host country changes to cater for a particular minority because they are affraid of what will happen if they don't.

By contrast, the Danish Government has refused to apologise (bravo!) and hence they are resisting the Islamisation of their country.

In the UK (my country), there were protests against the Muhammad cartoons by a large group of Muslims carrying banners saying 'kill infidels' and 'behead blasphemers' and 'get ready for another 7/7(the bombings in London last year)'. The police did not arrest them, although they have been forced to act now by national outrage. Instead, they arrested 2 counter demonstrators. So what does that say about us? It says that it is ok to openly call for the murder of British people, but a dim view is taken of those who protest against it.

Also in this country, the police have said that they are now affraid to tackle organised crime committed by Muslims because every time they do, they are accused by Muslim groups of 'racism' (even though you can't be racist against a religion) and are threatened with legal action.
I cnat slpel!!!

xanthpi wrote:

Here's an example I just came across right now:

http://www.dailytelegraph.news.com.au/p … 02,00.html

By reading the article, we can see that the Norwegian Government apologised for some of their citizens printing the Muhammad cartoons.
What we see is one source claiming that norwegian government apologized, and another source said it defended free speech but regretted blablabla... Not the same, so find a better source

xanthpi wrote:

Now, regardless of the Norwegian Government's stance on free speech, if they apologise for exercising their free speech
did they apologize?

xanthpi wrote:

what they are saying is that they do not actually have free speech, they regret making use of it,
how can you regret something you don't have?

xanthpi wrote:

and the precedent is now set that the Government is open to imposing restrictions on free speech in order to appease the Muslims.
an ignorant remark and you know it.

xanthpi wrote:

So what will be next?
Why don't you who have all the answers tell me?

xanthpi wrote:

It's called 'creeping Islamisation'.
did you coin that phrase?

xanthpi wrote:

Bit by bit the host country changes to cater for a particular minority because they are affraid of what will happen if they don't.
it's called mutual respect and understanding

xanthpi wrote:

By contrast, the Danish Government has refused to apologise (bravo!) and hence they are resisting the Islamisation of their country.
Refusing to apologize and resisting "Islamisation" arn't linked

xanthpi wrote:

In the UK (my country), there were protests against the Muhammad cartoons by a large group of Muslims carrying banners saying 'kill infidels' and 'behead blasphemers' and 'get ready for another 7/7(the bombings in London last year)'. The police did not arrest them, although they have been forced to act now by national outrage. Instead, they arrested 2 counter demonstrators. So what does that say about us?
you have free speech, congratulation!

xanthpi wrote:

It says that it is ok to openly call for the murder of British people, but a dim view is taken of those who protest against it.
you can call me an asshat, I can call you an asshat and so on

xanthpi wrote:

Also in this country, the police have said that they are now affraid to tackle organised crime committed by Muslims because every time they do, they are accused by Muslim groups of 'racism' (even though you can't be racist against a religion) and are threatened with legal action.
Prove that statement

Last edited by Friluftshund (2006-03-10 10:56:10)


Friluftshund wrote:

You don't know what I know or don't know about Islam, your assuming..
You don't know about Islam or you wouldn't be arguing. Unless you are lying. You're not a liar, are you?

Friluftshund wrote:

You don't know what I know or don't know about my own country, your assuming..
If you knew what was happening in your country you wouldn't be here arguing about it. Unless you're lying.

Friluftshund wrote:

When you state something you prove it, simple as that - otherwise, you'll just have pulled it out of your ass.
Unless by proving it you have to spend all day at your computer posting links.

Friluftshund wrote:

And directing my attention towards a bunch of blogs? I wouldn't be surprised if that's where you got your info from as it's horrendously one-sided, and in many places misguiding and wrong.
Some blogs are unreliable. If you're familiar with Daily Kos, Code Pink or Indymedia you'll know what I'm talking about.

Friluftshund wrote:

But hey - whatever floats your boat..
My boat is alive and floating.

Friluftshund wrote:

What we see is one source claiming that norwegian government apologized, and another source said it defended free speech but regretted blablabla... Not the same, so find a better source
No, you find one you lazy bastard.

Friluftshund wrote:

how can you regret something you don't have?
Well before, you could show cartoons. Now you can't. That's something lost which is regretable.

Friluftshund wrote:

Why don't you who have all the answers tell me?
The Muslims will tell you what they want changing next.

Friluftshund wrote:

it's called mutual respect and understanding
Immigrants show respect for the country that takes them by either staying and adapting or by leaving. The host does not alter to suit the immigrants at the expense of it's original citizens.

Friluftshund wrote:

Refusing to apologize and resisting "Islamisation" arn't linked
They are linked in the sense that if you refuse to bow and apologise to Muslims for doing no wrong, you are resisting attempts to Islamise your country.

Friluftshund wrote:

you have free speech, congratulation!
Oh but we don't. We get arrested for it.

Friluftshund wrote:

you can call me an asshat, I can call you an asshat and so on
What's that got to do with Muslims calling for the murder of British citizens?

Friluftshund wrote:

Prove that statement
You lazy bastard. Do your own research instead of leeching off of mine.
I cnat slpel!!!
I don't care to spend time substansiating your nonsense
You can still show cartoons in Norway
That's not a logical answer
By "altering and adapting" we can all learn and be better for it
You need to prove that, more ass-pulling
You just said people could demonstrate, that's free speech, you havnt' elaborated on what the counter-protesters were doing
It's called free speech
I am doing my own research, not because I don't want to leech, but because yours stink.

and found not to be anywhere near as bad as Muslim abuse.......stay tuned for more revealing insights.

sorry folks, a burlap bag over your head and naked, just don't compare to a video taped beheading. Don't believe me? Ask Nick Berg or Danial Pearl, or any of the other victims of this.......oh wait......ya can't......You might wanna even ask the victims of 911........damn can't do that either.........I got it!!........Ask these victims families!!! then get back to us on here with more of your brilliant opinions.
Oh, it seems that xanthpi was banned until the 13th of March for pointing out in another thread that a 'muscled hunk' looked like a homo, for a laugh.

Oh well, it's a good job I'm here to carry on the good fight.

Friluftshund wrote:

I don't care to spend time substansiating your nonsense
You can still show cartoons in Norway
You just try it. Why not walk around the city holding the picture of Muhammad with his turban as a bomb. See what happens.

Friluftshund wrote:

That's not a logical answer
By "altering and adapting" we can all learn and be better for it
Yes you're absolutely right. Putting restrictions on free speech is always a good thing. Not.

Friluftshund wrote:

You need to prove that, more ass-pulling
Ass-pulling? En Anglais s'il vous plait.

Friluftshund wrote:

You just said people could demonstrate, that's free speech, you havnt' elaborated on what the counter-protesters were doing
The counter protesters were protesting against the Muslims inciting to murder them.

Friluftshund wrote:

It's called free speech
Be ready to kiss it goodbye.

Friluftshund wrote:

I am doing my own research, not because I don't want to leech, but because yours stink.
If you're clever and honest and not a loonie leftie then you'll get it right. If not, you'll end up like that ninja dude.
http://agora.blogsome.com/2006/03/10/eu … ab-demands

Jyllands-Posten, March 10, 2006

EU-Ministers considering Arab demands

It may no longer be enough to just combat discrimination, a presentation document at meeting of EU-ministers says.

As a pendant to the Muhammed-affair, the Foreign Ministers of the EU are considering complying with Arab demands to “fight defamation of religion.”

So far the EU has voted against these kinds of proposals at meetings of the UN General Assembly, but they are now considering reversing that. So a written presentation document aiming at bettering the relations between Europe and the Islamic countries.

- It raises the question of whether, considering recent events, we should reconsider the EU’s approach to these matters at the UN General Assembly, the document says.

The Islamic Conference, the OIC and the Arab League have demanded guarantees that the Muhammed-affair will not be repeated.
Thank fuck they're only 'considering' the Arab demands!!!

Coming to an unelected beureaucracy near you (possibly called the EU), it may soon be illegal to criticise Islam. Thank fuck that Islam is so perfect that no-one would want to criticise it anyway. I mean, it's not like there's anything wrong with cutting peoples' heads off for apostacy or homosexuality or pre-marital sex. There's nothing wrong with making dancing illegal or calling Jews sons of monkeys and pigs either, so why WOULD anyone want to crticise it anyway?

Thank fuck that the Bill to make it a criminal offense to criticise Islam was shot down in the House of Lords in the UK. I'm not so hopeful of our European cousins though.
Pony Slaystation
+343|6967|Charlie One Alpha

iphtnax wrote:

If you're clever and honest and not a loonie leftie then you'll get it right. If not, you'll end up like that ninja dude.
Hey, whodidwhatnow?
I think I ended up just fine, thank you
And what's the matter? Nothing to respond to me earlier post? Lost your edge?
Maybe you should stick to being a homophobe then.
It appears you got owned, my friend. And in some style

Ninja strikes again.

(To anyone that isn't xanthpi, ignore the arrogance in above post, it's just a little thing between xanthpi and me )
"If you want a vision of the future, imagine SecuROM slapping your face with its dick -- forever." -George Orwell
I cnat slpel!!!

iphtnax wrote:

Oh, it seems that xanthpi was banned until the 13th of March for pointing out in another thread that a 'muscled hunk' looked like a homo, for a laugh.
Yeah - strange how intolerance and bigotry are viewed these days, welcome to the 21st century, and welcome to the forums - stupid

iphtnax wrote:

Oh well, it's a good job I'm here to carry on the good fight.
More like wallowing in your deluded little world

iphtnax wrote:

You just try it. Why not walk around the city holding the picture of Muhammad with his turban as a bomb. See what happens.
Sure i could, i'd recieve no response except perhaps a few interested people, do not pretend to know our culture or pull more stuff out of your ass on this subject.
But why would I walk around with a cartoon depicting Muhammed as a terrorist? He isn't...

iphtnax wrote:

Yes you're absolutely right. Putting restrictions on free speech is always a good thing. Not.
Nice interpretation of what I said, wrong - but at least you tried. Not.

iphtnax wrote:

Ass-pulling? En Anglais s'il vous plait.
i thought I'd coin a phrase: "ass-pulling"; in our discussion this is meant to reference to your recurring lack of interest in backing up your claims with fact - i denote this as "ass-pulling"

iphtnax wrote:

The counter protesters were protesting against the Muslims inciting to murder them.
Cite a source saying that

iphtnax wrote:

Be ready to kiss it goodbye.
Who are you? Kreskin?

iphtnax wrote:

If you're clever and honest and not a loonie leftie then you'll get it right. If not, you'll end up like that ninja dude.
I'm both clever and honest. I don't know about "that ninja dude" perhaps he's patiently waiting for you to answer those selected bits you "neglected" to cover.

That's what this is - stupid... Way back you had arguments and (well, not facts, but atleast you contributed something) What you'r doing now, with your clever[/sarcasm] use of rhetorics to try to keep as many people as possible running in circles is stupid.
I hope you care enough about your viewpoint that you stop babbling and try to convince people you'r right - in case you hadn't noticed, most people in here do not think you'r right. Why then are you in the "debate and Serious Talk forum?
One-eyed Wonder Mod
+368|6952|San Francisco
Terrorists commit atrocities, so the right-wingers feel that it's perfectly justifiable to bypass the Geneva Convention and basic regards of human rights, "Just to show 'em who's boss!"  They forget that in condoning this, they drop themselves to the level of the insurgents, where the insurgents will beat them with experience.

This is not me being an apologist.  My opinion is that America is better than torture, and our very nature as Americans is to denounce torture on all levels, no matter what outside parties are doing.  We are better than that, but many people such as that fascist xanthpi don't think so. 

I'll reiterate what I said in another way.  Never argue with an idiot.  They'll only drop you down to their level and then they'll beat you with experience.
I cnat slpel!!!
Hehe, I agree - but if it's a warning, I havn't begun arguing with him yet (and probably never will)

I'm in this thread to point out that one or two facets of his writing could be improved upon...

LaidBackNinja wrote:

iphtnax wrote:

If you're clever and honest and not a loonie leftie then you'll get it right. If not, you'll end up like that ninja dude.
Hey, whodidwhatnow?
I think I ended up just fine, thank you
And what's the matter? Nothing to respond to me earlier post? Lost your edge?
Maybe you should stick to being a homophobe then.
It appears you got owned, my friend. And in some style

Ninja strikes again.

(To anyone that isn't xanthpi, ignore the arrogance in above post, it's just a little thing between xanthpi and me )
Point out which bits xanthpi missed and I'll answer them for him.
Oh I'm not a homophobe by the way.

Friluftshund wrote:

Yeah - strange how intolerance and bigotry are viewed these days, welcome to the 21st century, and welcome to the forums - stupid
Hi idiot. Calling someone a homo isn't hatred or bigotry. You can take the piss out of things without being anti them.

Friluftshund wrote:

More like wallowing in your deluded little world
Yeah that's right.

Friluftshund wrote:

Sure i could, i'd recieve no response except perhaps a few interested people, do not pretend to know our culture or pull more stuff out of your ass on this subject.
But why would I walk around with a cartoon depicting Muhammed as a terrorist? He isn't...
Muhammad was indeed a terrorist. He was the first Muslim terrorist. Refer to the Hadiths for evidence.

Friluftshund wrote:

Nice interpretation of what I said, wrong - but at least you tried. Not.
Tell me again what I was supposed to have mis-interpreted.

Friluftshund wrote:

i thought I'd coin a phrase: "ass-pulling"; in our discussion this is meant to reference to your recurring lack of interest in backing up your claims with fact - i denote this as "ass-pulling"
I don't need to. A reading of the Qur'an and Hadiths will prove everything I say. Or, if you pay me US$4000 I'll take the time to teach you.

Friluftshund wrote:

Cite a source saying that
I can't remember which site I saw it on. They were waving the Muhammad cartoons and protesting against the incitement to murder and they were arrested for it.

Friluftshund wrote:

Who are you? Kreskin?
I am indeed!

Friluftshund wrote:

I'm both clever and honest. I don't know about "that ninja dude" perhaps he's patiently waiting for you to answer those selected bits you "neglected" to cover.
You're EITHER clever or honest or neither. If you were both, you'd know all about Islam.

Friluftshund wrote:

That's what this is - stupid... Way back you had arguments and (well, not facts, but atleast you contributed something) What you'r doing now, with your clever[/sarcasm] use of rhetorics to try to keep as many people as possible running in circles is stupid.
Instead of them running in circles, I'd prefer them to sit down whilst reading the Qur'an and Hadiths.

Friluftshund wrote:

I hope you care enough about your viewpoint that you stop babbling and try to convince people you'r right - in case you hadn't noticed, most people in here do not think you'r right. Why then are you in the "debate and Serious Talk forum?
It doesn't matter if people think I'm right. The numbers of people becoming educated about Islam is growing. The number in the US has doubled since 911 for instance. If some people fall by the wayside, well they can become dhimmis if they wish. As long as there's enough of us to realise what's going on, we might be alright.
+156|6886|space command ur anus

Friluftshund wrote:

xanthpi wrote:

Friluftshund wrote:

Wake up man!

What kind of evidence? When I find it i wan't you to recognize it, not say: "that's not evidence"...
So - what is good enough for you to constitute evidence?
Just find some evidence. Show me some photos of the torture racks or the thumbscrews or the cigarette burns on the released inmates.

Friluftshund wrote:

And as my fellow Norwegian asked? what actions?
See my post above. Go out there and do some research on your own. I don't save the links of every site I visit. I read them once then move on. Try and take an interest in what goes on in your country outside of what you are told by CNN/ BBC/ [insert mainstream news service here].

Friluftshund wrote:

Can you base what you've said in this entire thread on something other than yourself?
If I was to provide you with access to everything I've learned over the last 5 years since I bothered to find out about Islam for myself we'd be here for 5 more years.

Friluftshund wrote:

Not that you have any credibility with that way you conduct yourself - but what you say could be pulled out of your ass (and in many instances i know it is)
You wouldn't know if I was pulling stuff out of my ass because you don't know anything about Islam. If you did, you wouldn't be here arguing about it.
You don't know what I know or don't know about Islam, your assuming..
You don't know what I know or don't know about my own country, your assuming..
When you state something you prove it, simple as that - otherwise, you'll just have pulled it out of your ass.

And directing my attention towards a bunch of blogs? I wouldn't be surprised if that's where you got your info from as it's horrendously one-sided, and in many places misguiding and wrong.

But hey - whatever floats your boat..
because you read something on an Islam psycho conspiracy page doesnt mean its correct.
if you look on the internet you will find every thing you look for
look here at my little example        http://www.betar.co.uk/articles/betar1072264293.php
saying i read it on the internet so it must be true isn't gonna cut it

Marconius wrote:

Terrorists commit atrocities, so the right-wingers feel that it's perfectly justifiable to bypass the Geneva Convention and basic regards of human rights, "Just to show 'em who's boss!"
How has the Geneva Convention been broken at Gitmo when no POWs are being held there.


Marconius wrote:

They forget that in condoning this, they drop themselves to the level of the insurgents, where the insurgents will beat them with experience.
Yes, because keeping suspected terrorists out of circulation is the same as chopping peoples' heads off and planting bombs in markets squares.

Marconius wrote:

This is not me being an apologist.  My opinion is that America is better than torture, and our very nature as Americans is to denounce torture on all levels, no matter what outside parties are doing.  We are better than that, but many people such as that fascist xanthpi don't think so.
Since when has America tortured anyone at Gitmo?

Marconius wrote:

I'll reiterate what I said in another way.  Never argue with an idiot.  They'll only drop you down to their level and then they'll beat you with experience.
Go get your shinebox. I've pooned every single person who came here so far. Who's next?

herrr_smity wrote:

because you read something on an Islam psycho conspiracy page doesnt mean its correct.
if you look on the internet you will find every thing you look for
look here at my little example        http://www.betar.co.uk/articles/betar1072264293.php
saying i read it on the internet so it must be true isn't gonna cut it
I never saw that site before but it was a good find. I skimmed through it and it seemed to be accurate. Everyone should read it. All the bits I read can be backed up by reference to the Qur'an and Hadiths.
I cnat slpel!!!

iphtnax wrote:

Hi idiot. Calling someone a homo isn't hatred or bigotry. You can take the piss out of things without being anti them.
That's right, you can - but given your attitude here I'd venture to say you wern't "taking the piss"

iphtnax wrote:

Yeah that's right.
Happy thoughts!

iphtnax wrote:

Muhammad was indeed a terrorist. He was the first Muslim terrorist. Refer to the Hadiths for evidence.
Nice interpretation of what I said - Muhammad isn't a terrorist, he's dead...

iphtnax wrote:

Tell me again what I was supposed to have mis-interpreted.
"Let me spell it out for you":
- Xanthpi--> Immigrants show respect for the country that takes them by either staying and adapting or by leaving. The host does not alter to suit the immigrants at the expense of it's original citizens.
- Friluftshund---> By "altering and adapting" we can all learn and be better for it
- Xanthpi---> Yes you're absolutely right. Putting restrictions on free speech is always a good thing. Not.
There is no logical link between being able to learn from others and to putting restrictions on free speech

iphtnax wrote:

I don't need to. A reading of the Qur'an and Hadiths will prove everything I say. Or, if you pay me US$4000 I'll take the time to teach you.
It doesn't work that way, better you realize it now. And your teaching of Islam isn't worth shit.

iphtnax wrote:

I can't remember which site I saw it on. They were waving the Muhammad cartoons and protesting against the incitement to murder and they were arrested for it.
Great, then do a little investigative research and locate where you saw it, because I think your either lying, or there's more to the story than what you claim.

iphtnax wrote:

I am indeed!
Good luck

iphtnax wrote:

You're EITHER clever or honest or neither. If you were both, you'd know all about Islam.

iphtnax wrote:

Instead of them running in circles, I'd prefer them to sit down whilst reading the Qur'an and Hadiths.

iphtnax wrote:

It doesn't matter if people think I'm right. The numbers of people becoming educated about Islam is growing.
define "educated"

iphtnax wrote:

The number in the US has doubled since 911 for instance. If some people fall by the wayside, well they can become dhimmis if they wish. As long as there's enough of us to realise what's going on, we might be alright.
Yeah, we'll be alright - and you'r welcome to follow.
I cnat slpel!!!

iphtnax wrote:

herrr_smity wrote:

because you read something on an Islam psycho conspiracy page doesnt mean its correct.
if you look on the internet you will find every thing you look for
look here at my little example        http://www.betar.co.uk/articles/betar1072264293.php
saying i read it on the internet so it must be true isn't gonna cut it
I never saw that site before but it was a good find. I skimmed through it and it seemed to be accurate. Everyone should read it. All the bits I read can be backed up by reference to the Qur'an and Hadiths.
Except you do precious little referenceing...

Could you by the way, learned as you are, quote me a verse from the Quran stating anything about it being a peaceful religion?
+156|6886|space command ur anus
it was a response to this
You don't know what I know or don't know about Islam, your assuming..
You don't know what I know or don't know about my own country, your assuming..
When you state something you prove it, simple as that - otherwise, you'll just have pulled it out of your ass.

And directing my attention towards a bunch of blogs? I wouldn't be surprised if that's where you got your info from as it's horrendously one-sided, and in many places misguiding and wrong.

But hey - whatever floats your boat..
I cnat slpel!!!

herrr_smity wrote:

it was a response to this
You don't know what I know or don't know about Islam, your assuming..
You don't know what I know or don't know about my own country, your assuming..
When you state something you prove it, simple as that - otherwise, you'll just have pulled it out of your ass.

And directing my attention towards a bunch of blogs? I wouldn't be surprised if that's where you got your info from as it's horrendously one-sided, and in many places misguiding and wrong.

But hey - whatever floats your boat..
Okei, and what was it supposed to mean?

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